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An ultrasonic levitation device operable in both ordinary ground‐based as well as in potential space‐borne laboratories is described together with its various a

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      name:Compact acoustic levitation device for studies in fluid dynamics and material science in the laboratory and microgravity
         Non linear dynamics
         Chaotic hypothesis
         Chaos generators
         Chaos control
         Nonlinear dynamics modeling and theories
         Linear stability analysis
         Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld instability
         Briggs-Bers criterion
         Schloegl model
         Chaotic dynamics
         Lorenz system
         Topological mixing
         Frenkel-Kontorova model
         Stability theory
         Nyquist stability criterion
         Orbital stability
         Lyapunov stability
         Nonlinear equations
         Newton-Krylov method
         Nonlinear dispersive equations
         Nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations
         Richards equation
         Riccati equation
         Bass diffusion model
         Hammerstein equation
         Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
         Choquard equations
         Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolsky equation
         Ishimori equation
         Boltzmann-Vlasov equation
         Lienard equation
         Kudryashov method
         Chandrasekhar H-equation
         Sine-Gordon equation
         Vlasov equation
         Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
         Chaotic systems
         Chaotic bands
         Coupled map lattices
         Pseudo-chaotic system
         Rossler attractor
         Chaos computing
         Chaotic maps
         Henon map
         Rauzy-Veech induction
         Exponential map
         Zaslavskii map
         Duffing map
         Ikeda map
         Tinkerbell map
         Bogdanov map
         Gingerbreadman map
         Logistic map
         Baker's map
         Gauss iterated map
         Arnold's cat map
         Kaplan-Yorke map
         Complex squaring map
         Horseshoe map
         Rabinovich-Fabrikant chaotic attractor
         Hadamard's dynamical system
         Coupled oscillators
         Kuramoto models
         Double pendulum
         Rayleigh-Benard chaotic oscillator
         Artin billiard
         Chaotic systems control
         Chaotic oscillator
         Melnikov method
         Quantum chaos
         Gutzwiller formula
         Kicked rotator
         Quantum ergodicity
         Loschmidt echo
         Quantum billiards
         Dynamical systems
         Control theory
         Bellman equation
         Sliding mode control
         Lyapunov equation
         Lyapunov coefficients
         Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction
         Lyapunov exponent
         Nonlinear control theory
         Metric entropy
         Chaos theory
         Chaotic regime
         Chaos stabilization
         FPU model
         Butterfly effect
         Chaotic operation
         Chirikov criterion
         Correlation dimension
         Chaos synchronization
         Quasiperiodic route to chaos
         Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
         Chaos communication
         Edge of chaos
         Renyi dimensions
         Correlation integrals
         Anosov diffeomorphisms
         Chaotic effects
         Detrended fluctuation analysis
         Nonlinear systems
         FitzHugh-Nagumo model
         Nonlinear phenomena and processes
         Wave turbulence
         Henon-Heiles system
         Quantum chemistry
         Molecular mechanics
         Molecular Hamiltonian
         Eckart-Watson Hamiltonian
         Molecular geometry
         Bond angle
         Diabatic states
         Boron cluster
         Excitation approximation
         Diabatic transformation
         Model space diabatization
         Electronic wave function
         Basis sets
         Correlation-consistent basis sets
         Quantum chemical calculations
         Born-Oppenheimer approximation
         Electronic structure
         Energy levels
         Excited states
         Excited state energies
         Rydberg states
         Rydberg series
         Multichannel quantum defect
         Excited state reaction dynamics
         Excitation energies
         Electronic transition
         Quadratic vibronic model
         Dunham expansion
         Dunham coefficients
         Electronic shell
         Zero field splitting
         Roto-translational energy levels
         Quantum confinement
         Quantum size effects
         Discrete energy levels
         Electronic state
         Aufbau principle
         Wave model
         Ionic ground state
         Band theory
         Four-electron harmonium atom
         Level splitting
         Strain induced splitting
         Jahn-Teller distortion
         Pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect
         Pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion
         Landau gauge
         Ligand fields
         Exchange interactions
         Coulomb integral
         Spin-spin interactions
         Nuclear spin-spin couplings
         Heisenberg exchange interaction
         Antisymmetric exchange
         Superexchange interactions
         Intra-atomic exchange
         Landau levels
         Quantum theory of atoms in molecules
         Tight-binding model
         Spin-orbit interactions
         Electric dipole spin resonance
         Spin-free exact two-component theory
         Angular momentum coupling
         Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
         Electronic structure methods
         Muffin tin approximation
         Electronic-structure theory
         Atomic sphere approximation
         Nearly free electron model
         Dirac Fock calculations
         Double many-body expansion method
         Projector augmented wave method
         Gauge including projector augmented-wave method
         Relativistic effects
         Empty lattice approximation
         Electron counting method
         Implant dose
         Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method
         Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent potential approximation
         Orbital-free density functional theory
         Coulson-Fischer theory
         Coulson-Fischer point
         Electronic correlation
         Dynamical correlation
         Explicit polarization method
         Valence and conduction band
         Vienna ab initio simulation package
         Electronic band structure
         Vibrational band structure
         Complex band structure
         Surface states
         Band gap
         Bandgap renormalization
         Electron density
         2D electron density profile measurement
         Allen-Heine-Cardona theory
         Post Hartree Fock methods
         Configuration interaction
         Molecular orbital configuration interaction
         Full configuration interaction
         Multi-reference configuration interaction
         Brillouin theorem
         Iterative configuration interaction method
         Coulomb matrix elements
         Ab initio configuration interaction
         Configuration interaction space
         Coupled-cluster methods
         Hilbert-space multi-reference coupled-cluster method
         Fock-space multi-reference coupled-cluster method
         Coupled-cluster solutions
         Brillouin-Wigner multireference coupled cluster method
         Intermediate Hamiltonian Fock-space coupled cluster method
         Spin-adapted coupled-cluster many-electron theory
         Multireference Brillouin-Wigner coupled-cluster singles and doubles study
         Coupled-cluster singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples
         Coupled-cluster perturbation theory
         Coupled cluster singles and doubles model
         Fock space coupled cluster
         Fock-space open-shell coupled cluster method
         Ab initio perturbation
         Effective potential
         Frozen-core approximation
         Hartree-Fock pseudopotential method
         Generalized pseudopotential
         Effective core potentials
         Sagdeev potential
         k.p perturbation theory
         Relativistic corrections
         Thomas precession
         Molecular orbital theory
         Hund-Mulliken approach
         Pipek-Mezey orbital localization
         Mulliken population analysis
         Mulliken charges
         Electronic configuration
         Geminal-spanning orbitals
         Antibonding molecular orbital
         HOMO and LUMO
         Geminal method
         Frontier molecular orbitals
         Open-shell orthogonal molecular orbital theory
         Linear combination of atomic orbitals
         Huckel methods
         Semiempirical molecular orbital theory
         Semi-empirical quantum chemical method
         Neglect of diatomic differential overlap
         Intermediate neglect of differential overlap
         Complete neglect of differential overlap
         Pariser-Parr-Pople model Hamiltonian
         Pariser-Parr-Pople method
         Modified neglect of diatomic overlap
         Self-consistent field-linear combination of atomic-molecular orbital equations
         Quantum chemistry composite methods
         Fragment molecular orbital method
         Self consistent field methods
         Self-consistent phonon theory
         Fermion determinants
         Multi-configurational self-consistent field
         Complete-active space self-consistent field
         Time-dependent Hartree method
         Restricted active-space self-consistent field method
         Heidelberg multi-configuration time dependent Hartree program
         Generalized self consistent method
         Hartree equation
         Hartree-Fock equation
         Koopmans' theorem
         Roothaan equations
         Hartree-Fock molecular orbitals
         Hartree-Fock calculations
         Flory type self consistent field method
         Delta self consistent field method
         Dipolar self-consistent-field theory
         Dipole-dipole correlation-functions
         Kohn-Sham self consistent field method
         Fock matrix calculation method
         Fock operator
         Coupled Hartree-Fock calculations
         Slater determinant
         Configuration state function
         Slater's rule
         Shielding constants
         Open-shell Hartree-Fock calculations
         Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
         Restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock
         Time-dependent Hartree-Fock method
         Real-time time-dependent Hartree-Fock method
         Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory
         Thomas-Fermi model
         Density functional theory
         Rosenfeld density functional theory
         PW91PW91 density functional theory
         Hohenberg Kohn theorem
         Landau-Ginzburg density functional theory
         Pulay stress
         Dynamic density functional theory
         Time dependent density functional theory
         Kohn-Sham time-dependent density functional theory
         Real-time time-dependent density-functional theory
         Kohn-Sham density functional theory
         Hohenberg Kohn Sham density functional theory
         Weighted density approximations
         Curtin-Ashcroft type weighted density approximation
         Atom-condensed Kohn-Sham density functional theory
         Vibrational properties
         Intermolecular vibrational coupling
         Fundamental measure theory
         White Bear version of fundamental measure theory
         Fukui function
         B3LYP generalized gradient equation
         Adiabatic-connection formalism
         Orsay Trento density functional theory
         Self-consistent charge density-functional based tight-binding
         Becke, three-parameter, Lee-Yang-Parr
         CASPT2 versus density functional theory
         Random phase approximation
         Renormalized adiabatic local-density approximation
         Spin density functionals
         Relativistic spin-density functional theory
         Relativistic exact exchange density functional theory
         Exchange correlation functionals
         Hybrid density functional calculations
         Wang-hybrid density functionals
         Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof hybrid functional
         Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation density functional
         Exchange-enhancement factor
         Numerical atomic orbitals
         Reduced density-matrix functional theory
         Hubbard U corrected density functional theory
         Constrained density functional theory
         Auxiliary density functional theory
         Subsystem density functional theory
         B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ density functional method
         Kohn-Sham equation
         Generalized density functional theory
         Density-functional tight-binding
         Local density approximations
         Local average density model
         Adiabatic local density approximation
         Bagayoko-Zhao-Williams method
         Bagayoko-Zhao-Williams-Ekuma-Franklin method
         Valence bond theory
         Modern valence bond
         Resonance phenomena
         Resonance broadening
         Resonance energy
         Siegert energy
         Nuclear resonance
         Resonance theory
         Resonant states
         Orbital hybridization
         Heitler-London valence bond theory
         Generalized valence bond
         Electron correlation calculations
         Nondynamic correlation effects
         Electron bonding
         Electron localization function
         Correlation energy
         Epstein-Nesbet pair correlation energy
         Computational chemistry
         Atom method
         Rutherford's model
         Polarizable continuum model
         Projection operator imaginary time spectral evolution
         Molecular modelling
         Monte Carlo methods
         Ewald Kornfeld lattice summation equation
         Elastic network model
         Coarse-grain model
         Multiscale coarse-graining method
         Coarse-grained bead-spring chain model
         Accessible surface area
         Anisotropic network model
         Molecular docking
         Docking process
         Shifted-force methods
         Valanis-Landel function
         Force field
         Classical force fields
         Transferable potentials for phase equilibria
         Optimised potential for liquid simulation
         Groningen molecular simulation
         Merck molecular force field
         Chemistry at Harvard Molecular Mechanics
         COSMOS-NMR-hybrid QM/MM force field
         Condensed-phase optimized molecular potentials for atomistic simulation studies
         Consistent force field
         Universal force field
         Water model
         Flexible simple point charge water model
         Extended simple point charge model
         Coarse-grained force fields
         Post-translational modifications
         Virtual atom molecular mechanics
         MARTINI force field
         Polarizable force fields
         Polarizable intermolecular potential
         Computer simulation of molecular structure
         Non-empirical molecular orbital
         Atomic multipole optimized energetics for biomolecular applications
         SP-basis chemical potential equalization
         Sum of interactions between fragments ab initio computed
         Gaussian electrostatic model
         Explicit polarization theory
         Protein force field
         Protein binding interactions
         Implicit solvation
         Tensor contraction engine
         Drude oscillator
         Chemical reaction network theory
         Free energy perturbation
         Chemical space
         Quantitative structure-activity relationship
         Chemical dynamics
         Quantum chemical dynamics
         Chemical reaction dynamics
         Adiabatic chemical dynamics
         Ewald summation
         Real space Ewald summation
         Particle mesh Ewald method
         Molecular dynamics
         Replica exchange method
         Replica-exchange-with-tunneling method
         Conformational dynamics
         Conformational-entropy effect
         Time dependent formulation
         Ab initio multiple spawning
         Atom molecular dynamic simulations
         Chemical structural-dynamics
         Nose-Hoover thermostat
         Non-adiabatic molecular dynamics
         Path integral molecular dynamics
         Position-Verlet algorithm
         Constraint algorithm
         LINCS algorithm
         Constraint molecular dynamics simulations
         Adaptively biased molecular dynamics
         Velocity-Verlet time integration
         QM/MM generalized trajectory based surface hopping method
         Molecular simulations
         oxRNA model
         Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical calculations
         Sklar approximate multicenter electron repulsion formula
         Quantum mechanical calculations
         CAR algebra
         Infinite square well
         Canonical commutation relations
         Equal-time commutation relations
         Relativistic effective core potentials
         Surface hopping
         Generalized trajectory surface-hopping
         Tully's fewest switches surface hopping algorithm
         Brownian dynamic simulations
         Meshless membrane simulations
         Accelerated molecular dynamics
         Andersen thermostat
         Folding dynamics
         Refolding dynamics
         Protein folding
         Coarse-grained simulations
         Protein folding pathways
         Protein dynamics
         Energy landscape theory
         Folding pathways
         RNA folding
         rRNA folding
         DNA folding
         Molecular structural dynamics
         Ab-initio molecular dynamics
         Molecular fluctuations
         Molecular dynamics software
         Chemistry at Harvard Macromolecular Mechanics
         Assisted model building with energy refinement
         Free energy calculations
         Biasing force method
         Accelerated weight histogram method
         Free energy landscapes
         Structural-dynamics studies
         Classical molecular dynamic simulations
         Nose-Hoover chain
         Reactive force field
         Replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation
         Poisson-Boltzmann equation
         Steered molecular dynamics
         Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics
         Visual molecular dynamics
         Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics
         Potential energy surfaces
         Davidson correction
         Distributed multipole analysis
         Ab-initio methods
         High precision ab initio calculations
         Ab-initio modelling
         Ab initio thermodynamics calculations
         Ab initio intermolecular potential
         First-principle calculations
         Ab initio coupled-cluster calculations
         Ab initio electron propagator theory
         Ab-initio softwares
         Moller-Plesset perturbation theory
         Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory
         Ab initio O(N) elongation-counterpoise method
         Ab initio electronic structure calculations
         Spin contamination
         Quantum chemistry computer programs
         Quantum ESPRESSO package
         General lattice utility program
         Atomistic simulations
         Cambridge serial total energy package
         Condensed matter physics
         Condensed matter electronic structure
         Dielectric response functions
         Electron solids
         Anderson localization
         Many electron systems
         Fermi gases
         Narrowband systems
         Magnetic response functions
         Electronic band structure
         Vibrational band structure
         Complex band structure
         Surface states
         Band gap
         Bandgap renormalization
         Electron density
         2D electron density profile measurement
         Thouless energy
         Vibrational states
         Strongly correlated electron systems
         Fermi temperature
         Spin-charge separation
         Work functions
         Drude model
         Surface impurity levels
         Impurity levels
         Chemical impurities
         Fermi surface
         Effective mass
         Localized states
         Lorentz oscillators
         Delocalization processes
         Condensed matter properties
         Thermal transport
         Magnetic resonance
         Optically detected magnetic resonance
         Magnetic double resonance
         Electron nuclear double resonance
         Electron double resonance
         Antiferromagnetic resonance
         Ferromagnetic resonance
         Phase transitions
         Glass transitions
         Cluster phase transitions
         Eutectic system
         Mechanical properties
         Surface strains
         Tensile properties
         Stress strain relations
         Shape memory effect
         Electron reflectivity
         Surface collisions
         Field electron emission
         Ionic conductivity
         Vertical detachment energy
         Density of states
         Transport properties
         Microwave photoconductivity
         Frequency-time-resolved microwave photoconductivity
         Electronic transport
         Electrical mobility
         Electrical conduction
         Electrical resistivity
         Negative resistance
         Spitzer resistivity
         Temperature coefficient
         Tunneling electroresistance
         Electrical conductor
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Pouillet's law
         Electric currents
         Sheath currents
         Current ripple
         Eddy current
         Electrical conductivity
         Electric-field effects
         High field transport
         Mobility edges
         Hopping transport
         Hopping-conductivity models
         Mott variable range hopping
         Surface conductivity
         Diamond surface conductivity
         Dukhin number
         Kubo-Greenwood formula
         Mixed conductivity
         Electron theory
         Conductance quantization
         Coulomb blockade
         Recombination reactions
         Charge recombination
         Ballistic transport
         Ballistic electron transport
         Ballistic electron motion
         Ballistic electron emission microscopy
         Eddy diffusion
         Diffusive energy transport
         Fokker-Planck diffusion
         Anomalous diffusion
         Hydrogen embrittlement
         Diffusion coefficient
         Grain boundary diffusion
         Diffusive momentum transport
         Diffusion rate
         Chemical interdiffusion
         Diffusion barriers
         Rotational diffusion
         Thermal diffusivity
         Retarded osmosis
         Pressure retarded osmosis
         Free-volume theory
         Interface diffusion
         Hole diffusion profile
         Knudsen diffusion
         Tracer diffusion
         Impurity diffusion
         Defect diffusion
         Mass diffusivity
         Diffusion current
         Proton diffusion
         Lattice diffusion
         Thermal conductivity
         Time-domain thermoreflectance
         Mass transfer
         Magnetic properties
         Magnetic susceptibility
         Magnetic susceptibility measurements
         Static properties
         Semiconductor analysis
         Surface photovoltage measurements
         Semiconductor materials
         Semiconductor structures
         Schottky barriers
         Quantum dots
         Depletion approximation
         Organic semiconductors
         Semiconductor heterostructures
         Substitutional doping
         Solid-solubility limit
         Condensed matter phenomena
         Anisotropic interactions
         Excitonic effects
         Hall effect
         Corbino effect
         Quantum Hall effect
         Piezoelectric materials
         Electromechanical coupling coefficient
         Piezoelectric ceramics
         Piezoelectric films
         PZT films
         Conductance fluctuations
         Ferroelectric materials
         Ferroelectric polymers
         Piezoresistive effect
         Poole-Frenkel effect
         Electrostatic screening
         Superconducting magnetic energy storage
         Josephson effect
         Superconductivity models
         Flux pinning
         High temperature superconductivity
         Superconducting films
         Superconducting devices
         Superconducting quantum interference device
         Superconducting proximity effects
         Superconductivity phase diagrams
         Superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunnel junction
         Superconducting compounds
         Superconducting fullerenes
         Superconducting alloys
         Heavy fermion superconductors
         Superconducting metals
         Type II superconductors
         High temperature superconductors
         Type I superconductors
         Inhomogeneous superconductors
         Organic superconductors
         Metal-oxide superconductors
         Stick-slip transition
         Nanocontact spin-transfer oscillators
         Spin Hall effect
         Spin transistor
         Molecular spintronics
         Half metal
         Spin pumping
         Friedel oscillations
         Mpemba effect
         Photostriction effect
         Geometric frustration
         Optico-acoustic effects
         Thermionic emission
         Magnetic flux
         Magnetization dynamics
         Quantum magnetism
         Kondo model
         Magnetic flux quantum
         Einstein-de Haas effect
         Magnetic equipment
         Magnetic ordering
         Inverse magnetostrictive effect
         Magnetic anisotropy
         De Haas-van Alphen effect
         Spin model
         Ising spins
         Heisenberg model
         Magnetic devices
         Spin transport effects
         Magnetic materials
         Diamagnetic materials
         Ferromagnetic materials
         Paramagnetic materials
         Magnetic hysteresis
         Shubnikov-de Haas effect
         Bloch oscillation
         Thermo-dielectric effect
         Exciton dynamics
         Dynamical heterogeneity
         Condensed matter analysis
         Shock compression
         X-ray crystallography
         Density difference maps
         X-ray diffraction
         X-ray scattering
         Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
         Thomson scattering
         Compton scattering
         High resolution X-ray diffraction
         Bragg vector
         Surface X-ray diffraction
         X-ray crystal truncation rod scattering
         Laue crystal analyzer
         Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction
         Weissenberg method
         Ultrafast X-ray diffraction
         Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
         Bragg reflection
         Debye-Scherrer equation
         Crystal orientation
         Crystal structure
         Crystal lattices
         Crystal twinnings
         Crystallographic defects
         Optical crystallography
         Mathematical crystallography
         Powder diffraction
         Sphere packings
         Lattice dynamics
         Lattice vibrations
         Crystalline properties
         Electron backscatter diffraction
         Protein crystallography
         Protein crystals
         Ultrafast time-resolved crystallography
         Thin-film crystallography
         Synchrotron radiation topography
         Wiedemann-Franz law
         Wannier functions
         Einstein model of solids
         Hubbard parameter
         Kohn anomaly
         Glassy dynamics
         Free electron model
         Bloch wave
         Gross-Pitaevskii equation
         Quantum oscillations
         Depth profilometry
         Electrolyte electroreflectance
         Condensed matter theories and models
         Debye model
         Debye frequency
         Debye temperature
         Fermi liquid theory
         Gutzwiller wave functions
         Wilson ratio
         Kohn model
         Lattice models
         Lattice model Monte Carlo simulations
