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We began analyzing, but it redirected us to The analysis below is for the second page.

Dissection of the Functional Domains of theLeishmania Surface Membrane 3′-Nucleotidase/Nuclease, a Unique Member of the Class I Nuclease Family* - Journal of Biological Chemistry
Class I nucleases are a family of enzymes that specifically hydrolyze single-stranded nucleic acids. Recently, we characterized the gene encoding a new member of this family, the 3′-nucleotidase/nuclease (Ld3′NT/NU) of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania donovani. The Ld3′NT/NU is unique as it is the only class I nuclease that is a cell surface membrane-anchored protein. Currently, we used a homologous episomal expression system to dissect the functional domains of theLd3′NT/NU. Our results showed that its N-terminal signal peptide targeted this protein into the endoplasmic reticulum.

Matching Content Categories {📚}

  • Health & Fitness
  • Education
  • Science

Content Management System {📝}

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No common CMS systems were detected on, and no known web development framework was identified.

Traffic Estimate {📈}

What is the average monthly size of audience?

🏙️ Massive Traffic: 50M - 100M visitors per month

Based on our best estimate, this website will receive around 74,586,588 visitors per month in the current month.

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How Does Make Money? {💸}

We can't figure out the monetization strategy.

The purpose of some websites isn't monetary gain; they're meant to inform, educate, or foster collaboration. Everyone has unique reasons for building websites. This could be an example. might be plotting its profit, but the way they're doing it isn't detectable yet.

Keywords {🔍}

protein, ldntnu, neo, pks, transfected, plasmid, promastigotes, fig, cell, gfp, showed, kda, activity, cells, nucleotidase, results, surface, culture, nuclease, site, lane, cterminal, expressed, rabbit, google, scholar, donovani, shown, western, antibody, pcr, ldntnus, supernatants, pubmed, proteins, gene, enzyme, scopus, sdspage, serum, antildntnuspecific, reactivity, expression, residues, crossref, domain, glycosylation, primer, class, theldntnu,

Topics {✒️}

aa residues ala334-ala335-val336-thr337-ala338-ile339-val340-ala341-val342-ala343-leu344-phe345-ile346-ala347-gly348-ile349-ile350-ile351-ala352-thr353-leu354-val355-val356-leu357-ala358-leu359 aa residues met1-ala2-arg3-ala4-arg5-phe6-leu7-gln8-leu9-leu10-leu11-val12-thr13-leu14-thr15-leu16-leu17-ser18-thr19-ala20-ala21-leu22-pro23-val24-ser25-ala26 met1-ala2-arg3-ala4-arg5-phe6-leu7-gln8-leu9-leu10-leu11-val12-thr13-leu14-thr15-leu16-leu17-ser18-thr19-ala20-ala21-leu22-pro23-val24-ser25-ala26 polymerase chain reaction rabbit anti-ld3′nt/nu-specific serum rabbit anti-ld3′nt/nu-specific antibody anti-ld3′nt/nu c-terminal specific aa residues met1 anti-ld3′nt/nu-specific antibody anti-ld3′nt/nu specific antibody anti- ld3′nt/nu-specific antibody release/secreted ld3′nt/nu possessed anti-ld3′nt/nu specific anti-ld3′nt/nu-specific [pks neo ld3′nt/nusasn−]plasmid ld3′nt/nu gene-deduced protein secondld3′nt/nu-gfp chimeric protein theld3′nt/nu signal peptide theld3′nt/nus signal peptide aa residues ala334 native ld3′nt/nu resulted ld3′nt/nu-gfp chimeric proteins ld3′nt/nu gene encodes [pks neo ld3′nt/nu [pks neo ld3′nt/nus] ld3′nt/nu gene sequence ld3′nt/nu core region mutated ld3′nt/nus sequence theld3′nt/nu gene sequence donovani surface membraneld3′nt/nu truncated ld3′nt/nus protein soluble ld3′nt/nusexpressed protein ld3′nt/nu signals remaining ld3′nt/nu gene constructs [pks neo 3′nt/nu]plasmid gene encoding ld3′nt/nu ld3′nt/nu-expressed protein expressed ld3′nt/nu protein soluble-expressed ld3′nt/nus ld3′nt/nus expressed protein truncatedld3′nt/nu protein lacking ld3′nt/nu proteins expressed endogenousld3′nt/nu protein expressed truncatedld3′nt/nus protein encoded 5′-cca cta gt n-terminal signal peptide anti-gfp-specific antibody expressed ∼38-kdald3′nt/nus proteins ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid-agarose beads asbmb publications journal

External Links {🔗}(254)

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