         Bose-Hubbard model
         Bethe lattice
         Anderson impurity model
         T-J model
         Kagome lattices
         Percolation theory
         Voter model
         Cayley tree model
         von Neumann lattices
         Lattice field theory
         Fermion doubling
         Quasi-harmonic approximation
         Effective medium approximation
         Maxwell-Garnett approximation
         Maxwell-Garnett effective medium approximation
         Bruggeman's effective medium approximation
         Maxwell-Garnett type effective medium approximation
         Maxwell-Garnett equation
         Frenkel-Kontorova model
         Dulong-Petit law
         Kronig-Penney model
         Crystal field theory
         Deal-Grove model
         Lindhard theory
         Lindhard function
         Thomas-Fermi screening
         Bloch theorem
         Stoney's formula
         Condensed phases and particles
         Condensed phase systems
         Two-dimensional electron gas
         Topological insulator
         Polar-optical phonons
         Swift heavy ion
         Condensed state of matter
         Plasmon polaritons
         Plasmon oscillations
         Surface plasmon polaritons
         Kretschmann geometry
         Gap surface plasmon polaritons
         Surface plasmon resonance
         Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
         Quantum fluids
         Bose-Einstein condensate
         Topological phases
         Phonon polaritons
         Quantum vortices
         Strongly correlated material
         Correlated electrons
         Soft matter
         Colloidal crystal
         Liquid crystals
         Liquid crystal phases
         Leslie-Ericksen equation
         Chiral liquid crystal
         Sphere phase liquid crystal
         Thermotropic liquid crystals
         Nematic liquid crystals
         Banana shaped liquid crystals
         Lyotropic liquid crystals
         Isotropic liquid crystal
         Cholesteric liquid crystals
         Cholesteryl benzoate
         Columnar phases
         Colloidal systems
         Emulsion applications
         Antifouling coating
         Pickering emulsion
         Oldroyd emulsion model
         Electrokinetic phenomena
         Electrical double layers
         Streaming potential
         Critical micelle concentration
         Speech communication
         Human-computer interaction
         Speech disorder
         Speech perception
         Voice perception
         Cross language speech
         Speech intelligibility
         Electromagnetic articulometer
         Vowel systems
         Articulographic system
         Lombard effect
         McGurk effect
         Speech sounds
         Speech analysis
         Speech processing systems
         Speech recognition
         Speech synthesis
         Speech coding
         Talker recognition
         Speech production
         Speech development
         Vocal tract acoustics
         Human voice
         Vocal folds
         Ultrasonic disintegration
         Ultrasound identification
         Ultrasonics applications
         Ultrasonic weapons
         Picosecond ultrasonics
         Laser ultrasonics
         Ultrasonic energy
         Ultrasonic elastic constants
         Quantum acoustics
         Nuclear acoustic resonance
         Ultrasonic vibrations
         Ultrasonic welding
         Ultrasonic effects
         Ultrasonic Doppler method
         Ultrasonic humidifier
         Ultrasonic cleaning
         Ultrasonic phenomena
         Acousto-optic modulation
         Acousto-optic detection
         Acoustooptical effects
         Geoacoustic profiles
         Ocean geoacoustics
         Geoacoustic inversion
         Geoacoustic parameters
         Animal bioacoustics
         Animal behavior
         Bioacoustics of reptiles
         Marine mammal vocalizations
         Bioacoustics of marine life forms
         Bioacoustics of fish and crustaceans
         Bioacoustics of zooplanktons
         Animal communication
         Cardioid response
         Animal echolocation
         Animal-tracking sonars
         Echolocation targets
         Eustachian tube
         Sensory membranes
         Animal sounds
         Signature whistles
         Bioacoustics of insects
         Echolocating bats
         Bioacoustics of mammals
         Acoustic monitoring of animals
         Auditory capacities and auditory mechanisms
         Acoustic communication
         Bioacoustics of amphibians
         Bioacoustics of birds
         Best excitatory frequencies
         Echolocating marine mammals
         Animal sound production
         Signalling theory
         Bioacoustical effects
         Ultrasonic biological effects
         Bioacoustical properties
         Marine mammal acoustics
         Acoustic ecology
         Structural acoustics
         Structural beam vibrations
         Acoustic-structure interaction
         NASA Langley structural acoustic
         Model reference active structural acoustic
         Nonlinear structural vibrations
         Structural shell vibrations
         Vibration control
         Vibration isolators
         Structural plate vibrations
         Structural vibrations
         Random structural vibrations
         Midfrequency structural acoustics
         Analytical structural acoustics
         Physiological acoustics
         Sound generation
         Hearing impairment
         Auditory prostheses
         Hearing aids
         Cochlear implants
         Responses to sounds
         Head related transfer function
         Sound detection
         Auditory system
         Otoacoustic emission
         Acoustic signal processing
         Acoustic pattern recognition
         Acoustic source detection
         Photoacoustic imaging
         Photoacoustic contrast agents
         Acoustic source localization
         Acoustic microscopy
         Acoustic source tracking
         Acoustic source classification
         Underwater acoustics
         Seismic underwater acoustics
         Acoustic volume scattering
         Underwater acoustical effects
         Sound fixing and ranging channel
         Global scale underwater acoustics
         Underwater acoustic communication
         Fisheries acoustics
         Acoustic deterrent devices
         Hydro acoustic monitoring
         Acoustical oceanography
         Bio-optical multi-frequency acoustical and physical environmental recorder
         Underwater vibrations
         Underwater explosions
         Explosive acoustic sources
         Passive acoustics
         Underwater acoustic positioning system
         Musical acoustics
         Musical sound synthesis
         Musical training
         Music perception
         Music scales
         Musical ensemble
         Computer music
         Music reproduction
         Electronic music
         Musical groups
         Musical instruments
         Musical composition
         Harmonics (music)
         Harmonic mode-coupling
         Monopole harmonics
         Harmonic frequency
         Harmonic interference
         Musical notation
         Musical note
         Octave notation
         Music dynamics
         Consonance and dissonance
         Musical analysis
         Musical sound analysis
         Musical performance
         Whisperings solo piano radio
         Music therapy
         Automatic music recognition
         Musical sound processing
         Acoustical properties
         Speed of sound
         Biomedical acoustics
         Ultrasonic cavitation device
         Cavitation meter
         Ultrasound scanner
         Medical ultrasonography
         High intensity focused ultrasound
         Intravascular ultrasonography
         Acoustic therapy
         Acoustic phenomena
         Psychological acoustics
         Dichotic listening
         Sound discrimination
         Auditory illusion
         Auditory perception
         Loudness perception
         Occlusion effect
         Cochlear amplifier
         Saccular acoustic sensitivity
         Monaural detection
         Sound localization
         Auditory pattern perception
         Auditory memory
         Auditory localization
         Auditory discrimination
         Auditory conceptualising
         Auditory closure
         Auditory sequential memory
         Auditory fatigue
         Binaural hearing
         Binaural psychoacoustic effect
         Precedence effect
         Sound source perception
         Sound perceptual effects
         Auditory phase effects
         Auditory threshold
         Auditory recognition
         Subjective tones
         Auditory grouping
         Auditory processes models
         Engineering acoustics
         Acoustic levitation
         Ionic vibration potential
         Tone control circuit
         Tone controller
         Lumping analysis
         Ionic vibration current
         Acoustic measurements and instrumentation
         Acoustic pyrometer
         Acoustic couplers
         Acoustic techniques
         Acoustic probing
         Guinea and feather apparatus
         Acoustical cleaning
         Acoustic printing
         Macrosonics fields
         Acoustic metric
         Acoustic thawing
         Resonance ring
         Resonance tuning fork
         Ultrasonic droplet ejection
         Acoustical observations
         Signal spectrograms
         Acoustic correlation
         Acoustic impulse measurements
         Acoustic cameras
         Acoustic optical bench
         Acoustic sensors
         Acoustic array systems
         Rayleigh disks
         Ultrasound holography
         Scanning near-field ultrasound holography
         Ultrasonic force microscopy
         Atomic force acoustic microscopy
         Sound level meters
         Acoustic emission testing
         Acoustic remote sensing
         Surface acoustic wave device
         Acoustic spectroscopy
         Ultrasonic range finding
         Acoustic signatures
         Acoustic reflectivity
         Sidescan sonar
         Sonar transducers
         Sonar echoes
         Single-frequency echosounders
         Multifrequency inverted echo sounder
         Multibeam echosounders
         Hydrographic echo sounding
         Doppler sonar
         Active sonar systems
         Passive sonar systems
         Sonar equation
         Passive sonar equation
         Bistatic sonar
         Expendable sonar system
         Acoustic Doppler current profiler
         Sonar receivers
         CHIRP sonar
         Compressed high-intensity radar pulse
         CHIRP sonar technology
         Schock's chirp sonar data
         CHIRP sonar remote sensing
         CHIRP sonar acoustic reflection coefficient
         Acoustic-waveguide sonar
         Acoustic noise measurement
         Sound intensity measurements
         Sound velocity measurement
         Acoustical delay lines
         Acoustic tests
         Quiet flow facility
         Sound production technology
         Voice technology
         Sound-emitting devices
         Multichannel audio
         Acoustic recording
         Acoustic Doppler velocimeter
         Acoustic thermometry
         Sound projection devices
         Acoustic devices
         Acoustic radiators
         Thermoacoustic device
         Acoustooptical devices
         Acoustooptical modulators
         Acoustic transducers
         Tetrahedral speaker system
         Acoustic receivers
         Blumlein pair
         Noise isolation
         Microphone array
         Polycom microphone array
         Electret microphones
         Acoustically active region
         Optical microphone
         Electromagnetic acoustic transducer
         Induction speaker
         Passive radiator
         Acoustical speaker device
         Speaker mounting system
         Speaker technology
         Voice enhancer system
         Acoustic filters
         Bulk acoustic wave filter
         Film bulk acoustic resonator
         Acoustooptical filters
         Acoustical lenses
         Acoustic resonators
         Helmholtz resonator
         Helmholtz cavity
         Tuning forks
         Lamb wave resonator
         Acoustic-resonance technique
         Sound resonator
         Acoustical materials
         Acoustic metamaterial
         Phononic crystal
         Acoustic band gaps
         Acoustic metals
         Sound reflectors
         Sound absorbers
         Acoustical foam panels
         White painted acoustical wall panels
         Acoustical wall coverings
         Acoustic thermometers
         Optico-acoustic characterization
         Acoustic detection techniques
         Magnetoacoustic emission
         Acoustic waveguides
         Acoustic weapons
         Acoustic bullets
         Audio controls
         Audio amplifiers
         Harmonic distortion
         Acoustic holography
         Ultrasonic instruments
         Ultrasonic extensometer
         Ultrasonic motors
         Ultrasonic dental scaler
         South pole acoustic test setup
         Acoustic distortion
         Acoustic interferometer
         Ultrasonic interferometer
         Acoustooptic radiometers
         Acousto-optic sensitivity mapping
         Hydroacoustic current meter
         Air horn
         Acoustic beamforming
         Acoustic impedance measurement
         Acoustic apparatus
         Kundt's tube
         Ultrasonic flowmeter
         Rubens tube
         Acoustic analyzers
         Acoustic spectrum analyzers
         Acoustic impulse analyzers
         Room acoustic analysis software
         Room EQ Wizard REW
         Inertial guidance systems
         Duct acoustics
         Acoustic systems
         Noise barriers
         Broadband active acoustic systems
         Acoustic scattering techniques
         High-frequency acoustic scattering techniques
         Multi-frequency acoustic scattering techniques
         Acoustic telescope
         Audio engineering
         Acoustic vehicle
         Acoustic noise
         Environmental noise
         Noise floor
         Acoustic noise control
         Active noise control
         Acoustic modeling, simulation and analysis
         Acoustic parameters
         Acoustic simulations
         Statistical acoustic models
         Statistical energy analysis
         Physical acoustics
         Linear acoustics
         Patch transfer function
         Transient acoustic radiation
         Ray acoustics
         Acoustic analogies
         Lighthill acoustic analogy theory
         Education in acoustics
         Architectural acoustics
         Echelon effect
         Acoustic damping
         Inter-space noise control
         Building acoustics
         Room acoustics
         Reverberation rooms
         Stationary response of rooms to noise
         Acoustical wall panel
         Acoustic decay curve
         Schroeder frequency
         Sound scattering coefficient
         Room-acoustics modeling
         Sound masking
         Computational room-acoustics
         Room acoustic parameters
         Sound field synthesis in rooms
         Room modes
         Sound transmission class
         Panel damping
         Geometrical acoustics
         Interior space acoustics
         Structure-borne sound
         Acoustic waves
         Acoustic wave propagation
         Grain-shearing theory
         Long-range acoustic propagation
         Transverse ultrasonic waves
         Acoustic propagating energy
         Outdoor sound propagation
         Range dependent acoustic propagation
         Sound penetration
         Acoustic attenuation
         Biot theory
         Biot equations
         Acoustic field
         Helmholtz equation least squares method
         Kirchhoff approximations
         Intense sound waves
         Intense sound sources
         High intensity sound waves
         Acoustic wave refraction
         Whispering gallery wave
         Harmonic waves
         Total harmonic distortion
         Acoustic standing waves
         Radiation-driven acoustic waves
         Surface acoustic waves
         Ultrasonic surface waves
         Rayleigh surface waves
         Rayleigh waves
         Rayleigh wave interaction
         Rayleigh wave velocity
         Acoustic wave velocity
         Acoustic wave diffraction
         Fresnel zone
         Plane acoustic waves
         Dust acoustic waves
         Lamb waves
         Plate waves
         Flexural mode
         Neutral-acoustic waves
         Acoustic wave reflection
         Flexural waves
         Magnetoelectric surface acoustic wave
         Acoustic wave scattering
         Acoustic wave attenuation
         Acoustic cloaking
         Nonlinear acoustics
         Acoustic streaming
         Virtual sound sources
         Sound sound interactions
         Acoustic nonlinearity
         Shock waves
         Chester-Chisnell-Whitham method
         Mach reflection
         Shock dynamics
         Nonlinear acoustical systems
         Acoustic chaos
         Acoustic solitons
         Nonlinear acoustic propagation
         Acoustic radiation pressure
         Acoustic nonlinearity effects
         Acoustical effects
         Keller-Miksis equation
         Crystal sonoluminescence
         Optico-acoustic effects
         Finite amplitude sound
         Acoustic nonlinearity parameters
         Buttiker formula
         Vacuum nanoelectronics
         Ballistic transport
         Ballistic electron transport
         Ballistic electron motion
         Ballistic electron emission microscopy
         Cell microarray
         Antibody microarrays
         Micropillar array
         Antibody arrays
         DNA microarrays
         Cellular microarray
         Electrical properties and parameters
         Electrical resistivity
         Negative resistance
         Spitzer resistivity
         Temperature coefficient
         Tunneling electroresistance
         Current-voltage characteristic
         Contact impedance
         Electrical hysteresis
         Electrical circuits
         Network analyzer
         Vector network analyzer
         Crowbar circuit
         Parallel circuits
         Analog delay line
         Linear circuit
         Two-port network
         Electrical conductor
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Noise generators
         Random noise generator
         Voltage multiplier
         Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
         Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplying circuit
         Electrical components
         Electromagnetic coils
         Tesla coil discharges
         Induction coil
         Rogowski coils
         Tesla coil
         Pancake coils
         Helmholtz coil
         Voice coil
         Maxwell coil
         AC circuit
         Manley-Rowe relation
         Parasitic resistances
         Electrical path
         Printed circuit board
         Network analysis
         Network optimization
         Reciprocity theorem
         Kirchhoff formulas
         Time switch
         Bridge circuit
         Wheatstone bridge circuit
         Wheatstone bridge resistance measurements
         Alternating-current bridge
         Impedance bridging
         Wien bridge
         Vacuum tube bridge
         Switching circuits
         Inline phase change switch
         Thyratron circuit
         Capacitive coupling
         Short circuit
         Interconnection protection
         Copper interconnects
         Graphene electronics
         Vacuum microelectronics
         Field emission displays
         MEMS technology
         Wafer bonding technology
         Eutectic bonding
         Adhesive bonding
         Radio frequency microelectromechanical systems
         Microelectronic devices
         Microelectronic circuits
         Co-fired ceramic
         Low temperature cofired ceramics
         Metallization process
         Copper metallization
         MEMS devices
         Hybrid microelectronics
         Nanoelectromechanical systems
         Surface micromachining
         Excimer laser micromachining
         Oxide etch process
         Etching simulator
         Electrolytic etching
         Cl2 etching
         Atomic-layer etching
         Ion beam etching
         Photoelectrochemical etching
         HF based vapor phase etching
         Buffered oxide etch
         Axially pull-up electrochemical etching
         Catalyst referred etching
         Isotropic wet etching
         F/C ratio
         Plasma-immersion ion implantation
         Afterglow reactor
         Xenon difluoride etching
         Hybrid lithography
         Colloidal lithography
         Field electron lithography
         I-line lithography
         Scanning beam interference lithography
         Diffraction lithography
         Interference lithography
         Laser interference lithography
         Extreme ultraviolet lithography
         Neutral particle lithography
         Stencil lithography
         Nanosphere lithography
         Charged-particle lithography
         Meniscus lithography
         Immersion lithography
         Ion beam lithography
         Ion beam vacuum lithography process
         Helium ion beam lithography
         X-ray lithography
         Synchrotron radiation lithography
         Mask patterning
         Excimer-laser projection lithography
         Contact lithography
         Quantum lithography
         Ultraviolet photolithography
         Resolution enhancement technique
         Phase shift mask
         Deep-ultraviolet lithography
         Subwavelength lithography
         Deep-subwavelength lithography
         Computational lithography
         Optical proximity correction
         Photon sieve
         Imprint lithography
         Flash imprint lithography
         Laser lithography
         Excimer laser lithography
         Multiphoton lithography
         Soft lithography
         Microcontact printing
         Electron beam exposure epitaxy
         Double patterning process
         Electron-beam lithography
         Nanocontact spin-transfer oscillators
         Spin Hall effect
         Spin transistor
         Molecular spintronics
         Half metal
         Spin pumping
         Optoelectronic properties
         Femtosecond-laser hyperdoping
         Optoelectronic devices
         Quantum wire devices
         Optical amplifiers
         Semiconductor optical amplifiers
         Fabry-Perot amplifiers
         Fiber amplifiers
         Laser amplifiers
         Raman amplification
         Tapered amplifiers
         Amplifier laser system
         Fiber optical amplifiers
         Single-mode-fiber amplifiers
         Erbium-doped waveguide amplifier
         Optical isolators
         Faraday isolator
         Detector arrays
         Diode array detector
         Semiconductor photodetectors
         Quantum intersubband photodetectors
         Resonant-cavity enhanced photodetectors
         HgCdTe photodiode
         Silicon photodiode
         Photodiode arrays
         Schottky-barrier photodiodes
         Si/SiGe resonant-cavity photodiodes
         Polymer active devices
         Single-photon avalanche diodes
         Geiger mode
         Multiple quantum well detectors
         Photoconversion efficiency
         Silicon photodiode detector
         Low light level detectors
         Resonant-cavity photodetector
         Infrared photodetector
         Quantum well infrared photodetector
         Quantum efficiency
         QD infrared detectors
         Mercury-cadmium-telluride detector
         Graphene photodetectors
         Single-photon detector
         Bolometric effect
         Terahertz detectors
         Photoelectric cell
         Light emitting diodes
         Light emitting diode materials
         Heterojunction light-emitting diodes
         Organic light emitting devices
         Micromirror devices
         Superluminescent diode
         Quantum well devices
         Organic light-emitting transistor
         Image sensors
         Angle sensitive pixel
         Focal plane arrays
         Charge coupled devices
         IR detector arrays
         Active pixel sensors
         Back-side illumination
         Optical microresonators
         Micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems
         Electronic structural dynamics
         Rapid electrokinetic patterning
         Franz-Keldysh effect
         Optoelectronic applications
         Si/SiO2 Bragg reflectors
         Corona poling
         Photoconductive switch
         Power electronics
         Quantum electronics
         Brus equation
         Quantum wells
         Intersubband plasmons
         Quantum effects
         Quantum coupling
         Quantum electrodynamic effects
         Negative energy states
         Quantum Hall effect
         Fast particle effects
         Quantum point contact
         Wetting layer
         Spin valves
         Pseudo spin valve
         Graphene spin valves
         Quantized conductance
         Conductance quantum
         Electronic devices
         Ballast tubes
         Electronic measurements
         Vacuum cleaner
         Square wave generator
         Current converters
         AC-DC regulator-modulator
         AC radiation converter
         DC-DC power converter
         Buck-boost converter
         DC/DC converter
         Single ended primary inductor converter
         Phase meters
         Memristor devices
         Cathode ray oscilloscope
         Cathode-ray oscillographs
         Mixed-signal oscilloscopes
         Sampling oscilloscope
         Digital oscilloscope
         Digital time intervalometer
         Microwave phase shifters
         Quadrant electrometer
         Character generator
         Frame grabber
         Electrical switches
         Single pole double throw
         Sparkgap switches
         Analog-to-digital converter
         Pulse-code modulation
         Signal conditioning
         Coaxial connectors
         Voltage coaxial connector
         Bus bar
         Universal serial bus
         Piezoelectric devices
         Inertial measurement unit
         Bridge controlled relay circuit
         Data logger
         Split-charge diode
         Time domain reflectometry
         Time-to-amplitude converter
         Grassot fluxmeter
         Coil galvanometers
         Electronic test equipment
         Arbitrary waveform generator
         Environmental stress screening
         Sweep generators
         Signal tracer
         Chime generator
         Electrical equipment
         Null indicator
         Thyristor switched capacitors
         Induction flowmeter
         Capacitance meter
         Solid-state devices
         Femtosecond real-time single-shot digitizer
         Critical fault current
         TV cameras
         Ferroelectric devices
         Digital pulser
         Thermoelectric devices
         Thermoelectric generator
         Thermoelectric motor
         Alkali-metal thermal-to-electric converter
         Electric generators
         Ozone generator
         Alternating current generator
         Diesel generator
         Thermoelectric power generator
         Mega ampere generator for plasma implosion experiments
         Microhydro generator
         Francis hydraulic turbine
         Induction generators
         Fault ride through capability
         Phase generator
         DC power generators
         Impulse generator
         Homopolar generator
         Faraday generator
         Turbine generators
         Turbo expander
         Molecular electronic devices
         Organic semiconductors
         Molecular transport junctions
         Dielectric devices
         Microwave induction heating scheme
         Faraday cage angled-etching
         DC coupler
         Semiconductor devices
         Semiconductor junctions
         Electrical junction
         Ohmic contacts
         Semiconductor heterostructures
         Hybrid silicon heterojunctions
         Hybrid heterojunction silicon wafer
         CuO nanoheterojunctions
         Si/SiGe heterostructure
         P-N junctions
         Junction resistance
         Germanium P-N junctions
         Graphene P-N junctions
         Knee voltage
         SiGe p-n junction
         GaAs heterodiode
         Semiconductor device characterization
         Ion beam mixing
         Electrical characterization
         Junction temperature
         Capacitance voltage profiling
         Bulk semiconductor devices
         Flip chip
         Semiconductor device design
         Gate stack
         Diode model
         Piecewise linear model
         Tunnel diode
         Si interband tunnel diode
         Resonant tunneling diodes
         Tunnel junctions
         Supercurrent tunneling junctions
         Semiconductor diodes
         Metal-oxide-semiconductor diode
         SiC diode structures
         Shockley diode
         Shockley's diode equation
         Zener diode
         Germanium diodes
         RF diode
         Junction diodes
         P-N junction diodes
         Barrier voltages
         Varactor diodes
         Vacuum-tube diode
         Microwave diode
         LiInSe2GaP heterodiodes
         LSA diodes
         Switching diodes
         Point contact diode
         Gas-filled photoelectric cells
         Two-dimensional electron gas
         Thin film transistors
         Digital micromirror device
         Infrared scene projector
         Bypass diode
         Four-terminal devices
         Hall effect sensor
         Semiconductor temperature sensors
         Si semiconductor emitters
         Hot-spot transistor
         Solar cells
         Perovskite solar cell
         Thin film solar cells
         Dye sensitized solar cell
         Silicon solar cells
         Multijunction solar cells
         Photoelectrochemical cells
         Solar cell efficiency
         Organic solar cells
         MOS devices
         Semiconductor switch
         Voltage semiconductor switch
         Silicon avalanche devices
         Semiconductor device defects
         VLSI diagnosis
         Current crowding
         Negative bias temperature instability
         Avalanche diode
         Triode for alternating current
         Semiconductor field effect devices
         Chip carrier
         Film multichip modules
         Thermal diode
         Schottky diodes
         Metal-semiconductor Schottky diode
         Power Schottky diodes
         Schottky emitter
         Point contacts
         Transient-voltage-suppression diode
         PIN diode
         Schottky photodiodes
         Gate-oxide films
         Field effect transistors
         IMPATT diode
         Gunn diode
         Gunn effect
         Semiconductor device modeling
         Digital-to-analog converter
         Vacuum tubes
         Cold cathode X-ray tubes
         Balanced grid voltage
         Triode vacuum tube
         Vacuum cells
         Field emitter arrays
         Si gate field emitter arrays
         Discharge tube
         Mercury discharge tubes
         Gridded vacuum tubes
         Pseudospark thyratron
         Carbon triodes
         Corona triode
         Triode characteristics
         Metal X-ray tube
         Vacuum field effect transistor
         Cavity magnetrons
         Magnetron operation
         Electron multipliers
         Multipactor effect
         Channel electron multipliers
         Traveling-wave tube amplifier
         Slow wave structure
         Backward wave oscillators
         Vacuum diode
         Field emission diode
         Silicon vacuum microdiode
         Smart electronic devices
         Wearable technology
         Attenuator device
         Polymer electronic devices
         Electromagnetic induction
         Linear variable differential transformers
         Inductive coupling
         Oudin coil
         Spintronic devices
         Spin-interference device
         Hybrid Hall devices
         Magnetic memories
         Magnetic tunnel junctions
         Magnetic logic elements
         Magnetic field sensors
         Surge protection
         Roll-to-roll processing
         Time-to-digital converter
         Radiation thermopiles
         Electrical shielding instruments
         Parasitic capacitance
         Electrolytic capacitors
         Pulse capacitors
         Submicron lead zirconate titanate capacitors
         Metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors
         Fin field effect transistor capacitor
         Ferroelectric capacitors
         Film capacitor
         Kelvin vibrating capacitor
         Dynamic voltage restorer
         Display devices
         Electronic circuits
         Pulse generators
         Analog circuits
         RLC circuit
         RC circuits
         Electronic filters
         Series active power filter
         Linear filters
         Electrooptical filters
         Audio amplifiers
         Harmonic distortion
         Optical parametric amplifiers
         Integrated optical amplifiers
         Diode detector
         Electronic coupling
         Mode couplers
         Parametric mode-mode coupling
         Mode coupling instability
         Power supply circuits
         Phase detector
         Circuit theorems
         Signal generators
         Diode arrays
         Integrated circuits
         Chip scale
         Application specific integrated circuit
         Semiconductor circuits
         VLSI devices
         LSI circuits
         VLSI circuits
         Wafer scale integration
         ULSI circuits
         Gigascale integration
         Signal processor
         Digital signal processor
         Monolithically integrated modules
         Moore's law
         Radiofrequency integrated circuits
         Multichip modules
         Monolithic integrated circuits
         Very-large-scale integration
         Charge-induced voltage alteration
         Operational amplifier
         Field-effect transistors operational amplifiers
         Negative impedance converter
         Transimpedance amplifiers
         Divider keyer circuit
         Shallow trench isolation
         Field programmable gate array
         Logic cell
         Silicon chip
         Hybrid integrated circuit
         Hybrid-integrated chip interferometer
         Digital circuits
         Logic gates
         Electronic component
         Interdigital transducers
         Voltage controlled oscillator
         Optical parametric oscillators
         Chaotic oscillator
         Pulse circuits
         Linear continuous time circuits
         Break junction
         Resonator device
         Superconducting microresonators
         Crystal resonators
         Hybrid wave microwave resonators
         Helical resonator
         Love wave resonator
         Electromagnetic cavity
         Microwave cavity
         Resonant microwave cavity
         Cavity resonance
         Electrostatic beam resonator
         Fiber waveguides
         Ring modulator
         Sideband modulator
         Electro-absorption optical modulator
         Pulse width modulator
         Energy policy
         Energy economics
         Energy crisis
         Peak oil
         Electric power blackouts
         Net energy gain
         Energy return on investment
         Energy market
         Energy consumption
         Worldwide energy supply
         Electric energy consumption
         World energy consumption
         Domestic energy consumption
         Energy forecasting
         Annual energy production
         Energy use and applications
         Energy management system
         Average local ionization energy
         Electric incandescent lamps
         Electric lamps
         Candle flame
         Household appliances
         Energy efficient appliances
         Heating and cooling systems
         Cooling capacity
         Steam radiator
         Heating elements
         Induction heater
         Space heating
         Energy-dissipation nanoprobe
         Advanced vehicles
         Vehicle energy storage
         Electric vehicles
         Energy analysis
         Maximum power point tracking
         Energy conservation
         Energy conservation principle
         Energy asymptotics
         Energy conservation indicators
         Minimum energy path problem
         Low energy building
         Zero net energy
         Energy balance
         Energy efficiency
         Sustainable architecture
         Passive cooling
         Energy content
         Theoretical energy analysis
         Energy data
         Energy flow diagrams
         Energy equations
         Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation
         Building energy analysis
         Conceptual energy analysis
         Detailed energy analysis
         Energy model
         Statistical energy analysis
         Energy technology
         Solar thermal technologies
         Solar collectors
         Optical efficiency
         Echelon mirror
         Concentrated solar power
         Energy system
         Hybrid energy system
         Hybrid optimization of multiple energy resources
         Biofuels technology
         Solar cells
         Perovskite solar cell
         Thin film solar cells
         Dye sensitized solar cell
         Silicon solar cells
         Multijunction solar cells
         Photoelectrochemical cells
         Solar cell efficiency
         Organic solar cells
         Photovoltaic effects
         High concentration photovoltaics
         Concentrator photovoltaics
         Integrated energy system
         Wind turbines
         Entrained flow technology
         Energy storage
         Battery materials
         Rechargeable batteries
         Lithium-ion batteries
         Solid-state batteries
         Sodium-ion batteries
         Flow batteries
         Lead acid batteries
         Metal-air batteries
         Atomic batteries
         Betavoltaic device
         Carbon capture and storage
         Hydrogen storage
         Uranium beds
         Fuel cell technology
         Fuel cells
         Proton exchange membrane fuel cells
         Polymer electrolyte fuel cells
         Phosphoric acid fuel cells
         Microbial fuel cell
         Solid oxide fuel cells
         Parasitic capacitance
         Electrolytic capacitors
         Pulse capacitors
         Submicron lead zirconate titanate capacitors
         Metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors
         Fin field effect transistor capacitor
         Ferroelectric capacitors
         Film capacitor
         Kelvin vibrating capacitor
         Superconducting magnetic energy storage
         Battery energy
         Energy recovery
         Energy recycling
         Solar architecture
         Renewable electricity
         Energy conversion
         Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion
         Combined-cycle power plant
         Direct energy conversion
         Thermionic conversion
         Magnetic compression-expansion converter
         Inverse cyclotron converter
         Photoelectric conversion
         Traveling-wave direct energy converter
         Thermoelectric energy conversion
         Energy conversion efficiencies
         Closed-cycle cooling
         Solar energy conversion
         Energy harvesting
         Thermoelectric panels
         Acoustic energy harvester
         Electromechanical coupling coefficient
         Energy tower
         Photoelectrochemical conversion
         Energy forms and sources
         Energy development
         Embodied energy
         Proven reserves
         External energy source
         Energy forms
         Chemical energy
         Atomic energy
         Magnetic energy
         Electrokinetic energy
         Hydrothermal energy systems
         Radiant energy
         Nuclear energy
         Fusion energy
         Aneutronic fusion
         Nuclear electric power
         Kinetic energy
         Mechanical energy
         Green energy
         Electrical energy
         Capacity factor
         Gravitational energy
         Thermal energy
         Thermal efficiency
         Non-renewable energy
         Fossil fuels
         Crude oil
         Gravity drainage
         Unburned hydrocarbons
         Diesel fuel
         Coal technology
         Coal pollution mitigation
         Enhanced coal bed methane recovery
         Coal liquefaction
         Coke samples
         Coal water slurry
         Clean coal technology
         Elastic energy
         Potential energy
         Potential energy landscape approach
         Liquefied petroleum gas
         Non-renewable fuels
         Renewable fuels
         Hydrogen fuels
         Wave energy resource
         Biomass energy sources
         Food wastes
         Agricultural residues
         Agricultural waste
         Forest biomass
         Municipal wastes
         Cellulosic biomass
         Herbaceous plants
         Acanthus ilicifolius
         Industrial wastes
         Aquatic biomass
         Alternative energy
         Alternative energy indexes
         Property assessed clean energy
         Alternative energy economy
         Alternative fuels
         Shale oil
         Seaweed fuel
         Synthetic fuel
         Fusion technology
         Electro-kinetic road ramp
         Biosphere technology
         Liquid nitrogen engine
         Open fuel standard coalition
         Vortex engine
         Energy production, transmission and distribution
         Power plants
         Base load
         Renewable energy power plant
         Solar updraft tower power plant
         Osmotic power plant
         Statkraft osmotic power prototype
         Plant design
         Plant efficiency
         Electric power transmission
         Direct current power transmission
         Grid stability
         Static volt ampere reactive compensator
         Average service availability index
         Electrical grid
         Smart grid
         Energy neutral home system
         Electromagnetic transients program
         Transmission grids
         Wireless power transmission
         Qi (standard)
         Electric power generation
         Droop control
         Combined heat and power
         Combined cycle system
         Electricity generation
         Electric cell
         Microgeneration system
         Alternating current power transmission
         Power distribution systems
         Electric power
         Water-energy nexus
         Renewable energy
         Hydroelectric energy
         Tidal energy
         Wave power
         Methane production
         Gasification systems
         Cofiring systems
         Biomass conversion processes
         Salinity gradient power
         Retarded osmosis
         Pressure retarded osmosis
         Reverse electrodialysis
         Hydrogen energy
         Geothermal energy
         Reservoir engineering
         Imaging fluid flow
         Wind energy
         Sustainable energy
         Solar energy
         Solar power plants
         Boardman Hill solar farm
         Solar combisystems
         Solar furnace
         Solar panels
         Solar concentrators
         Fixed mirror solar concentrator
         Parabolic trough mirrors
         Dish engine systems
         Concentrating collectors
         Hydraulic energy
         General physics
         Thermodynamic equation
         Clausius-Clapeyron relation
         Gibbs Thomson coefficient
         Helmholtz formula
         Thermodynamic methods and models
         Black hole thermodynamics
         Black hole entropy
         Engineering thermodynamics
         Cooling technology
         Electrocaloric effect
         Vacuum cooling
         Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
         Heat pumps
         Heat engines
         Osmotic heat engine
         Combustion engine
         Stirling engine
         Non-combusting heat engines
         Brayton cycle converters
         Nonequilibrium thermodynamics
         Irreversible thermodynamics
         Quantum thermodynamics
         Laws of thermodynamics
         Phase rules
         Dulong-Petit law
         Thermodynamic properties
         Trouton ratio
         Chemical potential
         Electrochemical potential
         Volta potentials
         Donnan potential
         Free energy
         Landauer theory
         Thermal effects
         Laser thermal effects
         Thermomechanical effects
         Thermomagnetic effects
         Thermoelectric effects
         Equilibrium thermodynamics
         Thermodynamic functions
         Classical thermodynamics
         Coupled transport phenomena
         Thermodynamic systems
         Thermodynamic states and processes
         Gibbs states
         Maximum entropy thermodynamics
         Isothermal process
         Polytropic process
         Thermal conductivity
         Time-domain thermoreflectance
         Reversible process
         Equations of state
         Rubin equation
         Heat transfer
         Convective heat transfer
         Forced convection
         Natural convection
         Isenthalpic process
         Interfacial thermal resistance
         Phase equilibrium
         Irreversible process
         Hugoniot curve
         Isentropic process
         Thermodynamic cycles
         Thermal transport
         Joule heating
         Isochoric process
         Isobaric process
         State functions
         Steady state process
         Adiabatic process
         Radiative flux
         Chemical thermodynamics
         Chemical equilibrium
         Nanoscale thermodynamics
         Interface thermodynamics
         Thermodynamic measurements and instrumentation
         Differential scanning calorimetry
         Biological thermodynamics
         Physics of gases
         Ideal gas
         Fundamental physics
         Physical quantities
         Wave mechanics
         Standing waves
         Voltage standing wave ratio
         Wave forms
         Doppler effect
         Poroelastic waves
         Poroelastic wave scattering
         Binary optics
         Diffraction optics
         Fraunhofer diffraction
         Fresnel diffraction
         Fresnel zone
         Diffraction theory
         Kirchhoff scalar diffraction theory
         Kirchhoff's diffraction formula
         Form birefringence
         Electromagnetic interference
         Wave propagation
         Sellmeier equation
         Dispersion function
         Fundamental constants
         Cosmological constant
         Positive cosmological constant
         Negative cosmological constant
         Vacuum catastrophe
         Planck constant
         Classical electromagnetism
         Magnetic potential
         Nonlinear electromagnetics
         Electrical mobility
         Electromagnetic induction
         Faraday's law
         Electromotive force
         Maxwell equations
         FBI mnemonics
         Gauge fixing
         Gribov ambiguity
         Gauge freedom
         Coulomb gauge
         Magnetic fields
         Electric fields
         Electrical insulator
         Dielectric properties
         Relative permittivity
         Electrical conduction
         Electrical resistivity
         Negative resistance
         Spitzer resistivity
         Temperature coefficient
         Tunneling electroresistance
         Electrical conductor
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Pouillet's law
         Electric currents
         Sheath currents
         Current ripple
         Eddy current
         Electrical conductivity
         Electric-field effects
         High field transport
         Mobility edges
         Hopping transport
         Hopping-conductivity models
         Mott variable range hopping
         Surface conductivity
         Diamond surface conductivity
         Dukhin number
         Kubo-Greenwood formula
         Mixed conductivity
         Electron theory
         Conductance quantization
         Electric dipole moments
         Proximity effects
         Magnetic dipole moment
         Covariant formulation
         Electric discharges
         Inductively coupled plasma
         Induction plasma technology
         Corona effect
         Flowing afterglow
         Streamer discharge
         Exploding wire method
         Vacuum arc discharge
         Vacuum arcs
         Cathodic vacuum arcs
         Anodic vacuum arc
         Direct current vacuum arc
         Direct current vacuum arc discharge
         Titanium vacuum arc
         Radiofrequency discharges
         Low field discharges
         Gas discharges
         Magnetoactive discharges
         Penning discharges
         Vacuum spark discharge
         Multipactor discharges
         Coaxial multipactor experiment
         Corona discharge ionization source
         Magnetic susceptibility
         Magnetic susceptibility measurements
         Electromagnetic radiation
         Terahertz radiation
         Terahertz wave spectra
         Ordinate method
         Electromagnetic emissions
         High-speed ferrite microwave
         Microwave radiation
         Microwave sources
         Microwave absorptions
         Microwave emission
         Synchrotron radiation
         Undulator radiation
         Insertion device
         Ionizing radiation
         Bragg peak
         Lyman continuum
         Background radiation
         Electron beam processing
         Visible spectra
         Electromagnetic spectrum
         Ku-band radiation
         Microwave region
         Microwave frequencies
         Ku band
         Radio spectrum
         Super high frequency
         Frequency allocation
         Ultra low frequency
         Near infrared region
         Cherenkov radiation
         Infrared radiation
         Infrared transmission
         Midwavelength infrared waveband
         Ultraviolet light
         Vacuum ultraviolet radiation
         Extreme ultraviolet radiation
         Beta particles
         Electromagnetic scattering
         Radiative transfer
         Gamma rays
         Annihilation radiation
         Whistler waves
         Alpha particles
         Alpha-particle spectroscopy
         Electromagnetic pulse
         Gaussian beam approximation
         Nonionizing radiation
         Bessel beam
         Bessel field
         Ponderomotive force
         Moseley's law
         Hard X-rays
         High-energy X rays
         Ultrafast X-rays
         Black body radiation
         Hawking radiation
         Transition radiation
         Penetration depth
         Electromagnetic hiss
         Plasmaspheric hiss
         Thermal radiation
         RF waves
         Computational electromagnetics
         Numerical electromagnetics code
         T matrix method
         Rigorous coupled-wave analysis
         Theory of relativity
         General relativity
         Anti-de Sitter space
         Quantum gravity
         Twistor functions
         Covariant quantization
         Canonical quantization
         Boson formalism
         Dirac bracket
         Canonical quantum gravity
         Euclidean quantum gravity
         Shape dynamics
         Quantum geometry
         Causal dynamical triangulations
         Loop quantum gravity
         Spin network
         Ashtekar formalism
         Loop quantum cosmology
         Spin foam
         Quantum gravity effects
         Liouville quantum gravity
         Topologically massive gravity
         Quantum gravity theory
         Classical general relativity
         Einstein field equations
         Einstein Maxwell equations
         Relativistic effects
         Frame of reference
         Laboratory frame of reference
         Space-fixed frames of reference
         Body-fixed frames of reference
         Non-inertial frame of reference
         Inertial frame of reference
         Relativistic mechanics
         Relativistic kinematics
         Relativistic four vector
         Relativistic dynamics
         Relativistic aberration
         Relativistic momentum
         Relativistic mass
         Mass-energy equivalence
         Invariant mass
         Relativistic particle dynamics
         Special relativity
         Spacetime physics
         Minkowski space
         Minkowski superspace
         De Sitter space
         Classical mechanics
         Continuum mechanics
         Contact mechanics
         Johnson-Kendall-Roberts theory
         Hertzian contact
         Persson contact mechanics theory
         Velocity gradient tensor
         Continuum mechanics of solids
         Fracture mechanics
         Material fatigue
         Thermo-mechanical fatigue
         Fatigue testing
         Fatigue limit
         Vibration fatigue
         Crack initiation and detection
         Corrosion fatigue
         Mechanical waves
         Plate theory
         Gyration radius
         Structural mechanics
         Base isolation
         Bending moment
         Bending displacement
         Structural analysis
         Stress-strain analysis
         Dynamic amplification factor
         Applied element method
         Mechanical stress
         Compressive stress
         Tensile stress
         Creep behavior
         Compatibility equations
         Anisotropy coefficients
         Prandtl-Reuss equations
         Viscoplastic material
         Norton-Hoff law
         Bingham fluid
         von Mises yield criterion
         Drucker-Prager yield criterion
         Elastic modulus
         Hertz' law
         Elastic-modulus effect
         Rigidity modulus
         Sonic modulus
         Bending modulus
         Hugoniot elastic limit
         Elastic equilibrium
         Elasticity theory
         Eshelby's inclusion
         Eshelby equivalent inclusion method
         Gurtin-Murdoch surface elasticity theory
         Shell theory
         Linear theory of elasticity
         Euler Bernoulli beams theory
         Bernoulli beam equation
         Bernoulli-Euler beam model
         Flexural rigidity
         Bernoulli-Euler hypothesis
         Hooke's law
         Spring constants
         Nonlinear viscoelasticity
         Linear viscoelasticity
         Generalized Maxwell model
         Maxwell model
         Maxwell fluids
         Kelvin model
         Viscoelastic fluid
         Surface viscoelasticity
         Dynamic moduli
         Viscoelastic properties
         Palierne model
         Nonlinear-linear viscoelastic ratio
         Maxwell viscoelastic model
         Viscoelastic effect
         Zener model
         White-Metzner equation
         Hyperelastic materials
         Mooney-Rivlin hyperelasticity model
         Mooney-Rivlin solid
         Shear modulus
         Cubic elastic constants
         Bulk modulus
         Stiffness constant
         Elastic waves
         Shear waves
         Ultrasonic elastic constants
         Material elastic constants
         Lame parameters
         Compressibility modulus
         Linear elasticity
         Cauchy stress tensor
         Cauchy strain tensors
         Beltrami stress tensor
         Stress function
         Spring stiffness
         Elastic stiffness
         Nonlinear Maxwell model
         Birch-Murnaghan equation of state
         Warping function
         Poisson's ratio
         Interface defects
         Rigid body dynamics
         Vibration analysis
         Torsional dynamics
         Many body systems
         Rotational dynamics
         Few body systems
         Analytical mechanics
         Fictitious forces
         Coriolis effects
         Equations of motion
         Lagrangian mechanics
         Laws of friction
         Hamiltonian mechanics
         Hamilton-Jacobi equations
         Molecular Hamiltonian
         Newtonian mechanics
         Newtonian dynamics
         Mechanical systems
         Anharmonic oscillator
         Anharmonicity constants
         Harmonic oscillator
         Celestial mechanics
         N-body problem
         Zero gravity
         Gravitational collapse
         Scalar tensor gravitational theory
         Weyl invariant gravitational equation
         Eotvos experiments
         Newton's gravitational law
         Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory
         Gravity theory
         Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
         Vortex theory
         Optical metric
         Surface gravity
         Gravitational waves
         Specific gravity
         Gravitational radiation
         DGP model
         Le Sage's theory of gravitation
         Gravitational force
         Gravitational fields
         Newton's general gravitational equation
         Central-field approach
         Bertrand theorem
         Kepler orbit
         Eccentricity vector
         Orbits decay
         Heliocentric gravitational constant
         Two-body problem
         Retrograde rotation
         McIntosh-Cisneros-Zwanziger-Kepler system
         Conjugate beam method
         Kinetics and dynamics
         Gyrokinetic simulations
         Multibody system
         Classical dynamics
         Free-body diagrams
         Udwadia-Kalaba equation
         Semiclassical theories
         Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation
         Ray method
         Periodic-orbit theory
         Semiclassical gravity
         General procedures and instrumentation
         Laboratory procedures
         Gyroscope experiment
         Pump probe experiments
         VUV photodissociation pump-VUV photoionization probe method
         Flash photolysis
         X-ray pump-probe experiments
         Pump probe spectroscopy
         Raman pump probe spectroscopy
         Kelvin probe spectroscopy
         Infrared pump probe spectroscopy
         Experiment design
         Sample handling
         Broadband reflectometry
         Laser reflectometry
         Neutron reflectometry
         Spatial dimensions
         Velocity measurement
         Measurement theory
         Climbing grades
         Electric measurements
         Frequency standards
         Acceleration measurement
         Dimensional analysis
         Calibration methods
         Torque measurement
         Rotation measurement
         Units of measurement
         Turbulence measurement
         Attosecond metrology
         Mass measurement
         Force measurement
         Temperature metrology
         Strain measurement
         Frequency measurement
         Stress measurement
         Density measurement
         Force metrology
         Electromagnetic quantity measurement
         Metric conversion
         In situ hybridization
         Testing procedures
         Dynamic load testing
         Coincidence counting
         Impact testing
         Nondestructive testing techniques
         Photoacoustic testing
         Optical testing
         Optical fiber testing
         Guided-wave testing
         Eddy current testing
         Ultrasonic testing
         Laser ultrasonics
         Pulse-echo method
         Magnetic particle inspection
         Electromagnetic testing
         Shock testing
         Quality assurance
         Vibration testing
         Laboratory safety procedures
         Eye protection
         Safety eyeglasses
         Thought experiments
         X-ray back-reflection instrument
         Experimental techniques
         Equipment and apparatus
         Laboratory equipment
         Rotary dryer
         Squid susceptometer
         Energy detector
         Vacuum tube current integrator
         Paddle wheels
         Knudsen pump
         Infrared instruments
         Moire deflectometer
         Construction equipments
         Air compressor
         Radiation therapy equipment
         Underwater instruments
         Vortex tube
         Simple machine
         Szilard engine
         Hysteresis loop tracer
         Electro-magnetic pump
         Speed tachometer
         Peltier cells
         Electromagnetic radiation detectors
         Gamma spectra
         Mass balance
         Control equipment
         Photographic instruments
         Roentgen meter
         Metal gratings
         Blasting caps
         Surface forces apparatus
         Static mixer
         Strand burner system
         Attenuation recorder
         Cylinder apparatus
         Cylindrical mirror analyzer
         Electronic personal dosimeter
         Abel integral inverter
         Fume chambers
         Microwave devices
         Gamma ray instruments
         Gamma ray telescopes
         Energetic gamma ray experimental telescope
         Robotic optical transient search experiment
         Gamma-ray large area space telescope
         Very energetic radiation imaging telescope array system
         Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
         Swift burst alert telescope
         X-ray instruments
         X-ray telescopes
         Roentgen Satellite
         X-ray diffractometers
         Electrical apparatus
         Cloaking devices
         Measuring instruments
         Quartz crystal microbalance
         Thermal instruments
         Low temperature instruments
         Stirling cryocooler
         Low temperature detectors
         Heat switch
         Joule-Thomson refrigerator
         Pulse tube refrigerator
         Refrigeration effect
         Dilution refrigerators
         Helium refrigerator
         AC resistance bridge
         Micro-injection molding machine
         Take-up device
         Air inlet valve
         Air bearing gyroscope
         Gyroscopic forces
         Spin gyroscope
         Butterfly gyroscope
         Light-gas gun
         High pressure instruments
         Diamond anvil cells
         Air pumps
         Drop-tube apparatus
         Adiabatic compression apparatus
         Magnetospheric physics
         Radiation belts
         Van Allen belt
         Outer magnetosphere
         Magnetospheric dynamics
         Plasma sheet
         Energetic trapped particles
         Magnetic storms
         Magnetic substorms
         Magnetosphere interactions
         Magnetic pulsations
         Inner magnetosphere
         Energetic particle precipitation
         Theoretical and computational geophysics
         Spatial analysis
         Spatial effect
         Spatial dependence
         Empirical orthogonal function
         Solid earth geophysics
         Mineralogy and petrology
         Ultra high pressure metamorphism
         Mineral deposits
         Metamorphic petrology
         Igneous petrology
         Flux melting
         Magnetic mineralogy
         Magmatic magnetic minerals
         Sedimentary petrology
         Magnetic petrology
         Magma genesis
         Geological materials
         Berea sandstone
         Rock (geology)
         Meteorite petrology
         Pressure temperature time paths
         Geographic location
         Earthquake dynamics
         Richter scale
         Earthquake predictions
         Earthquake source
         Engineering seismology
         Ground motions
         Base isolation
         Body waves
         Shear waves
         Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
         Geophysical fluid dynamics
         Geologic time scale
         Structural geology
         Atmospheric science
         Weather forecasting
         Atmospheric chemistry
         Greenhouse gases
         Acid rain
         Meteorological instrumentation
         Weather hazard
         Atmospheric physics
         Atmospheric structure
         Atmospheric processes
         Ionospheric physics
         Ionospheric dynamics
         Auroral phenomena
         Ionospheric storms
         Atmospheric radiation
         Greenhouse effect
         Atmospheric composition
         Mineral dust aerosol
         Organic aerosols
         Atmospheric properties
         Energy balance model
         Cloud and fog physics
         Inert atmosphere
         Atmospheric thermodynamics
         Atmospheric dynamics
         Barotropic fluid
         Climate change
         Hydrospheric geophysics
         Biological oceanography
         Marine geology and geophysics
         Hydrological cycles
         Global change
         Global warming
         Effects of global warming
         Regional climate change
         Geographic information systems
         Global navigation satellite system
         Remote sensing
         Atmospheric scattering
         Geospatial grid
         Very high spatial resolution imagery
         Multidimensional spatial data modeling
         Geological period
         Cambrian period
         Geophysical techniques
         Seismic methods and instrumentation
         Seismic inversion
         Seismic tomography
         Electromagnetic methods
         Geophysical instruments
         Electrical resistivity tomography
         Biomolecular tracers
         Urban systems
         Sky view factor
         Soil science
         Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
         Soil conservation
         Soil amendment
         Soil biota
         Soil fertility
         Contour ploughing
         Nonlinear geophysics
         Interdisciplinary physics
         Actuarial science
         Financial economics
         Environmental studies
         Estuarine processes
         Environmental impacts
         Climate change
         Coastal processes
         Equilibrium theory of tides
         Coastal erosion
         Coastal erosion control
         Anthropogenic effects
         Ecological light pollution
         Environmental degradation
         Global environmental monitoring system
         Exposure assessment
         Community modeling
         Environmental modelling and software
         Geographic environmental modeling system
         Geospatial environmental modeling software
         Global warming
         Effects of global warming
         Regional climate change
         Sustainable development
         Natural disasters
         Earthquake dynamics
         Richter scale
         Earthquake predictions
         Earthquake source
         Engineering seismology
         Ground motions
         Environmental regulations
         Man made disasters
         Environmental pollution
         Air pollution
         Greenhouse gases
         Acid rain
         Sulfur compounds
         Organosulfur compounds
         Soil pollution
         Light pollution
         Emission intensity
         Noise pollution
         Water pollution
         Pollution prevention
         Water treatment
         Seawater desalination
         Waste-water treatment
         Recirculation ratio
         Water energy interactions
         Capacitive deionization
         Environmental economics
         General circulation model
         Oil spills
         Popular culture
         Water transportation
         Land transportation
         Air transportation
         Social science
         Social issues
         Social organizations
         Urban development
         Sociology of education
         Policy issues
         Economic issues
         Demographic studies
         Decision support system
         Intelligence sciences informatics
         Information technology
         Information technology management
         Telecommunication networks
         Ring networks
         Information retrieval
         Search engine
         Cyber infrastructure
         Internet of things
         Spatial analysis
         Spatial effect
         Spatial dependence
         Empirical orthogonal function
         Formal logic
         Health informatics
         Human bioinformatics
         Community sciences informatics
         Numerical algorithms
         Philosophy of science
         Inverse-square law
         Scientific inquiry
         Scientific process
         Scientific literacy
         Space science
         Space technology
         Artificial satellites
         Space instruments
         Space probes
         Space technology vehicles
         Space exploration
         Food engineering
         Processed food
         Forensic science
         Digital forensics
         Computer science and technology
         Applied computer science
         Computer graphics
         Bidirectional scatter distribution functions
         Image processing
         Image processing equipment
         Image processing algorithms
         Natural language processing
         Computational semantics
         Semantic web
         Computer aided design
         Cognitive science
         Control systems
         Flywheel governor system
         Servo system
         Feedback control system
         Open plus closed loop control
         Automatic gain control
         Programmable logic controller
         Networked control systems
         DSPACE controller
         Sampled data systems
         Phase lock loop
         Transfer function matrix
         Smith predictor
         Electronic control systems
         Frequency locked loop
         Computer control system
         Real-time process
         Evolutionary computation
         Artificial intelligence
         Face recognition system
         Machine learning
         Hidden Markov models
         Deep learning
         Support vector machine
         Reinforcement learning
         Object recognition and categorization
         Genetic programming
         Feature extraction
         Knowledge engineering
         Knowledge representation
         Knowledge bases
         Human-computer interaction
         Neuromorphic engineering
         Artificial neural networks
         Convolutional neural network
         Computer architecture and engineering
         High performance computing
         Parallel computing
         Hyper-threading technology
         Cellular neural network
         Optimized invocation layer
         Connection machine
         Petascale computing
         Analog computers
         Electronic numerical integrator and computer
         Optical computers
         Digital computers
         Computer applications
         Centralized computing
         Cloud computing
         Computer systems
         Computer utilities
         Hot spare
         Computer security
         Secure attention sequence
         Computer threats
         Trojan horses
         Computer code sammy
         Computer architecture
         Computer hardware
         Nipkow disk
         Computer monitors
         Memory device
         Computer speakers
         Central processing unit
         Perpendicular magnetic recording
         Graphics processing units
         Computer memory operation
         Multi-core processor
         Data storage device
         Disk array
         Memory chips
         Data recording
         Call detail record
         Hard disk drive
         Inductive heads
         Magnetoresistive heads
         Digital versatile disks
         DVD copy protection
         Analog protection system
         Image scanners
         Optical scanning system
         Graphics processors
         Computer memory
         Metallization memory cells
         Semiconductor memories
         Charge trapping flash
         Memory bound function
         Nonvolatile memory
         Magnetic bubble memories
         Bubble domains
         Read-only memory
         Phase change memories
         Racetrack memory
         Phase change memory devices
         Silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon memory cell
         Conductive bridge random access memory
         Volatile memory
         Random access memory
         Magnetic-core memory
         Ferrite core memory
         Static random access memory
         Nonvolatile random-access memory
         Resistive random-access memory
         Dynamic random-access-memory
         Digital integrating computer
         Asymmetric multiprocessing
         Symmetric multiprocessing
         SIMD multiprocessing
         MIMD multiprocessing
         MISD multiprocessing
         SISD multiprocessing
         Flash memory
         Computer interfaces
         User interfaces
         Graphical user interface
         User interface management systems
         Software interfaces
         Geometer's sketchpad
         Application programming interface
         Message passing interface
         Hardware interfaces
         Microcomputer simulation
         Grid computing
         Software engineering
         Computer software
         Theoretical computer science
         Computer programming
         Algorithms and data structure
         Data structure
         Computer analysis
         Logic elements
         Delay lines
         Programming language theory
         Machine language
         Query languages
         Structured query language
         Programming language semantics
         Markup languages
         Hypertext Markup Language
         Timed interactive multimedia extensions
         Standard Generalized Markup Language
         Extensible Markup Language
         Programming languages
         Java API
         Enterprise JavaBeans
         Run-time extensibility
         Engineering science
         Mechanical engineering
         Random vibration
         Helix angle
         Load spectrum analysis
         Mechanical instruments
         Vibration isolators
         Mechanical oscillators
         Torsion spring
         Pendulum system
         Torsion pendulum
         Pendulum equation
         Compound pendulum
         Wilberforce pendulum
         Vehicle technology
         Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis
         Military vehicles
         Automotive electronics
         Transmission electronics
         Chassis electronics
         Engine electronics
         Engine technology
         Backing pressure
         Poppet valve
         Exhaust gas temperature
         Exhaust systems
         Exhaust engine
         Journal exhauster engine
         Journal exhaust thrust
         Piston rings
         Pneumatic valve springs
         Exhaust gas recirculation
         Railway locomotive engine
         Non-road engine
         Piston engines
         Marine propulsion engines
         Steam generator
         Outboard motor
         Vacuum motor
         Spacecraft propulsion engines
         Plasma engine
         Magnetic field oscillating amplified thruster
         Variable specific impulse magnetoplasma rocket
         Rocket engines
         Cold-gas thruster
         Propellant rocket motors
         Expander cycle
         Fission-fragment rocket
         Rocket equation
         Tsiolkovsky rocket equation
         Space propulsion
         Electrochemical propulsion
         Electric propulsion
         Liquid bipropellant rockets
         Rocket motor
         Liquid air cycle engine
         Non-thermal chemically powered motor
         Synthetic molecular motor
         Molecular motor
         Heat engines
         Osmotic heat engine
         Combustion engine
         Stirling engine
         Non-combusting heat engines
         Brayton cycle converters
         Homogeneous charge compression ignition
         Jet engine
         CHP engines
         Aircraft engine
         Three-cylinder spark ignition engine
         Automobile engine
         Brake power output
         Fusion engine
         Physically powered motor
         Hydraulic motor
         Pneumatic motor
         Electric motors
         Commutator motor
         Stepper motors
         Switched reluctance motor
         Torque motor
         AC motor
         Synchronous motor
         Induction motors
         Homopolar motor
         Doubly-fed induction generator
         DC motors
         Motorcycle engine
         Traction engine
         Model engine
         Carnot engine
         Traffic flow model
         Modal analysis
         Modal dynamics
         Braking system
         Electromagnetic brake
         Vacuum check valve
         Dynamical steering effect
         Snow plow
         Gear trains
         Conjugate beam method
         Electrical engineering
         Signal processing method
         Signal-coherence-constrained reduced-rank method
         Signal processing
         Pulse compression
         Pulse compression signal processing techniques
         Pulse compression filter
         Pulse density modulation
         Interdigital transducers
         Frequency modulation
         Pulse width modulation
         Noise floor
         Linear filters
         Electronic noise
         Signal-to-noise ratio
         Nonlinear filter
         Kalman filter
         Linear response
         Digital signal processing
         Digital down converter
         Bilinear transformation
         Adaptive equalizer
         Spectral flux
         Data streams
         Electronic signals
         Maximum likelihood sequence estimation
         Nyquist frequency
         Time-frequency analysis
         Wavelet transform
         Multiresolution analysis
         Wavelet packet decomposition
         Poisson wavelet transform
         Discrete wavelet transform
         Continuous wavelet transform
         Wavelet coefficients
         Orthogonal wavelet
         Gabor wavelets
         Choi-Williams distribution
         Rapid single flux quantum
         Constant fraction triggering
         Boxcar averager
         Quantization effects
         Time-digital conversion
         Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem
         Direct digital synthesis
         Digital filter
         Savitzky-Golay filters
         Discrete cosine transforms
         Nyquist theorem
         Infinite impulse response
         Nonlinear spatial filters
         Electrical circuits
         Network analyzer
         Vector network analyzer
         Crowbar circuit
         Parallel circuits
         Analog delay line
         Linear circuit
         Two-port network
         Electrical conductor
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Noise generators
         Random noise generator
         Voltage multiplier
         Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
         Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplying circuit
         Electrical components
         Electromagnetic coils
         Tesla coil discharges
         Induction coil
         Rogowski coils
         Tesla coil
         Pancake coils
         Helmholtz coil
         Voice coil
         Maxwell coil
         AC circuit
         Manley-Rowe relation
         Parasitic resistances
         Electrical path
         Printed circuit board
         Network analysis
         Network optimization
         Reciprocity theorem
         Kirchhoff formulas
         Time switch
         Bridge circuit
         Wheatstone bridge circuit
         Wheatstone bridge resistance measurements
         Alternating-current bridge
         Impedance bridging
         Wien bridge
         Vacuum tube bridge
         Switching circuits
         Inline phase change switch
         Thyratron circuit
         Capacitive coupling
         Short circuit
         High voltage technology
         Electric power
         Power electronics
         Radiowave and microwave technology
         High-speed ferrite microwave
         Microwave radiation
         Microwave sources
         Microwave absorptions
         Microwave emission
         Microwave holography
         Semiconductor device fabrication
         Printing process
         Focused ion beam
         Chemical mechanical planarization
         Ion implantation
         Electron beam induced current
         Semiconductor growth
         Bridgman-Stockbarger method
         Electromagnetic compatibility
         Power transmission
         Electric power transmission
         Direct current power transmission
         Grid stability
         Static volt ampere reactive compensator
         Average service availability index
         Electrical grid
         Smart grid
         Energy neutral home system
         Electromagnetic transients program
         Transmission grids
         Wireless power transmission
         Qi (standard)
         Electric power generation
         Droop control
         Combined heat and power
         Combined cycle system
         Electricity generation
         Electric cell
         Microgeneration system
         Alternating current power transmission
         Superconducting high power technology
         Superconducting magnets
         Magnetic levitation devices
         Telecommunications engineering
         Television broadcasting
         Wireless communications
         Near field communication
         Amplitude modulation
         Optical communications
         Optical communication systems
         Optical networks
         Broadcast networks
         Network survivability
         Packet switched networks
         Wavelength routing
         Circuit switched networks
         Multicast networks
         Optical signal processing
         Optical wave propagation
         Wavelength division multiplexing
         Radio technology
         Radio broadcasting
         Radio receivers
         Superheterodyne receivers
         Radio transmission
         Frequency-hopping spread spectrum
         Broadband transmission
         Communication satellites
         Front end engineering design
         Electrochemical engineering
         Agricultural engineering
         Precision farming technologies
         Water conservation
         Sluice gate
         Horticulture techniques
         Crop irrigation
         Agricultural resource management
         Fertilizer runoff
         Essential nutrient
         Dietary mineral
         Crop production
         Farm engineering
         Farm machine vision
         Farm operations
         Farm GPS
         Farm management
         Post harvest processing
         Crop processing
         Spent mushroom substrates
         Biofuel production and utilization
         Livestock production
         Animal care
         Animal production
         Dairy animals
         Poultry farming
         Agricultural machinery
         Reservoir engineering
         Imaging fluid flow
         Engineering concepts
         Figure of merit
         Generalized failure rate
         K factor
         Materials genome initiative
         Vacuum technology
         Ultra-high vacuum
         Vacuum evaporation
         Vacuum apparatus
         Vacuum electronic device
         Vacuum systems
         Exploratory engineering
         Dyson-Harrop satellite
         Aerospace engineering
         Torque effect
         Aerospace application
         Spacecraft instruments
         Dual segmented Langmuir probe
         Lanchester-Prandtl wing theory
         Prandtl lifting-line theory
         Transonic swept wings
         Buffet phenomenon
         Shock buffet phenomenon
         Aircraft instruments
         Auxiliary power unit
         Avionics system
         Direction finding
         Navigation system
         Inertial navigation system
         Damping strapdown inertial navigation system
         Rocket science
         Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration
         Radio plasma imager
         Spacecraft artifacts
         Terrestrial Planet Finder
         Space station
         Spacecraft thrusters
         Electrohydrodynamic thruster
         Gas core reactor rocket
         Mass driver
         Mars global surveyor
         Solar probe plus
         Hypervelocity impact
         Space navigation
         Mars excursion vehicle
         Spacecraft communication
         Structural analysis
         Stress-strain analysis
         Dynamic amplification factor
         Applied element method
         Spacecraft propulsion
         Solar sails
         Space elevator
         Ion thruster
         Hall effect thruster
         Beam-powered propulsion
         Space tether
         Momentum exchange tether
         Electrodynamic tether
         Nuclear pulse propulsion
         Bussard ramjet
         Warp drives
         Slingshot effect
         Ram accelerator
         Aircraft design
         Lift-to-drag ratio
         Froude efficiency
         Jet design
         High-lift device
         Vortex generator
         Aviation hazards
         Icing conditions
         Supercooled large droplet
         Supersonic air jet
         Jet planes
         Compressed air vehicles
         Air-powered engine
         Environmental control systems
         Hypersonic aircraft
         Vertical takeoff and landing
         Vomit comet
         Supersonic flight
         Supersonic jets
         Jet liners
         Landing gear
         Launch angle
         Projectile launchers
         Newton trajectories
         Explosive projectiles
         Rocket ballistics
         Model rocket
         Water rockets
         Electrothermal-chemical technology
         Triple coaxial plasma igniter
         Plasma cartridge
         Central-field approach
         Bertrand theorem
         Kepler orbit
         Eccentricity vector
         Orbits decay
         Heliocentric gravitational constant
         Two-body problem
         Retrograde rotation
         Space environment
         Space environment effects
         Precision engineering
         Precision measurements
         Climate engineering
         Shubnikov-de Haas effect
         Low temperature instruments
         Stirling cryocooler
         Low temperature detectors
         Heat switch
         Joule-Thomson refrigerator
         Pulse tube refrigerator
         Refrigeration effect
         Dilution refrigerators
         Helium refrigerator
         AC resistance bridge
         Cooling technology
         Electrocaloric effect
         Vacuum cooling
         History of science
         History of experiments
         History of chemistry
         History of science and technology
         History of energy
         History of physics
         History of knowledge
         Information and communication theory
         Random number generation
         Coding theory
         Data science
         Delta compression
         Data sets
         Data visualization
         Data analysis
         Particle data analysis
         Data compression
         Data processing
         Data mining
         Noisy data
         Analog transmission
         Data management
         Data storage and retrieval
         Holographic storage
         Optical storage systems
         Magnetooptical devices
         Faraday filter
         Near field optical recording
         Optical disks
         Compact discs
         Compact disc-recordable
         Optical storage recording materials
         Parallel readout
         Optical recording
         Data acquisition
         Communications theory
         Social networks
         Database management system
         Relational database management systems
         IUPAC-NIST solubility data
         Multiple input multiple output
         Information theory entropy
         Astronomy and astrophysics
         Theoretical astrophysics
         Astrophysical simulations
         Flux tubes
         High energy density physics
         Fluid cosmology
         Modern cosmology
         Philosophical cosmology
         Physical cosmology
         Zurek-Kibble mechanism
         Quantum cosmology
         Relativistic cosmology
         Kantowski-Sachs metric
         Inflationary models
         Origin of the Universe
         Big Bang Theory
         Hubble expansion
         Inflationary universe
         Galaxy evolution
         Large scale structure of the universe
         Cosmic voids
         Zeldovich pancake
         Large quasar groups
         Hubble's law
         Chaplygin gas
         Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model
         Randall-Sundrum model
         Cosmological model
         Dark matter
         Weakly interacting massive particles
         Dark energy
         Cosmological constant
         Positive cosmological constant
         Negative cosmological constant
         Vacuum catastrophe
         Observational cosmology
         Extrasolar radiation
         Cosmic gamma ray sources
         Comptel experiment
         Gamma ray bursts
         Cosmic radio sources
         Cosmic X-ray sources
         X-ray bursts
         Cosmic IR sources
         Cosmic rays
         Cosmic background radiations
         Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
         Cosmic infrared background
         Cosmic microwave background
         Solar physics
         Solar atmosphere
         Solar transition region
         Solar photosphere
         Solar corona
         Solar chromosphere
         Solar neutrinos
         Solar neutrino problem
         Solar activity
         Solar properties
         Solar mass
         Solar rotation
         Solar composition
         Solar irradiance
         Solar magnetic fields
         Solar zenith
         Solar magnetism
         Solar interior
         Solar electromagnetic emission
         Solar ultraviolet emission
         Solar radio emission
         Solar gamma ray emission
         Solar X-ray emission
         Solar wind
         Poynting-Robertson effect
         Interdisciplinary astronomy
         Historical astronomy
         Orion constellation
         Galactic archaeology
         Theoretical astronomy
         Mach principle
         Celestial mechanics
         N-body problem
         Zero gravity
         Gravitational collapse
         Scalar tensor gravitational theory
         Weyl invariant gravitational equation
         Eotvos experiments
         Newton's gravitational law
         Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory
         Gravity theory
         Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
         Vortex theory
         Optical metric
         Surface gravity
         Gravitational waves
         Specific gravity
         Gravitational radiation
         DGP model
         Le Sage's theory of gravitation
         Gravitational force
         Gravitational fields
         Newton's general gravitational equation
         Central-field approach
         Bertrand theorem
         Kepler orbit
         Eccentricity vector
         Orbits decay
         Heliocentric gravitational constant
         Two-body problem
         Retrograde rotation
         McIntosh-Cisneros-Zwanziger-Kepler system
         Fundamental astronomy
         Astronomical units
         Stellar distances
         Astronomical events
         Astronomical coordinate system
         Celestial coordinate system
         Hour angle
         Azimuthal angle
         Equatorial coordinates
         Astronomical catalogs
         Galaxy survey
         Sky surveys
         Observational astronomy
         Optical astronomy
         Ultraviolet astronomy
         Astronomical observatory
         National Virtual Observatory
         Space telescope
         Goddard high resolution spectrograph
         Hubble telescope
         Sigma imaging telescope
         X-ray telescopes
         Roentgen Satellite
         Radio telescopes
         Solar telescope
         Optical telescopes
         Galilean telescope
         Reflecting telescopes
         Atomic mirror
         Parabolic dish reflectors
         Schmidt telescopes
         Refracting telescope
         Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
         Keplerian telescope
         Livermore optical transient imaging system
         Balloon-borne telescope
         Ultraviolet telescopes
         Gamma ray telescopes
         Energetic gamma ray experimental telescope
         Robotic optical transient search experiment
         Gamma-ray large area space telescope
         Very energetic radiation imaging telescope array system
         Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
         Swift burst alert telescope
         VLT survey telescope
         Ground telescopes
         Infrared telescopes
         NASA Spitzer Space Telescope
         Coronagraphic imaging
         X-ray astronomy
         X-ray scattering
         Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
         Thomson scattering
         Compton scattering
         Spherical astronomy
         Gamma ray astronomy
         Gamma-ray line astronomy
         Radio astronomy
         Speckle imaging
         Fabry-Perot interferometers
         Holographic interferometry
         Holographic interference microscopy
         Laser vibrometry
         Laser Doppler imaging
         Laser interferometry
         X-ray laser interferometry
         Heterodyne laser interferometry
         Doppler interferometry
         Gravitational wave astronomy
         Radar astronomy
         Pierre Auger Observatory
         Stellar luminosities
         Solar luminosity
         Luminosity distance
         Eddington luminosity
         Infrared astronomy
         Near infrared astronomy
         Stellar spectral lines
         Neutrino astrophysics
         Stellar colors
         Astronomical instruments
         Spacecraft instruments
         Dual segmented Langmuir probe
         Spider instrument
         Astronomical interferometer
         Very-long-baseline interferometry
         Intensity interferometer
         Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect
         Atacama large millimeter array
         Space instruments
         Space probes
         Space technology vehicles
         Artificial satellites
         Meteoric ablation simulator
         Solar instruments
         Sun sensor
         Visible astronomy
         Astronomical spectroscopy
         Collisional excitation
         Lyman alpha forest
         Radio spectroscopy
         Very large telescope spectroscopy
         Doppler spectroscopy
         Spectral imaging
         Hyperspectral imaging
         Thermonuclear experimental reactor active beam spectroscopy
         AKARI and spatially resolved spectroscopy
         Extragalactic astronomy
         Density wave theory
         Galaxy clusters
         Gravitational lenses
         Distribution of galaxies
         Luminous arcs
         Galactic processes
         Counter-rotating core
         Galaxy formation
         Galaxy rotation curves
         Galactic properties
         Galactic nucleus
         Active galactic nucleus
         Host galaxies
         Milky Way Galaxy
         Solar neighborhood
         Milky Way structure and properties
         Milky Way motion and processes
         Interacting galaxies
         Galaxy pairs
         Galaxy mergers
         Galaxy collisions
         Galactic tides
         Galaxy population
         Galaxy group
         Nearby galaxies
         Magellanic Clouds
         Galaxy classification systems
         Galactic plane
         Planetary atmospheres
         Atmospheric escape
         Jovian atmospheres
         Planetary magnetospheres
         Planetary ionospheres
         Planetary evolution
         Terrestrial planets
         Gas giants
         Dwarf planets
         Solid surface planets
         Planet like objects
         Planetary magnetism
         Planetary magnetic fields
         Planetary impacts
         Planetary rotational dynamics
         Planetary fluid dynamics
         Planetary volcanism
         Planetary systems
         Exoplanetary systems
         Infrared excess stars
         Circumstellar disks
         Extrasolar planets
         Extrasolar planetary motion
         Exoplanet challenges formation models
         Extrasolar planet detection
         Satellite systems
         Planetary composition
         Martian soil
         Planetary rings
         Planetary surfaces
         Planetary ices
         Planetary interiors
         Shock wave experiments
         Planetary orbital dynamics
         Kepler's laws
         Perihelion precession
         Orbital resonance
         Kirkwood gap
         Kepler's laws of planetary motion
         Planet formation
         Stellar evolution
         Astronomical objects
         Late stellar evolution
         Stellar astronomy
         Stellar population
         Saha ionization equation
         Stellar structure and properties
         Early stellar evolution
         Protoplanetary nebula
         Precision spectroscopy
         Star formation
         Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism
         Jeans instability
         Star evolution
         Kennicutt-Schmidt relation
         Cygnus-X region
         Stellar systems
         Stellar dynamics
         Stellar kinematics
         Hypervelocity stars
         Schwarzschild metric
         Stellar phenomena
         Earth occulations
         Stellar aberration
         Stellar associations
         Scorpius-Centaurus association
         OB associations
         Stellar clusters
         Star cluster
         Open clusters
         Globular clusters
         Interstellar medium
         Stellar jets
         Bipolar outflows
         Interstellar scattering centers
         Interstellar clouds
         Milky Way bubble
         Interstellar material
         Intercloud medium
         Interstellar emissions
         Solar system
         Dynamics of solar system
         International celestial reference frame
         Interplanetary physics
         Pickup ions
         Titius-Bode law
         Planetary bow shocks
         Solar energetic particles
         Magnetic clouds
         Solar wind termination
         Copernican systems
         Kepler system
         Solar system bodies and objects
         Outer-planet exploration
         Planetary satellites
         Uranian satellites
         Jovian satellites
         Galilean moons
         Martian satellites
         The Moon
         Saturnian satellites
         Neptunian satellites
         Trans Neptunian objects
         Solar system planets
         Mars missions
         Polar orbit
         Venus exploration
         Solar transit
         Colorado scale-model
         Solar system dwarf planets
         Kardashev scale
         Termination shock
         Stellar bow shocks
         Solar tracking system
         Binary stars
         X-ray binaries
         Symbiotic binaries
         Close binaries
         Relativistic binaries
         Visual binaries
         Eclipsing binaries
         Roche lobe
         Spectroscopic binaries
         Cataclysmic binaries
         Variable stars
         Flare stars
         UV Ceti
         R Coronae Borealis variables
         FU Orionis
         Long-period variable star
         Emission line stars
         Wolf Rayet stars
         Luminous blue variables
         Supernova impostor
         Be type stars
         Beta Cephei variables
         Beta Cephei
         Eruptive variables
         Peculiar variable stars
         SX Phoenicis variables
         Cepheid variables
         RR Lyrae variables
         RV Tauri variables
         Stellar distribution
         Star system
         Star counts
         Protoneutron stars
         Giant stars
         Delta Delphini
         Compact stars
         Degenerate stars
         Dwarf stars
         Red dwarfs
         Subdwarf stars
         Brown dwarfs
         Neutron stars
         Neutron star matter
         Neutron star crust
         Neutron star properties
         Crab pulsar
         Neutron star cores
         Stellar remnants
         Black holes
         Black hole thermodynamics
         Black hole entropy
         Peculiar stars
         S type stars
         Relativistic stars
         Chemically peculiar stars
         Stellar spectral classification
         Color magnitude diagram
         Hertzsprung Russell diagrams
         Quark stars
         Helium stars
         Pre main sequence objects
         Young stellar objects
         Planetary nebulae nuclei
         Main sequence stars
         Low luminosity stars
         Faint blue stars
         Blue stragglers
         Galactic novae
         Nova shells
         Nova explosions
         Recurrent novae
         Dwarf novae
         Materials science
         Solid state chemistry
         Materials fabrication
         Metal deposition
         Spin cast method
         Ion implantation
         Thin film deposition
         Focused ion beam
         Vapor deposition
         Vapor phase deposition
         Ion beam vapor deposition
         Physical vapor deposition
         Pulsed laser deposition
         Sputter deposition
         Magnetron sputtering
         Chemical vapor deposition
         Atomic layer deposition
         Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition
         Spin coating
         Liquid phase deposition
         Electron beam-induced deposition
         Photoresist deposition
         3D printing
         Optical fabrication
         Diamond machining
         Solidification process
         Materials and material systems
         Eutectic system
         Quantum solids
         Crystalline solids
         Silicon crystal
         Monatomic crystals
         Polycrystalline material
         Weyl semimetal
         Chalcogenide crystals
         Semiconductor crystals
         Random media
         Magnetic solids
         Solid media
         Complex solids
         Organic solids
         Disordered solids
         Viscoelastic materials
         White-Metzner fluids
         Piezoelectric materials
         Electromechanical coupling coefficient
         Piezoelectric ceramics
         Piezoelectric films
         PZT films
         Emulsion applications
         Antifouling coating
         Pickering emulsion
         Oldroyd emulsion model
         Conducting polymers
         Conductive polymer composites
         Dye doped polymers
         Light emitting diode materials
         Binders change
         Mesoporous material
         Natural materials
         Hybrid materials
         Permeable materials
         Radioactive material
         Porous media
         Electrical conductor
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Composite materials
         Metallic solids
         Metallic materials
         Nonlinear optical materials
         Organic optical materials
         Optical polymers
         Kerr media
         Photorefractive materials
         Nonlinear optical crystals
         Periodically-poled lithium niobate
         Potassium titanyl phosphate crystals
         Cesium lithium borate crystals
         Acousto-optical elements
         Potassium titanyl phosphate
         Thermal nonlinear materials
         Optical materials
         Photoconductive materials
         Fluorescent materials
         Microwave photoconductivity
         Frequency-time-resolved microwave photoconductivity
         Optical metamaterials
         Light sensitive materials
         Liquid crystals
         Liquid crystal phases
         Leslie-Ericksen equation
         Chiral liquid crystal
         Sphere phase liquid crystal
         Thermotropic liquid crystals
         Nematic liquid crystals
         Banana shaped liquid crystals
         Lyotropic liquid crystals
         Isotropic liquid crystal
         Cholesteric liquid crystals
         Cholesteryl benzoate
         Columnar phases
         Electrooptical materials
         Laser materials
         Laser glasses
         Dielectric materials
         Resistive switching
         Dielectric properties
         Relative permittivity
         Whisker crystals
         Refractory materials
         Layered double hydroxides
         Energetic materials
         Electrothermal-chemical technology
         Triple coaxial plasma igniter
         Plasma cartridge
         Ceramic materials
         Artificial materials
         Smart materials
         Nanochannel glass materials
         Amorphous materials
         Amorphous solids
         Glass dynamics
         Viscous liquid
         Viscous fingering
         Glass transitions
         Glassforming technique
         2D materials
         Glass composite
         Micellar systems
         Carbon based materials
         Ferroelectric materials
         Ferroelectric polymers
         Fiber suspension
         Dumbbell suspensions
         Magnetic materials
         Diamagnetic materials
         Ferromagnetic materials
         Paramagnetic materials
         Magnetic hysteresis
         Organic materials
         Thermal interface material
         Foam insulation
         Fibrous gels
         Silica gel
         Low molecular weight gelling agents
         Gel point
         Polyacrylamide hydrogel
         Alginate hydrogels
         Nickel foam-graphene
         Hydrogel capsule
         Collagen gels
         Granular materials
         Semiconductor materials
         Semiconductor structures
         Schottky barriers
         Quantum dots
         Depletion approximation
         Topological insulator
         Microscale materials
         Ductile material
         Superhard materials
         Microporous membrane
         Pyrolytic carbon
         Metal foams
         Giant magnetoimpedance materials
         Thermoelectric materials
         Photonic materials
         Photonic crystals
         Thin films
         Thin film growth
         Electroluminescent thin films
         Strongly correlated material
         Bubbly liquids
         Liquid structure simulation
         Inorganic liquids
         Liquid metals
         Molecular liquids
         Low-density liquid
         Nonmetallic liquids
         Organic liquids
         Acetic acid
         Associated liquids
         Liquid noble gases
         Materials analysis
         Electroluminescence microscopy
         Scanning spreading resistance microscopy
         Centrifuge force microscopy
         Thermal expansion-recovery microscopy
         Expansion recovery microscopy
         Field emission microscopy
         Video microscopy
         Video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy
         Scanning confocal electron microscopy
         Scanning helium ion microscopy
         Quantum microscopy
         Scanning Auger microscopy
         Two photon fluorescence light microscopy
         Two-photon excitation microscopy
         Scanning tunneling microscopy
         Photon scanning tunneling microscopy
         Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian method
         Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
         Scanning transmission ion microscopy
         Scanning probe microscopy
         Magnetic resonance force microscopy
         Speed scanning probe microscopy
         Resonance force microscopy
         Atomic force microscopy
         Scanning Hall probe microscopy
         Scanning thermal microscopy
         Ballistic electron emission microscopy
         Optical beam deflection
         Fluidic force microscopy
         Hole emission microscopy
         Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy
         Scanning SQUID microscopy
         Microwave impedance microscopy
         Strain microscopy
         Magneto-optical microscopy
         Kerr microscopy
         Fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy
         Brewster angle microscopy
         Reflection interference contrast microscopy
         Wavelengths reflectance microscopy
         Dark field microscopy
         Dark-field electron microscopy
         Raman spectroscopy microscopy
         X-ray microscopy
         Intermediate voltage electron microscopy
         Multiphoton microscopy
         Two-photon fluorescence microscopy
         Photocurrent microscopy
         Surface plasmon microscopy
         Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy
         Lateral force microscopy
         Digital holographic microscopy
         Differential interference contrast microscopy
         Optical microscopy
         Laser beam scanning microscopy
         Subwavelength imaging
         Confocal microscopy
         Three dimensional microscopy
         Scanning microscopy
         Photothermal microscopy
         Interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
         Solid immersion lens
         Phase contrast microscopy
         Fluorescence microscopy
         Raman microscopy
         Electron microscopy
         Lorentz transmission electron microscopy
         Reflection electron microscopy
         High-resolution electron microscopy
         Cryogenic electron microscopy
         Transmission electron microscopy
         Photoemission electron microscopy
         Analytical electron microscopy
         Voltage transmission electron microscopy
         Scanning electron microscopy
         Emission microscopy
         Acoustic microscopy
         Field ion microscopy
         Atom-probe field ion microscopy
         Kelvin probe force microscopy
         Laser microscopy
         Bright field microscopy
         Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
         Scanning ion conductance microscopy
         Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy
         Interference microscopy
         Surface plasmon resonance microscopy
         X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy
         Lorentz microscopy
         Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
         Pump-probe microscopy
         Magnetic force microscopy
         Electron crystallography
         Nondestructive testing techniques
         Photoacoustic testing
         Optical testing
         Optical fiber testing
         Guided-wave testing
         Eddy current testing
         Ultrasonic testing
         Laser ultrasonics
         Pulse-echo method
         Magnetic particle inspection
         Electromagnetic testing
         Physical radiation effects
         Electromagnetooptical effects
         Electron radiation effects
         Photomechanical effect
         Atom irradiation effects
         Radiation damage
         Gamma ray effects
         X-ray effects
         Infrared radiation effects
         Beam heating effects
         Molecule irradiation effects
         Neutron radiation effects
         Ultraviolet radiation effects
         Ion radiation effects
         Electron beam induced current
         X-ray diffractometers
         Materials theory
         Forward recoil spectrometry
         Differential scanning calorimetry
         Gas-liquid chromatography
         Electron diffraction
         Material characterization methods
         Dielectric thermal analysis
         Ion beam induced charge
         Phase identification
         Photoemission of adsorbed xenon
         Optico-acoustic characterization
         Low-angle laser light scattering
         Ion beam analysis
         Focused ion beam microscopy
         Thermal analysis
         Frequency domain thermoreflectance
         Thermogravimetric analysis
         Differential thermal analysis
         Neutron scattering
         Elastic neutron scattering
         Neutron spin-echo
         Surface photovoltage measurements
         Microthermal analysis
         Raman scattering
         Optical imaging
         Super resolution microscopy
         Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
         Photoacoustic imaging
         Photoacoustic contrast agents
         Speckle imaging
         Coherence imaging
         Electron stimulated desorption
         Electrical resistivity tomography
         Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy
         Neutron depth profiling
         Heavy-ion elastic recoil detection analysis
         Surface analysis techniques
         Electrophoretic light scattering
         Thermoacoustic tomography
         X-ray standing wave technique
         Electron induced desorption
         Fluorescence lifetime imaging
         Backscatter Kikuchi diffraction
         Thermomechanical analysis
         Mechanical testing
         Mechanical stress
         Compressive stress
         Tensile stress
         Proof mass
         Surface morphology
         Ion induced X-ray analysis
         Ultra small-angle X-ray scattering
         Adhesion testing
         Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
         Ion microprobe mass analyzer
         Failure analysis
         Particle-induced X-ray emission
         Materials imaging
         Nuclear magnetic resonance
         Magnetic resonance imaging
         Electron beam imaging
         Terahertz imaging
         Coded aperture imaging
         Time resolved imaging
         Submillimeter wave imaging
         Atom imaging
         Fractional anisotropy
         Neutron imaging
         Neutron tomography
         X-ray topography
         Infrared imaging
         Photoelectron imaging
         Three dimensional sensing
         Three dimensional image processing
         Holographic optical elements
         Holographic interferometry
         Holographic interference microscopy
         Laser vibrometry
         Laser Doppler imaging
         Holographic storage
         Digital holography
         Microwave holography
         3D microwave imaging reflectometry
         AFM-Raman bioimaging
         Wavelength thermography
         Ultrasonic thermography
         Image perception
         Photoacoustic tomography
         Cryo-electron tomography
         Ultra-high speed imaging
         Ion momentum imaging
         Absorption imaging
         Chemical imaging
         Time domain topological energy
         Gamma ray imaging
         Full spectral imaging
         Laser imaging
         Femtosecond electron shadow
         Strain gauge
         Exchange spectroscopy
         X-ray Raman scattering
         Magnetic induction tomography
         Inert gas fusion method
         Optically detected magnetic resonance
         X-ray diffuse scattering
         Nuclear reaction analysis
         Solid immersion mirror
         Resistivity measurements
         Analytical chemistry
         Molecular beam spectroscopy
         Photon-echo spectroscopy
         Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy
         Carbon K edge spectroscopy
         Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Double resonance spectroscopy
         Infrared-ultraviolet double resonance spectroscopy
         Nuclear Overhauser effect
         Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy
         Broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Solid state NMR spectroscopy
         Covariance nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Ultrafast two dimensional NMR spectroscopy
         Electron spin resonance-electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy
         Spin-echo spectroscopy
         Frequency swept magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy
         Applied spectroscopy
         Action spectroscopy
         Depolarized Rayleigh spectroscopy
         Near field spectroscopy
         Femtosecond near-field optical spectroscopy
         Thermal infrared near-field spectroscopy
         Broadband photodielectric spectroscopy
         Correlation spectroscopy
         Laser correlation spectroscopy
         Photon correlation spectroscopy
         Homodyne photon correlation spectroscopy
         Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
         X ray photon correlation spectroscopy
         Inter-intramode correlation spectroscopy
         Ferromagnetic resonance
         Thermal desorption spectroscopy
         Spin noise spectroscopy
         Reflectance-difference spectroscopy
         ZnSe/GaAs interface reflectance difference spectroscopy
         In situ reflectance difference spectroscopy
         Surface charge spectroscopy
         Beta-ray spectroscopy
         Electron spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
         Photoelectron spectroscopy
         Scanning photoemission microscopy
         Picosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Laser photoelectron spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         UV photoemission spectroscopy
         High-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet-soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         High-resolution threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Femtosecond time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
         Femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photo-ion spectroscopy
         Photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
         Electrospray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Photoelectron emission spectroscopy
         Core level photoemission spectroscopy
         Core level shifts
         In situ synchrotron based photoemission spectroscopy
         Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         In situ synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
         Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
         Electron energy loss spectroscopy
         High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Electron magnetic circular dichroism
         Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger-electron appearance potential spectroscopy
         X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger analysis
         Auger effect
         Auger electron depth-profile spectroscopy
         Micro Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger depth profiling
         Electron-impact spectroscopy
         Electron coincidence spectroscopy
         Electron beam spectra
         Self-excited electron resonance spectroscopy
         Surface electron spectroscopy
         Energy electron spectroscopy
         Hot electron spectroscopy
         Electron momentum spectroscopy
         Meson spectroscopy
         Dicke effect
         Absorption spectroscopy
         Surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy
         Mossbauer absorption spectroscopy
         Optical absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband optical absorbance spectroscopy
         Flash absorption spectroscopy
         Absorption line
         Saturated spectroscopy
         Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
         Diode laser absorption spectroscopy
         Electronic absorption spectroscopy
         Differential optical absorption spectroscopy
         Laser absorption spectroscopy
         Saturated absorption spectroscopy
         Doppler free high resolution laser spectroscopy
         Sub Doppler laser spectroscopy
         VUV laser absorption spectrometer system
         Sub Doppler direct infrared laser absorption spectroscopy
         Two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy
         Stark absorption spectroscopy
         FT absorption spectroscopy
         Wavelength modulation absorption spectroscopy
         Atomic absorption spectroscopy
         Innershell absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared absorption spectroscopy
         UV-visible spectroscopy
         UV-visible absorption
         Picosecond absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transition state absorption spectroscopy
         Modulation spectroscopy
         Frequency modulation spectroscopy
         Wavelength modulation spectroscopy
         Electric field modulation spectroscopy
         Femtosecond intraband modulation spectroscopy
         Modulation excitation spectroscopy
         Laser modulation spectroscopy
         Transmission spectroscopy
         Spectral imaging
         Hyperspectral imaging
         Phase lag spectroscopy
         Scattering spectroscopy
         OH stretch inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectroscopy
         Inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy
         Femtosecond light scattering spectroscopy
         Helium backscattering spectroscopy
         Hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy
         Lifetime spectroscopy
         Bichromatic crossover spectroscopy
         Mechanical spectroscopy
         In situ mechanical spectroscopy
         Real frequency mechanical spectroscopy
         Electric modulus spectroscopy
         Single molecule spectroscopy
         Sum frequency generation spectroscopy
         Broadband vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy
         SFG probe spectroscopy
         Vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
         Sum vibrational frequency spectroscopy
         Electronic sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
         Picosecond sum frequency generation spectroscopy
         Picosecond electrical spectroscopy
         Polarization spectroscopy
         Doppler free polarization spectroscopy
         Infrared polarization spectroscopy
         Femtosecond Raman induced polarization spectroscopy
         Doppler free laser polarization spectroscopy
         Stark polarization spectroscopy
         Vibrational spectroscopy
         Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy
         Overtone vibrational spectroscopy
         Electron vibrational spectroscopy
         Time-resolved surface vibrational spectroscopy
         In situ surface vibrational spectroscopy
         Local vibrational mode spectroscopy
         Microwave spectroscopy
         Luminescence spectroscopy
         Optical luminescence spectroscopy
         Photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
         Laser photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet photoluminescence imaging spectroscopy
         Picosecond time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Resonance spectroscopy
         Trapped ion spectroscopy
         Photon dissociation spectroscopy
         Proton energy loss spectroscopy
         Muon spin spectroscopy
         Diode laser spectroscopy
         Capacitance spectroscopy
         Optical-isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy
         Electrochemical isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy
         Schottky capacitance spectroscopy
         Photodissociation spectroscopy
         Reststrahlen effect
         Reststrahlen frequency
         Condensed matter spectroscopy
         Piezoelectric spectroscopy
         Crystal field spectroscopy
         Ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy
         Ultrafast differential transmission spectroscopy
         Matrix isolation spectroscopy
         Inner-shell spectroscopy
         Boron K-shell spectroscopy
         Zero-field spin splitting
         Photoelectron yield spectroscopy
         Mossbauer spectroscopy
         Backscatter Mossbauer spectroscopy
         Acoustic attenuation spectroscopy
         Spectro-chemical analysis
         X-ray spectrochemical analysis
         Admittance spectroscopy
         Optical admittance spectroscopy
         Laser photoionization spectroscopy
         Ultrafast laser spectroscopy
         Ultrafast pump probe spectroscopy
         Transient optical absorption
         Transient grating spectroscopy
         Transient reflecting grating spectroscopy
         Laser transient grating spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy
         Ultrafast core-loss spectroscopy
         Spectral line shape
         Lorentzian broadening
         Rydberg equation
         Rydberg transitions
         Forbidden transition
         Optogalvanic spectroscopy
         Temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy
         Temperature programmed desorption
         Raman spectroscopy
         Raman ξ function dispersion method
         Raman scattering spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet micro-Raman spectroscopy
         Nano-Raman spectroscopy
         Ultra-low frequency Raman spectroscopy
         Stokes shift
         Anti-Stokes fluorescence
         Laser Raman spectroscopy
         Matrix isolation laser Raman spectroscopy
         Raman optical activity
         Resonance Raman optical activity spectroscopy
         Surface enhanced Raman optical activity spectroscopy
         Raman spectral imaging
         Attenuated-total-reflection Raman spectroscopy
         Resonance Raman spectroscopy
         Resonance Raman excitation
         Rotational-Raman spectroscopy
         Raman microprobe spectroscopy
         Reflectance anisotropy
         Triplet state spectroscopy
         Steady state spectroscopy
         Selection rule
         Electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy
         Photothermal deflection spectroscopy
         Transverse photothermal beam deflection technique
         Piezoresponse force spectroscopy
         Piezoresponse force microscopy-switching spectroscopy
         Hypernuclear spectroscopy
         Surface electromagnetic wave spectroscopy
         Reflectance spectroscopy
         Infrared reflectance spectroscopy
         Photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy
         Fourier transform infrared reflectance spectroscopy
         Near-infrared spectroscopy
         Bragg spectroscopy
         Bragg crystal spectrometer
         Ion dip spectroscopy
         UV ion dip spectroscopy
         IR plus vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Laser optogalvanic photodetachment spectroscopy
         Emission spectroscopy
         Gaussian broadening
         Beam emission polarimetry
         Band emission
         Optical emission spectroscopy
         Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
         Laser excited emission spectroscopy
         Collisional broadening
         Weisskopf-pressure broadening
         Terahertz emission spectroscopy
         Emission coefficient
         Ion cyclotron emission spectroscopy
         Electron impact emission spectroscopy
         Analytical emission spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling microscope light emission spectroscopy
         X-ray emission spectroscopy
         Atomic emission spectroscopy
         Inverse photoemission spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet inverse photoemission spectroscopy
         Hook spectroscopy
         In beam spectroscopy
         Fourier transform spectroscopy
         VUV Fourier-transform spectrometer
         Michelson spectrograph
         Molecular beam Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy
         High resolution nonlinear optical spectroscopy
         Hole burning spectroscopy
         Four wave mixing spectroscopy
         Two-color resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy
         Perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy
         Perturbed angular distribution spectroscopy
         Kelvin photovoltage spectroscopy
         Ion scattering spectroscopy
         Direct recoil spectroscopy
         Ion impact spectroscopy
         Coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy
         Electric field modulation nanospectroscopy
         Far infrared spectroscopy
         Synchrotron far infrared spectroscopy
         Soret band
         Landau level spectroscopy
         Industrial spectroscopy
         Autodetachment spectroscopy
         Diode laser autodetachment spectroscopy
         Terahertz spectroscopy
         Wideband photomixing spectroscopy
         Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
         Waveguide terahertz time domain spectroscopy
         Terahertz reflection spectroscopy
         Broadband terahertz spectroscopy
         Terahertz transmission spectroscopy
         Terahertz absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared spectroscopy
         Infrared photodissociation spectroscopy
         IR-laser induced vibrational dissociation spectroscopy
         Attenuated total reflection
         Hagen-Rubens relationship
         Tunable diode laser-infrared spectroscopy
         High resolution spectroscopy
         High-resolution coherent three-dimensional spectroscopy
         Sub Doppler high resolution spectroscopy
         High resolution photoassociation spectroscopy
         Rayleigh's criterion
         Organic spectroscopy
         Spectral hole burning
         Mechanical spectral hole burning
         VUV action spectroscopy
         Phonon spectroscopy
         Phonon sideband spectroscopy
         Resonance acoustic-phonon spectroscopy
         Acoustic resonance spectroscopy
         Nonlinear impact resonance acoustic spectroscopy
         In situ conductance spectroscopy
         Oscillator strengths
         Nonlinear spectroscopy
         Picosecond nonlinear spectroscopy
         Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy
         Fourth-order nonlinear spectroscopy
         Electron ion coincidence spectroscopy
         Frequency swept spectroscopy
         Appearance potential spectroscopy
         Raman microspectroscopy
         Laser micro Raman spectroscopy
         Vibronic spectroscopy
         Vibronic transitions
         Supersonic jet spectroscopy
         Photocurrent spectroscopy
         In situ photocurrent spectroscopy
         Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Visible spectroscopy
         Collision spectroscopy
         Rotational-vibrational spectroscopy
         Josephson broadband spectroscopy
         Nernst glower
         High-magnetic field spectroscopy
         Photoionization spectroscopy
         Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
         Scintillation spectroscopy
         Multiple quantum spectroscopy
         Isomeric shift
         Infrared transmission spectroscopy
         Rotational spectroscopy
         N2 rotational spectroscopy
         Centrifugal distortion
         Centrifugal distortion constant
         Thermally stimulated current spectroscopy
         Multiphoton spectroscopy
         Brillouin spectroscopy
         Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Laser spectroscopy
         Kerr lens spectroscopy
         Collinear laser spectroscopy
         Laser analytical spectrochemistry
         Superheterodyne light beating spectroscopy
         Carbon dioxide laser spectroscopy
         Laser predissociation spectroscopy
         Far-infrared laser sideband spectroscopy
         Near-infrared laser spectroscopy
         Gas phase laser spectroscopy
         Laser excitation spectroscopy
         Excimer laser spectroscopy
         Color center laser spectroscopy
         Chemical reaction jet spectroscopy
         Anderson original line broadening
         X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray Raman spectroscopy
         X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
         Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
         Electron energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy
         Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
         Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy
         Synchrotron X ray spectroscopy
         Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray powder spectroscopy
         X-ray absorption spectroscopy
         Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
         Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
         X-ray absorption fine structure
         Surface extended X-ray absorption fine structure
         X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Ultrafast X ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Multiple photoelectron scattering
         Energy X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
         Angular resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         In situ angular resolved X ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Charge compensation
         Soft X ray photoemission spectroscopy
         Picosecond X ray spectroscopy
         X-ray continuum emission spectroscopy
         X-ray scattering spectroscopy
         In situ small angle X-ray scattering spectroscopy
         X-ray fluorescence
         X-ray diffraction spectroscopy
         High resolution X ray spectroscopy
         Time resolved X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray excited optical luminescence spectroscopy
         Dark-field spectroscopy
         Doppler shift spectroscopy
         Stark spectroscopy
         Infrared laser Stark spectroscopy
         Laser Stark spectroscopy
         Stark effect spectroscopy
         Emission Stark spectroscopy
         Optical Stark spectroscopy
         Force spectroscopy
         Dynamic force spectroscopy
         Force-clamp spectroscopy
         Crystal spectroscopy
         Imaging spectroscopy
         Force curve imaging spectroscopy
         RCF imaging spectroscopy
         Photoelectron imaging spectroscopy
         Magnetic particle imaging spectroscopy
         Video spectroscopy
         Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
         Electrochemical strain microscopy time spectroscopy
         Dielectric spectroscopy
         Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy
         Broadband dielectric spectroscopy
         Broadband time domain reflectometry dielectric spectroscopy
         Time domain dielectric spectroscopy
         Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars polarization
         Broadband multi-interferometer spectroscopy
         Photothermal microspectroscopy
         Reflection spectroscopy
         Andreev reflection spectroscopy
         Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy
         In situ reflection spectroscopy
         Hadron spectroscopy
         B-hadrons spectroscopy
         Baryon spectroscopy
         Operando spectroscopy
         Alpha-particle spectroscopy
         Gamma ray spectroscopy
         High precision gamma ray spectroscopy
         Gamma spectra
         Far-infrared photoconductive magnetospectroscopy
         Terahertz magnetospectroscopy
         Hyperfine spectroscopy
         Brewster angle spectroscopy
         Electron tunneling force spectroscopy
         Pyrolysis jet spectroscopy
         Integrated magnetic spectroscopy
         Beam foil spectroscopy
         Fast-beam spectroscopy
         Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy
         Charge coupled device spectroscopy
         Point-contact spectroscopy
         In situ tunneling spectroscopy
         Laser desorption jet cooling spectroscopy
         Specific heat spectroscopy
         Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
         Guided ion beam mass spectrometry
         Surface spectroscopy
         Semiconductor surface spectroscopy
         Rydberg spectroscopy
         Zero electron kinetic energy spectroscopy
         Multichannel quantum-defect theory assisted Rydberg spectroscopy
         Photoinduced Rydberg ionization spectroscopy
         Thermal admittance spectroscopy
         Schottky-junction thermal admittance spectroscopy
         Positron annihilation spectroscopy
         Radiofrequency spectroscopy
         Electron transmission spectroscopy
         Absorption band
         Werner and Lyman bands
         Hartley band
         Pump probe spectroscopy
         Raman pump probe spectroscopy
         Kelvin probe spectroscopy
         Infrared pump probe spectroscopy
         Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
         Ultra-high spin spectroscopy
         Charged particle spectroscopy
         Thomson parabola particle spectroscopy
         Deep level transient spectroscopy
         Inductance deep level transient spectroscopy
         Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy
         Optical deep level transient spectroscopy
         Nanoscale band gap spectroscopy
         Jet spectroscopy
         Neutron spectroscopy
         Time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy
         Neutron capture spectroscopy
         Fast neutron spectroscopy
         Lineshape spectroscopy
         Homodyne spectroscopy
         Time resolved spectroscopy
         Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
         Transient-absorption spectroscopy
         Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
         XUV transient absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband ultraviolet visible transient absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond extreme ultraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy
         Picosecond-to-nanosecond spectroscopy
         Time-correlated single photon counting
         Diode laser transient absorption/gain spectroscopy
         Optical-fiber based single-shot picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
         Time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy
         Two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy
         Asynchronous optical sampling
         Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy
         Edge spectroscopy
         Core level spectroscopy
         Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Time resolved electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Orotron EPR spectroscopy
         Transient electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Fourier transform-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy
         Pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Microwave EPR spectroscopy
         Gas phase electron resonance spectroscopy
         X-band electron spin resonance spectroscopy
         Electric resonance spectroscopy
         Plasma spectroscopy
         Magnetohydrodynamics spectroscopy
         Alfven spectroscopy
         Laser induced plasma spectroscopy
         Quantum-optical spectroscopy
         Quantum dot spectroscopy
         Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
         Coherent spectroscopy
         Femtosecond nonlinear coherence spectroscopy
         Femtosecond rotational Raman coherence spectroscopy
         Coherent anti Stokes Raman scattering
         Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
         Coherent Stokes-Raman spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling spectroscopy
         Electron tunneling scanning probe spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling spectroscopy spectra
         Laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Laser magnetic resonance rotational spectroscopy
         Fluorescence spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet fluorescent spectroscopy
         Frequency domain fluorometry
         Laser fluorescence spectroscopy
         Laser induced fluorescence
         Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy
         Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
         Picosecond fluorescence depletion spectroscopy
         Ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy
         Total internal reflection fluorescence spectroscopy
         Femtosecond fluorescence depletion spectroscopy
         Upconversion fluorescence spectroscopy
         Single vibronic level fluorescence spectroscopy
         Laser ablation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
         Zeeman anisotropy fluorescence spectroscopy
         Dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy
         Island divertor spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet spectroscopy
         UV photofragment spectroscopy
         UV-VUV synchrotron radiation spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy
         VUV spectroscopy
         ITER-prototype VUV spectroscopy
         Extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy
         Speckle spectroscopy
         Electroabsorption spectroscopy
         Near-infrared electroabsorption spectroscopy
         Ion spectroscopy
         Ion-mobility spectrometry
         Ar predissociation spectroscopy
         Ion neutralization spectroscopy
         Ion momentum spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet-visible-Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy
         Ionization spectroscopy
         Laser ionization spectroscopy
         Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy
         Mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy
         Resonance ionization spectroscopy
         Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy
         Cavity ring-down spectroscopy
         Cavity ring-down laser absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet cavity ringdown spectroscopy
         Laser diode cavity ring down spectroscopy
         Millimeter wave spectrum
         Spin wave spectroscopy
         Optical spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy
         Optical transmission spectroscopy
         Faraday rotation spectroscopy
         Light beating spectroscopy
         Optical extinction spectroscopy
         Broadband frequency comb spectroscopy
         Total internal reflection-thermal lens spectroscopy
         Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Diffusing wave spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic generation spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic spectroscopy
         SHG spectroscopy
         Light scattering spectroscopy
         Optical deep-level spectroscopy
         Circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Millimeter-wave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         High-resolution optical spectroscopy
         Optical-optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Microwave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional electronic photon-echo spectroscopy
         Optical wave light spectroscopy
         Ultrafast nonlinear subwavelength solid immersion spectroscopy
         Dynamic spectroscopy
         Glow discharge optical spectroscopy
         Diffuse optical spectroscopy
         Coherent multidimensional optical spectroscopy
         Photofragment spectroscopy
         Photofragment translational spectroscopy
         Ultrafast time resolved ion photofragmentation spectroscopy
         Photofragment emission yield spectroscopy
         Laser photofragment spectroscopy
         Kerr effect spectroscopy
         Heterodyne spectroscopy
         Electrical impedance spectroscopy
         Photothermal spectroscopy
         Photothermal detection
         Deep level photothermal spectroscopy
         Isochromat spectroscopy
         Wet chemistry
         Microscale chemistry
         X-ray crystallography
         Density difference maps
         X-ray diffraction
         X-ray scattering
         Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
         Thomson scattering
         Compton scattering
         High resolution X-ray diffraction
         Bragg vector
         Surface X-ray diffraction
         X-ray crystal truncation rod scattering
         Laue crystal analyzer
         Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction
         Weissenberg method
         Ultrafast X-ray diffraction
         Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
         Bragg reflection
         Debye-Scherrer equation
         Crystal orientation
         Crystal structure
         Crystal lattices
         Crystal twinnings
         Crystallographic defects
         Optical crystallography
         Mathematical crystallography
         Powder diffraction
         Sphere packings
         Lattice dynamics
         Lattice vibrations
         Crystalline properties
         Electron backscatter diffraction
         Protein crystallography
         Protein crystals
         Ultrafast time-resolved crystallography
         Thin-film crystallography
         Debye-Huckel equation
         Particle size analysis
         Laser diffraction
         Laser diffraction pattern
         Dynamic light scattering
         Evanescent wave dynamic light scattering
         Gravimetric analysis
         Electroanalytical chemistry
         Electroanalytical methods and devices
         Anodic stripping voltammetry
         Linear sweep voltammetry
         Cyclic voltammetry
         Ultra-micro electrode
         Chemical speciation
         Analytical laboratory techniques
         Neutron activation analysis
         X-ray reflectivity
         Fourier transformation cyclotron resonance spectrometry
         Time delay spectrometry
         Neutral mass spectrometry
         Beta spectrometry
         Scattering and recoiling imaging spectrometry
         Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
         Mass spectrometry
         Laser ionization mass spectrometry
         Collision-induced dissociation
         Fragmentation technique
         Quadrupole mass spectrometry
         Gas phase neutral mass spectrometry
         Time-of-flight method
         Picosecond mass spectrometry
         Daughter ion mass spectrometry
         Taylor cone
         Time resolved mass spectrometry
         Electron impact ionization
         Molecular beam mass spectrometry
         Beam modulation mass spectrometry
         Tandem mass spectrometry
         Electron transfer dissociation
         Infrared multiple photon dissociation
         IR multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy
         Isotope mass spectrometry
         Thermal ionization mass spectrometry
         Marcus unimolecular fragmentation
         Laser mass spectrometry
         Fourier transform mass spectrometry
         Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
         Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
         Surface ionization detector
         Ion mass spectrometry
         Helium ion mass spectrometry
         Aerosol matrix assisted laser desorption/Ionization time of flight mass spectrometry
         Flowing-afterglow mass spectrometry
         IR laser desorption/tunable synchrotron VUV photoionization mass spectrometry
         Electron impact mass spectrometry
         Photoionization mass spectrometry
         Residual gas analysis
         Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
         Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
         Excimer laser ablation mass spectrometry
         Mass-analyzed ion kinetic-energy spectrometry
         Reflectron mass spectrometry
         Plasma desorption mass spectrometry
         Secondary neutral mass spectrometry
         Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry
         Knudsen cell mass spectrometry
         Threshold ionization mass spectrometry
         Ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
         Electrospray droplet impact
         Neutral density attachment mass spectrometry
         Time of flight mass spectrometry
         Photon time of flight spectroscopy
         H-atom Rydberg time-of-flight spectroscopy
         Molecular-beam time-of-flight spectroscopy
         Tandem time of flight mass spectrometry
         Positronium time of flight spectroscopy
         Mass spectrography
         Spark source mass spectrography
         Quadrupole ion traps
         Surface ionization mass spectrometry
         Collisional excitation
         Electron attachment mass spectrometry
         Wien filter
         Resonance ionization
         Isotope ratio mass spectrometry
         Isotopic fractionation
         Isotopic ratio
         Laser vaporization mass spectrometry
         Integrated desorption mass spectrometry
         Electrospray ionization
         Temperature mass spectrometry
         Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
         Ion attachment mass spectrometry
         Lithium ion attachment mass spectrometry
         Glow-discharge mass spectrometry
         Faraday cup
         Secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Ion beam mass spectrometer
         Dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Surface chemical analysis
         Disjoining pressure
         High performance molecular secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Instrumental mass fractionation
         Ultralow energy secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Ion mobility spectrometry-MS
         Accelerator mass spectrometry
         Chalk River accelerator mass spectrometry
         Precision proportional counter spectrometry
         Thermal lens spectrometry
         Wideband photothermal spectrometry
         Amplitude and phase modulation wide band photothermal spectrometry
         Electron spin echo envelope spectrometry
         Audio spectrometry
         Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
         Charge exchange atom spectrometry
         Wavelength dispersive spectrometry
         Time-of-flight scattering and recoiling spectrometry
         Resonance ionization mass spectrometry
         Elemental analysis
         Trace element analysis
         Depth profiling techniques
         Electron nuclear double resonance
         Electron probe microanalysis
         X-ray resonant exchange scattering
         Electrically detected magnetic resonance
         Materials properties
         Materials modification
         Electrical hysteresis
         Magnetic properties
         Magnetic susceptibility
         Magnetic susceptibility measurements
         Keller-Miksis equation
         Crystal sonoluminescence
         X-ray radioluminescence
         Electron traps
         Deep electron traps
         Photoluminescence excitation
         Time-resolved photoluminescence
         Room-temperature photoluminescence
         Photoluminescence efficiency
         Persistent luminescence
         Photoluminescence decay
         Exciton photoluminescence intensity
         Fluorescence Stokes shift function
         Fluorescence anisotropy
         Molecular fluorescence
         Fluorescence quenching
         Dexter electron transfer
         Fluorescence quantum yield
         Photoactivatable fluorophores
         Titania photoluminescence
         Excitation luminescence
         Anti-Stokes luminescence
         Pressure photoluminescence
         Near-band edge luminescence
         Sonoluminescence technique
         Microstructural properties
         Thermal fluctuations
         Photostriction effect
         Mechanical properties
         Surface strains
         Tensile properties
         Stress strain relations
         Shape memory effect
         Electrical resistivity
         Negative resistance
         Spitzer resistivity
         Temperature coefficient
         Tunneling electroresistance
         Intrinsic properties
         Optical properties
         Optical activity
         Optical rotatory power
         Thermo optic effects
         Piezooptical effects
         Photoacoustic effects
         Optical constants
         Electrooptical effects
         Elastooptical effects
         Contact impedance
         Creep behavior
         Compatibility equations
         Anisotropy coefficients
         Prandtl-Reuss equations
         Viscoplastic material
         Norton-Hoff law
         Bingham fluid
         von Mises yield criterion
         Drucker-Prager yield criterion
         Elastic modulus
         Hertz' law
         Elastic-modulus effect
         Rigidity modulus
         Sonic modulus
         Bending modulus
         Hugoniot elastic limit
         Elastic equilibrium
         Elasticity theory
         Eshelby's inclusion
         Eshelby equivalent inclusion method
         Gurtin-Murdoch surface elasticity theory
         Shell theory
         Linear theory of elasticity
         Euler Bernoulli beams theory
         Bernoulli beam equation
         Bernoulli-Euler beam model
         Flexural rigidity
         Bernoulli-Euler hypothesis
         Hooke's law
         Spring constants
         Nonlinear viscoelasticity
         Linear viscoelasticity
         Generalized Maxwell model
         Maxwell model
         Maxwell fluids
         Kelvin model
         Viscoelastic fluid
         Surface viscoelasticity
         Dynamic moduli
         Viscoelastic properties
         Palierne model
         Nonlinear-linear viscoelastic ratio
         Maxwell viscoelastic model
         Viscoelastic effect
         Zener model
         White-Metzner equation
         Hyperelastic materials
         Mooney-Rivlin hyperelasticity model
         Mooney-Rivlin solid
         Shear modulus
         Cubic elastic constants
         Bulk modulus
         Stiffness constant
         Elastic waves
         Shear waves
         Ultrasonic elastic constants
         Material elastic constants
         Lame parameters
         Compressibility modulus
         Linear elasticity
         Cauchy stress tensor
         Cauchy strain tensors
         Beltrami stress tensor
         Stress function
         Spring stiffness
         Elastic stiffness
         Nonlinear Maxwell model
         Birch-Murnaghan equation of state
         Warping function
         Poisson's ratio
         Interface defects
         Thermal effects
         Laser thermal effects
         Thermomechanical effects
         Thermomagnetic effects
         Thermoelectric effects
         Materials degradation
         Corrosion under insulation
         Crack formation
         Galvanic corrosion
         Fracture mechanics
         Material fatigue
         Thermo-mechanical fatigue
         Fatigue testing
         Fatigue limit
         Vibration fatigue
         Crack initiation and detection
         Corrosion fatigue
         Materials treatment
         Materials synthesis and processing
         Surface micromachining
         Excimer laser micromachining
         Oxide etch process
         Etching simulator
         Electrolytic etching
         Cl2 etching
         Atomic-layer etching
         Ion beam etching
         Photoelectrochemical etching
         HF based vapor phase etching
         Buffered oxide etch
         Axially pull-up electrochemical etching
         Catalyst referred etching
         Isotropic wet etching
         F/C ratio
         Plasma-immersion ion implantation
         Afterglow reactor
         Xenon difluoride etching
         Hybrid lithography
         Colloidal lithography
         Field electron lithography
         I-line lithography
         Scanning beam interference lithography
         Diffraction lithography
         Interference lithography
         Laser interference lithography
         Extreme ultraviolet lithography
         Neutral particle lithography
         Stencil lithography
         Nanosphere lithography
         Charged-particle lithography
         Meniscus lithography
         Immersion lithography
         Ion beam lithography
         Ion beam vacuum lithography process
         Helium ion beam lithography
         X-ray lithography
         Synchrotron radiation lithography
         Mask patterning
         Excimer-laser projection lithography
         Contact lithography
         Quantum lithography
         Ultraviolet photolithography
         Resolution enhancement technique
         Phase shift mask
         Deep-ultraviolet lithography
         Subwavelength lithography
         Deep-subwavelength lithography
         Computational lithography
         Optical proximity correction
         Photon sieve
         Imprint lithography
         Flash imprint lithography
         Laser lithography
         Excimer laser lithography
         Multiphoton lithography
         Soft lithography
         Microcontact printing
         Electron beam exposure epitaxy
         Double patterning process
         Electron-beam lithography
         Demolding process
         Laser surface alloying
         Mechanical exfoliation
         Combustion synthesis
         Wire drawing
         Mechanically stimulated gas emission
         Photonic curing
         Aerosol synthesis
         Laser beam machining
         Laser cutting
         Femtosecond laser structuring technique
         Sol-gel process
         Standing graphene synthesis
         Versatile epoxy casting technique
         Electron beam irradiation
         Materials forming
         Plasma processing
         Plasma welding
         Arc plasma
         Plasma spraying
         Laser ablation
         Vacuum casting
         Printing process
         Materials heat treatment
         Surface hardening
         Indium sealing techniques
         Electrochemical exfoliation
         Materials purification
         Laser beam welding
         Melt texturing
         Thermal mechanical processing
         Chemical materials synthesis
         Mathematical physics
         Computational physics
         Discrete variable representation
         Generalized-discrete variable representation method
         Computational models
         Agent based models
         Computational methods
         Generalized gradient approximations
         Monte Carlo methods
         Vortex particle-mesh method
         Symbolic computation
         Spectral methods
         Discrete cosine transforms
         Clique problem
         Collocation methods
         Linear discriminant analysis
         Dirac Fock calculations
         Discrete dipole approximation
         Computer simulation
         T matrix method
         Computational optimization
         Optimization problems
         Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis
         Analog computation
         Geometry (Mathematics)
         Incidence geometry
         Nonlinear incidence geometry
         Linear incidence geometry
         Algebraic topology
         Topological invariant
         General topology
         Quantum topology
         Topological dynamics
         Topological properties
         Estrada index
         Topologically conjugate
         Topological equivalence
         Differential topology
         Morse theory
         Geometric topology
         Convex geometry
         Noncommutative geometry
         Discrete geometry
         Moser problem
         Weaire-Phelan structure
         Voronoi diagrams
         Voronoi polyhedra
         Sphere packings
         Axial symmetry
         Penrose tiling
         Geometric inequalities
         Metric geometry
         Analytic geometry
         Coordinate transformations
         Coordinate system
         Differential geometry
         Generalized manifolds
         Conformal differential geometry
         Singularity theory
         Milnor number
         Bender-Wu singularities
         Cusp geometry
         Topological manifolds
         Reidemeister torsion
         Invariant manifold
         Differentiable manifold
         Non Euclidean geometry
         Complex manifolds
         Picard-Lefschetz theory
         Kahler manifold
         Lorentzian manifolds
         Nijenhuis tensor
         Hermitian manifolds
         Calabi Yau theory
         Kodaira-Spencer map
         Negative curvature manifolds
         Riemann surfaces
         Tensor formalism
         Riemannian geometry
         Geometric mechanics
         Non-differential geometry
         Euclidean geometries
         Euler angles
         Minkowski space
         Minkowski superspace
         De Sitter space
         Pythagorean theorem
         Projective geometries
         Theoretical physics
         Eikonal approximation
         Design theory
         Partition theory
         Ramsey's theory
         Generating functions
         Exponential generating functions
         Ordinary generating functions
         Dirichlet series generating functions
         Graph theory
         Ring networks
         Network analysis
         Network optimization
         Reciprocity theorem
         Kirchhoff formulas
         Binary sequence
         Pseudo-random binary sequence
         Philosophy of mathematics
         Mathematical theories
         Regularity theorems
         Cartan lemma
         Riemann theorem
         Inverse theory
         Group theory
         Representation theory
         Topological groups
         Lie algebras
         Cauchy's theorem
         Dynamical systems
         Control theory
         Bellman equation
         Sliding mode control
         Lyapunov equation
         Lyapunov coefficients
         Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction
         Lyapunov exponent
         Nonlinear control theory
         Metric entropy
         Chaos theory
         Chaotic regime
         Chaos stabilization
         FPU model
         Butterfly effect
         Chaotic operation
         Chirikov criterion
         Correlation dimension
         Chaos synchronization
         Quasiperiodic route to chaos
         Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
         Chaos communication
         Edge of chaos
         Renyi dimensions
         Correlation integrals
         Anosov diffeomorphisms
         Chaotic effects
         Detrended fluctuation analysis
         Correlation dimension Wonderland theorems
         Schwarz's theory
         Decision theory
         Potential theory
         Bogoliubov-Parasiuk-Hepp renormalization theorem
         Order theory
         Linear-transport theory
         Game theory
         Verblunsky's theorem
         Verblunsky coefficients
         Classification theory
         Clifford algebra
         Twistor theory
         Nonlinear algebra
         Nonlinear equations
         Newton-Krylov method
         Nonlinear dispersive equations
         Nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations
         Richards equation
         Riccati equation
         Bass diffusion model
         Hammerstein equation
         Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
         Choquard equations
         Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolsky equation
         Ishimori equation
         Boltzmann-Vlasov equation
         Lienard equation
         Kudryashov method
         Chandrasekhar H-equation
         Sine-Gordon equation
         Vlasov equation
         Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
         Noncommutative algebra
         Abstract algebra
         Algebraic structures
         Associative algebra
         Ring theory
         Invariant theory
         Invariant imbedding principle
         Invariance properties
         Fundamental invariants
         Isomorph theory
         Algebraic K-theory
         Algebraic geometry
         Jordan algebras
         Universal algebra
         Symmetry algebra
         Galois theory
         Differential algebra
         Leibniz algebras
         Number theory
         Ramanujan numbers
         Factorization theorems
         Prime numbers
         Multiplicative number theory
         Euler's theorem
         Kronecker symbol
         Stirling formula
         Euler-Mascheroni constant
         Chebyshev functions
         Sieve theory
         Triangular numbers
         Narayana numbers
         Mobius formula
         Perfect numbers
         Transcendental number theory
         Auxiliary functions
         Algebraic number theory
         Diophantine approximation
         Elementary algebra
         Algebraic operation
         Binomial theorem
         Binomial coefficient identities
         Gaussian coefficient
         Liouvillian functions
         Hecke algebra
         Mathematical variables
         Composition algebra
         Commutative algebra
         Probability and statistics
         Moment equations
         Bayesian statistics
         Bayesian inference
         Deviance information criterion
         Probability theory
         Mathematical logic
         Mathematical axioms
         Multivalued logic
         Kripke semantics
         Inductive logic
         Quantum logic
         Fuzzy logic
         Fuzzy weighted average
         Fuzzy classification
         Fuzzy control
         Fuzzy numbers
         Algebraic logic
         Heyting algebra
         Temporal logic
         Set theory
         Fuzzy set theory
         Resolution theorem
         Mathematical analysis
         Functional approximation algorithms
         Asymptotic problems
         Asymptotic analysis
         Numerical linear algebra
         Eigenvalue algorithm
         Perturbation analysis
         Numerical approximations
         Numerical methods
         Discrete element method
         Numerical polynomial homotopy continuation
         Finite-element analysis
         Finite element tearing and interconnecting
         Multivariable calculus
         Matrix calculus
         Integral calculus
         Integral equations
         Chandler-Silbey-Ladanyi integral equation
         Adaptive mesh refinement
         Mathematical series
         Abel-Plana formula
         Ramanujan's summations
         Molien series
         Multipole expansion
         Multipole approximation
         Volterra series
         Cesaro summability
         Edgeworth expansion
         Power series
         Puiseux series
         Abel summability
         Laurent series expansion
         Cumulant expansion method
         Power series approximations
         Infinite series representation
         Bremmer series
         Eisenstein series
         Neumann series
         Pell number
         Series expansion
         d'Alembert ratio test
         Maclaurin expansion
         Dirichlet series
         Binomial series
         Borel summation
         Regularization method
         Symplectic Runge Kutta method
         Calculus of variations
         Density matrix renormalization group
         Newton Raphson method
         Analytical regularization
         Recurrence relations
         Error analysis
         Measure theory
         Integro-differential equation
         Approximation theory
         Pade approximations
         Zero-range approximation
         Function approximation
         Robust approximation
         Mathematical sequences
         Mathematical methods
         Quantum transmitting boundary method
         Reflexive relation
         Finite volume methods
         Semi-analytical calculation
         Stability function
         Racah coefficients
         Racah algebra
         Dependency relation
         Perturbation theory
         Superposition principle
         Time-concentration superposition principle
         Wave superposition
         Finite pointset method
         Boundary element methods
         Real-space methods
         Fourier analysis
         Semiclassical methods
         Split-operator method
         Group theoretical methods
         Group contraction
         Particle dynamics methods
         Complex analysis
         Complex functions
         Self consistent field methods
         Self-consistent phonon theory
         Fermion determinants
         Multi-configurational self-consistent field
         Complete-active space self-consistent field
         Time-dependent Hartree method
         Restricted active-space self-consistent field method
         Heidelberg multi-configuration time dependent Hartree program
         Generalized self consistent method
         Hartree equation
         Hartree-Fock equation
         Koopmans' theorem
         Roothaan equations
         Hartree-Fock molecular orbitals
         Hartree-Fock calculations
         Flory type self consistent field method
         Delta self consistent field method
         Dipolar self-consistent-field theory
         Dipole-dipole correlation-functions
         Kohn-Sham self consistent field method
         Fock matrix calculation method
         Fock operator
         Coupled Hartree-Fock calculations
         Slater determinant
         Configuration state function
         Slater's rule
         Shielding constants
         Open-shell Hartree-Fock calculations
         Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
         Restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock
         Time-dependent Hartree-Fock method
         Real-time time-dependent Hartree-Fock method
         Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory
         Symmetric relation
         Fractional calculus
         Level-spacing distribution
         Independency relation
         Multiscale methods
         Hyperspherical methods
         Quasiparticle methods
         Phase space methods
         Order relation
         Mathematical transformations
         Riemann invariants
         Pseudoinverse preconditioner
         Matrix methods
         Boundary integral methods
         Equivalence relation
         Krylov-Bogoliubov averaging method
         Geometrical methods
         Binary relation
         Algebraic methods
         Mathematical economics
         Harmonic analysis
         Birnbaum-Orlicz space
         Operations research
         Partial differential equations
         Nonlinear Schrodinger equation
         Soliton solutions
         Vector calculus
         Vector fields
         Time domain approach
         Real analysis
         Mathematical optimization
         Duality theorems
         Optimization algorithms
         Gradient method
         Integer programming
         Linear programming
         Benson method
         Quasi-Newton methods
         Meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
         Energy minimization
         Mesh refinement method
         Weight function
         Functions and mappings
         Iteration method
         EM algorithm
         Relaxation method
         Numerical differentiation
         Delay lines
         Ergodic theory
         Boltzmann type integro differential equation
         Finite difference methods
         Functions and functionals
         Functional equations
         Symmetry functions
         Lipschitz continuity
         Numerical integration
         Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature
         Newton-Cotes quadrature rules
         Gaussian integration
         Lebedev-Laikov quadratures
         Gaussian quadrature
         Functional analysis
         Positive operator valued measure
         Integral transforms
         Lorentz integral transform
         Operator theory
         Hermitian operator
         Self-adjoint operators
         Generalized functions
         Convex function
         Functional calculus
         Function space
         Complex dynamics
         Complex adaptive systems
         Single-degree-of-freedom vibratory system
         Interconnected systems
         Complex systems theory
         Network theory
         Erdos-Renyi networks
         Approximation methods
         Mathematical modeling
         Cagniard-de Hoop method
         Statistical models
         Reaction-diffusion system
         Monod equation
         Dual-Monod kinetic equation
         Atomic and molecular physics
         Atomic and molecular spectra
         Radiofrequency atomic spectra
         Atomic spectral lines
         Franck Condon factors
         Lamb shift
         Molecular multiple resonance spectra
         Molecular oscillator strengths
         Molecular phosphorescence
         Photon spectra
         Inelastic spectra
         Atomic fluorescence
         Neutron spectra
         Radiofrequency molecular spectra
         Vacuum ultraviolet molecular spectra
         Neutron scattering spectra
         Alpha-particle spectra
         Atomic oscillator strengths
         Strong field induced spectra
         Molecular spectral lines
         Spectral phenomena and properties
         Franck Condon principle
         Triplet state
         Zeeman effect
         Stark effect
         Magnetic resonance atomic spectra
         Molecular nuclear resonance
         Vibrational rotational spectra
         Raman molecular spectra
         Atomic fine structure
         Molecular band intensities
         Threshold ionization spectrum
         Ultrafast molecular spectra
         Spectral linewidths
         Frequency spectrum
         Electroluminescent spectra
         Molecular fine structure
         Visible spectra
         Reflectivity spectra
         Einstein's coefficient
         Macromolecular spectra
         Molecular hyperfine structure
         Ultraviolet spectra
         Doppler broadening effects
         Rotational spectra
         Vibrational spectra
         Relaxation time spectrum
         Hydrogen spectra
         Isotopic shift
         Molecular band shapes
         Fermi resonance
         Multiple resonance spectra
         Electron nuclear double resonance
         Electron double resonance
         Macromolecular Raman spectra
         Rayleigh molecular spectra
         Atomic and molecular electronic structure
         Electronic configuration
         Atomic structure
         Atomic and molecular excitation energies
         Molecular structure
         Energy minimization
         Atomic and molecular processes
         Auger effect
         Atomic and molecular interactions
         Molecule surface interactions
         Rovibronic interactions
         Atomic and molecular collisions
         Intermolecular forces
         Van der Waals forces
         Hydrophobic effect
         Atom surface interactions
         Atom photon interactions
         Vibrational energy transfer
         Interatomic potentials
         Rotational energy transfer
         Intermolecular potentials
         Mie potentials
         Atomic and molecular forces
         Interatomic forces
         Interatomic force constants
         Atomic vibrations
         Spin-orbit interactions
         Electric dipole spin resonance
         Spin-free exact two-component theory
         Angular momentum coupling
         Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
         Hyperfine structure
         Atomic and molecular beams
         Radiationless transitions
         Larmor precession
         Transition moment
         Molecular properties
         Molecular hyperfine interactions
         Molecular magnetic properties
         Cage effect
         Molecular binding
         Molecular bond strengths
         Molecular electronic properties
         Molecular dipole moments
         Van der Waals molecules
         Ultracold molecules
         Field-free alignment
         Molecule formation
         Exotic molecules
         Diatomic molecule
         Semi-rigid molecule
         Atomic and molecular clusters
         Interatomic Coulombic decay
         Cluster dynamics
         Cluster reactivity
         Cluster phase transitions
         Charged clusters
         Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
         Atomic absorption spectroscopy
         Zeeman spectroscopy
         K-shell spectroscopy
         Microwave electric resonance optothermal spectroscopy
         Force spectroscopy
         Dynamic force spectroscopy
         Force-clamp spectroscopy
         Level-crossing spectroscopy
         Rydberg spectroscopy
         Zero electron kinetic energy spectroscopy
         Multichannel quantum-defect theory assisted Rydberg spectroscopy
         Photoinduced Rydberg ionization spectroscopy
         Rotational-vibrational spectroscopy
         Ultracold atoms
         Exotic atoms
         Atomic properties
         Atomic hyperfine structure
         Atomic electronic properties
         Gyromagnetic ratio
         Resonance g factor
         Electron Lande g-factor
         Antisymmetrized geminal power
         Self assembly
         Molecular self assembly
         Electrostatic self-assembly
         Atom manipulation
         Electron beam-induced deposition
         Nanostructure fabrication
         Hybrid lithography
         Colloidal lithography
         Field electron lithography
         I-line lithography
         Scanning beam interference lithography
         Diffraction lithography
         Interference lithography
         Laser interference lithography
         Extreme ultraviolet lithography
         Neutral particle lithography
         Stencil lithography
         Nanosphere lithography
         Charged-particle lithography
         Meniscus lithography
         Immersion lithography
         Ion beam lithography
         Ion beam vacuum lithography process
         Helium ion beam lithography
         X-ray lithography
         Synchrotron radiation lithography
         Mask patterning
         Excimer-laser projection lithography
         Contact lithography
         Quantum lithography
         Ultraviolet photolithography
         Resolution enhancement technique
         Phase shift mask
         Deep-ultraviolet lithography
         Subwavelength lithography
         Deep-subwavelength lithography
         Computational lithography
         Optical proximity correction
         Photon sieve
         Imprint lithography
         Flash imprint lithography
         Laser lithography
         Excimer laser lithography
         Multiphoton lithography
         Soft lithography
         Microcontact printing
         Electron beam exposure epitaxy
         Double patterning process
         Electron-beam lithography
         Nanotechnology applications
         Green nanotechnology
         Molecular nanotechnology
         Supramolecular chemistry
         Supramolecular assembly
         Reverse micelles
         Productive nanosystems
         Molecular assembler
         Molecular machine
         Molecular switch
         Molecular sensors
         Nanomaterial properties
         Lotus effect
         Nanoscale thermodynamics
         Nanoscale diffusion
         Janus particles
         Quantum structures
         Nanoelectromechanical systems
         Microcontinuum model
         Semiconductor nanostructures
         Magnetic nanostructures
         Quantum nanostructures
         Molecular nanostructures
         Quantum dots
         Plasmonic nanostructures
         Quantum wires
         Metal nanostructure
         Buttiker formula
         Vacuum nanoelectronics
         Ballistic transport
         Ballistic electron transport
         Ballistic electron motion
         Ballistic electron emission microscopy
         Cell microarray
         Antibody microarrays
         Micropillar array
         Antibody arrays
         DNA microarrays
         Cellular microarray
         Nuclear physics
         Radiation physics
         Radiolysis processes
         Radiological protection
         Radioactive decay
         Radioactive sources
         General purpose heat sources
         Electromagnetic transitions
         Multipole transitions
         Nuclear electromagnetic transitions
         Multipole matrix elements
         Gamma transitions
         Multipole mixing ratios
         Angular correlation
         Neutron emission
         Neutron decay
         Radiocarbon measurements
         Radiative processes
         Precursor waves
         Radiation properties
         Radiation trapping
         Radiation energy
         Radiation losses
         Stopping power
         Bethe equation
         Radiative flux
         Radiation patterns
         Nuclear matter
         Nuclear symmetry energy
         Neutron star matter
         Neutron physics
         Neutron energy
         Thermal neutrons
         Neutron interactions
         Neutron optical potential
         Neutron cross section
         Neutron-matter interactions
         Neutron-nucleus interactions
         Neutron transport
         Carlson's method
         Neutron transport equation
         Neutron sources
         Plasma focus device
         Spallation neutron source
         Neutron temperature
         Thermal neutron cross sections
         Neutron optics
         Neutron diffusion
         Neutron flux
         Neutron fluence
         Neutron moderation
         Neutron moderator
         Neutron absorption
         Neutron depth profiling
         Nuclear models and theories
         Fermi-gas model
         Nuclear structure models
         Nuclear structure
         Nucleon system
         Nuclear forces
         Nuclear interactions
         Nucleon nucleon interactions
         Effective nuclear potential
         Moshinsky brackets
         Few nucleon systems
         Two nucleon systems
         Three nucleon forces
         Nuclear engineering
         Isotope separation
         Laser isotope separation
         Gaseous diffusion
         Isotope effect
         Nuclear weapons
         Nuclear explosions
         Isotope enrichment
         Nuclear energy
         Fusion energy
         Aneutronic fusion
         Nuclear electric power
         Fusion product effects
         Nuclear waste
         Accelerator driven transmutation
         Nuclear waste disposal
         Spent fuel management
         Radioactive waste storage
         Radioactive waste disposal
         Nuclear waste storage
         Radioactive waste policy
         Nuclear reactors
         Hanford B Reactor
         Fusion reactors
         Fusion reactor components
         Plasma confinement
         Magnetic confinement fusion
         Magnetic confinement device
         Bumpy torus
         Magnetic mirrors
         Tokamak fusion test reactor bumper limiter
         Mirror fusion test facility
         Plasma facing components
         Steam generator tube
         High flux isotope reactor
         Pressurized water reactors
         Pellet bed reactor
         Wisconsin high pressure NMR reactor
         Reactor physics
         Efficiency reactor
         PUREX process
         Fusion-fission hybrid reactor
         Fission reactors
         Production reactors
         Power reactors
         Nuclear safety
         Radiation monitoring
         Space environment monitoring
         Reactor criticality
         Reactor control
         Reactor protection
         Reactor cooling
         Reactor coolants
         Reactor shielding
         Reactor safety instruments
         Radiation shielding
         Nuclear fuel
         Tritium storage
         Uranium beds
         Nuclear power plant
         Reactor pressure vessel
         High energy density physics
         Nuclear astrophysics
         R-process nuclei
         Detector of recoils and gamma-rays of nuclear reactions facility
         Solar neutrons
         Solar neutrinos
         Solar neutrino problem
         Solar energetic particles
         Nuclear physics instrumentation
         Multi-channel analyzer
         Advanced accelerator concepts
         Neutron generator
         Solenoidal and monocusp ion source
         Radiation detectors
         Wilson chamber
         Missing energy
         Solid state detectors
         Neutron detectors
         Solid-state track detectors
         Neutrino detector
         Transition radiation detector
         Scintillation counter
         Cherenkov detectors
         Semiconductor detectors
         Microchannel plate detectors
         Liquid scintillators
         Hermetic detector
         Spark chamber
         Bubble chamber
         Alpha detectors
         Cosmic-ray meter
         Silicon P-N junction radiation detectors
         Nuclear emulsions
         Avalanche counters
         Cerenkov counters
         Transition-edge-sensor bolometer
         Tracking devices
         Automated particle measurement
         Electromagnetic radiation detectors
         Gamma spectra
         Scintillation detectors
         Gamma-ray scintillators
         Organic scintillator
         Plastic scintillators
         Ion-electron-scintillation detector
         Gaseous ionization detectors
         Streamer chambers
         Geiger-Muller tube
         Proportional counters
         Ionization chamber
         Geiger counters
         Temperature titanium-water heat pipe radiator
         Nuclear reactions and processes
         Nuclear fusion
         Laser fusion
         Inertial electrostatic confinement
         Fusion experiments
         Cold fusion
         Thermonuclear fusion
         Lawson criterion
         Alpha reactions
         Thermonuclear reaction
         Direct nuclear reactions
         Multistep direct reactions
         Spallation reactions
         Nuclear resonance reactions
         Radioactive transitions
         Isomeric transition
         Compound nucleus
         Compound nucleus reactions
         Breakup reactions
         Electron capture
         Stacked-foil technique
         Charge exchange reactions
         Charge-dependent exchange and dispersion model
         Oppenheimer-Phillips process
         Neutron capture
         Neutron capture gamma rays
         Coulomb barrier
         Surrogate nuclear reactions
         Transfer reactions
         Heavy ion reactions
         Target fragmentation
         Heavy-ion collisions
         Heavy ion induced fusion
         Coulomb excitation
         Projectile fragmentation
         Strongly damped collisions
         Inelastic nuclear reactions
         Nuclear reaction cross sections
         Antiproton reactions
         Relativistic heavy ion collisions
         Photon production
         Particle correlations
         Hard scattering
         Resonance production
         Particle production
         Collective flow
         Lepton production
         Global features
         Jet quenching
         Heavy quark production
         Photonuclear reactions
         Photoproduction reactions
         Photon scattering
         Pair production
         Photon absorption
         Nuclear fission
         Delayed neutron
         Neutron induced fission
         Spontaneous fission
         Heavy ion induced fission
         Charged particle induced fission
         Nuclear weapon testing
         Radiative capture
         Nuclear momentum distribution
         Inverse beta decay
         Particle induced reactions
         Nucleon induced reactions
         Inelastic proton scattering
         Inelastic nucleon scattering
         p Pi reactions
         Elastic proton scattering
         Meson induced reactions
         Pion induced reactions
         Kaon induced reactions
         Lepton induced reactions
         Positron induced reactions
         Electroproduction reactions
         Muon induced reactions
         Elastic electron scattering
         Inelastic lepton scattering
         Neutrino induced reactions
         Elastic lepton scattering
         Hyperon induced reactions
         Helium reactions
         Nuclear scattering
         Impact parameter
         Inelastic nuclear scattering
         Elastic nuclear scattering
         Nuclear reaction models
         Hydrogen reactions
         Properties of nuclei
         Nuclear level lifetimes
         Nucleon single particle level
         Radiocarbon dating
         Nuclear level density
         Gyromagnetic ratio
         Resonance g factor
         Electron Lande g-factor
         Optics and optical physics
         Geometrical optics
         Optical aberrations
         Atmospheric and ocean optics
         Atmospheric optical phenomena
         Diffuse radiation
         Atmospheric scattering
         Light detection and ranging
         Differential absorption LIDAR
         Terrestrial LiDAR
         Rayleigh LIDAR
         Airborne LiDAR
         Streak cameras
         Surface optics
         Surface photoemission
         Photoelectron spectroscopy
         Scanning photoemission microscopy
         Picosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Laser photoelectron spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         UV photoemission spectroscopy
         High-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet-soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         High-resolution threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Femtosecond time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
         Femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photo-ion spectroscopy
         Photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
         Electrospray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Photoelectron emission spectroscopy
         Core level photoemission spectroscopy
         Core level shifts
         In situ synchrotron based photoemission spectroscopy
         Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         In situ synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
         Optical techniques and instrumentation
         Active optics
         Interference method
         Fourier optics
         Optical testing techniques
         Magneto-optical trap
         Astronomical optics
         Hubble telescope
         Sigma imaging telescope
         X-ray telescopes
         Roentgen Satellite
         Radio telescopes
         Solar telescope
         Optical telescopes
         Galilean telescope
         Reflecting telescopes
         Atomic mirror
         Parabolic dish reflectors
         Schmidt telescopes
         Refracting telescope
         Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
         Keplerian telescope
         Livermore optical transient imaging system
         Balloon-borne telescope
         Ultraviolet telescopes
         Gamma ray telescopes
         Energetic gamma ray experimental telescope
         Robotic optical transient search experiment
         Gamma-ray large area space telescope
         Very energetic radiation imaging telescope array system
         Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
         Swift burst alert telescope
         VLT survey telescope
         Ground telescopes
         Infrared telescopes
         NASA Spitzer Space Telescope
         Optical devices
         UV-visible spectrophotometer
         Single beam spectrophotometer
         Optical fabrication
         Diamond machining
         Beam homogenizer
         Coherent perfect absorber
         Video camera
         Thin film devices
         Optical interferometers
         Optical coatings
         Optical bistable devices
         Lens array
         Optical delay lines
         Optical diffusers
         Optical position sensors
         Optical modulators
         Optical sources
         Optical storage systems
         Magnetooptical devices
         Faraday filter
         Near field optical recording
         Optical disks
         Compact discs
         Compact disc-recordable
         Optical storage recording materials
         Parallel readout
         Optical recording
         Optical elements
         Optical phase shifters
         Zone plates
         Fresnel zone plate
         Beam splitting element
         Fresnel lenses
         GRIN lenses
         Zinc selenide window
         Optical filters
         Acoustooptical filters
         Electrooptical filters
         Wavelength filtering devices
         Diffractive optical elements
         Grating coupler
         Holographic optical elements
         Optical slit
         Optothermal stability
         Fresnel phase zone plate
         Integrated optics devices
         Acoustooptical modulators
         Integrated optical amplifiers
         Meteorological instrumentation
         Optofluidic devices
         Optical instruments
         Optical limiters
         Optical resonators
         Optical cavity
         Optical deflectors
         Optical range finders
         Beam expander
         X-ray camera
         Polarization controller
         Electroabsorption modulation
         Optical waveguides
         Solar concentrators
         Fixed mirror solar concentrator
         Parabolic trough mirrors
         Dish engine systems
         Concentrating collectors
         Optical reflectors
         Crystal polarization rotator
         Optical tweezers
         Bessel beam
         Bessel field
         Optoelectronic properties
         Femtosecond-laser hyperdoping
         Optoelectronic devices
         Quantum wire devices
         Optical amplifiers
         Semiconductor optical amplifiers
         Fabry-Perot amplifiers
         Fiber amplifiers
         Laser amplifiers
         Raman amplification
         Tapered amplifiers
         Amplifier laser system
         Fiber optical amplifiers
         Single-mode-fiber amplifiers
         Erbium-doped waveguide amplifier
         Optical isolators
         Faraday isolator
         Detector arrays
         Diode array detector
         Semiconductor photodetectors
         Quantum intersubband photodetectors
         Resonant-cavity enhanced photodetectors
         HgCdTe photodiode
         Silicon photodiode
         Photodiode arrays
         Schottky-barrier photodiodes
         Si/SiGe resonant-cavity photodiodes
         Polymer active devices
         Single-photon avalanche diodes
         Geiger mode
         Multiple quantum well detectors
         Photoconversion efficiency
         Silicon photodiode detector
         Low light level detectors
         Resonant-cavity photodetector
         Infrared photodetector
         Quantum well infrared photodetector
         Quantum efficiency
         QD infrared detectors
         Mercury-cadmium-telluride detector
         Graphene photodetectors
         Single-photon detector
         Bolometric effect
         Terahertz detectors
         Photoelectric cell
         Light emitting diodes
         Light emitting diode materials
         Heterojunction light-emitting diodes
         Organic light emitting devices
         Micromirror devices
         Superluminescent diode
         Quantum well devices
         Organic light-emitting transistor
         Image sensors
         Angle sensitive pixel
         Focal plane arrays
         Charge coupled devices
         IR detector arrays
         Active pixel sensors
         Back-side illumination
         Optical microresonators
         Micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems
         Electronic structural dynamics
         Rapid electrokinetic patterning
         Franz-Keldysh effect
         Optoelectronic applications
         Si/SiO2 Bragg reflectors
         Corona poling
         Photoconductive switch
         TV cameras
         Electrooptical devices
         Display devices
         Beam splitter
         Collimator surfaces
         Schlieren devices
         Optical microfiber coupler
         Spectrum analyzers
         Optical metrology
         Bidirectional scatter distribution functions
         Optical polarimetry
         Infrared optics
         X-ray optics
         X-ray imaging
         X-ray diagnostics
         X-ray phase contrast imaging
         X-ray interferometry
         Compound refractive lenses
         X-ray mirrors
         Crystal monochromators
         Silicon crystal monochromator
         Optical imaging
         Super resolution microscopy
         Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
         Photoacoustic imaging
         Photoacoustic contrast agents
         Speckle imaging
         Coherence imaging
         Segmented optics
         Optical trapping
         Integrated optics
         Fabry-Perot interferometers
         Holographic interferometry
         Holographic interference microscopy
         Laser vibrometry
         Laser Doppler imaging
         Laser interferometry
         X-ray laser interferometry
         Heterodyne laser interferometry
         Doppler interferometry
         Adaptive optics
         Fluidic force microscopy
         Optical spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy
         Optical transmission spectroscopy
         Faraday rotation spectroscopy
         Light beating spectroscopy
         Optical extinction spectroscopy
         Broadband frequency comb spectroscopy
         Total internal reflection-thermal lens spectroscopy
         Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Diffusing wave spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic generation spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic spectroscopy
         SHG spectroscopy
         Light scattering spectroscopy
         Optical deep-level spectroscopy
         Circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Millimeter-wave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         High-resolution optical spectroscopy
         Optical-optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Microwave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional electronic photon-echo spectroscopy
         Optical wave light spectroscopy
         Ultrafast nonlinear subwavelength solid immersion spectroscopy
         Dynamic spectroscopy
         Glow discharge optical spectroscopy
         Diffuse optical spectroscopy
         Coherent multidimensional optical spectroscopy
         Photofragment spectroscopy
         Photofragment translational spectroscopy
         Ultrafast time resolved ion photofragmentation spectroscopy
         Photofragment emission yield spectroscopy
         Laser photofragment spectroscopy
         Kerr effect spectroscopy
         Biomedical optics
         Photodynamic therapy
         Ophthalmic devices
         Refractive surgery
         Optical microscopy
         Laser beam scanning microscopy
         Subwavelength imaging
         Confocal microscopy
         Three dimensional microscopy
         Scanning microscopy
         Photothermal microscopy
         Interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
         Solid immersion lens
         Phase contrast microscopy
         Fluorescence microscopy
         Raman microscopy
         Fiber optics
         Optical fibers
         Photonic crystal fibers
         Photonic bandgap fibers
         Fiber waveguides
         Wavelength division multiplexing
         Fiber optic devices
         Optical materials
         Photoconductive materials
         Fluorescent materials
         Microwave photoconductivity
         Frequency-time-resolved microwave photoconductivity
         Optical metamaterials
         Light sensitive materials
         Liquid crystals
         Liquid crystal phases
         Leslie-Ericksen equation
         Chiral liquid crystal
         Sphere phase liquid crystal
         Thermotropic liquid crystals
         Nematic liquid crystals
         Banana shaped liquid crystals
         Lyotropic liquid crystals
         Isotropic liquid crystal
         Cholesteric liquid crystals
         Cholesteryl benzoate
         Columnar phases
         Electrooptical materials
         Laser materials
         Laser glasses
         Nonlinear optics
         Frequency combs
         Scanning frequency comb microscopy
         Optical instabilities
         Modulational instability
         Self-modulation instability
         Optical pulse generation
         Saturable absorption
         Reverse saturable absorbers
         Mode couplers
         Parametric mode-mode coupling
         Mode coupling instability
         Difference frequency generation
         Dynamic gratings
         Photorefractive effects
         Nonlinear optics applications
         Z-scan technique
         Optical parametric oscillators
         Optical parametric amplifiers
         Optical coherent transients
         Optical multistability
         Optical bistability
         Nonlinear optical processes
         Optical chaos
         Frequency resolved optical gating
         Cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating
         Multiwave mixing
         Anti-Stokes Raman scattering
         Optical mixing
         Two wave mixing
         Three wave mixing
         Four wave mixing
         Femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing
         Fourth harmonic generation
         Hologram decay
         Third-harmonic generation
         Laser filamentation
         Sum-frequency generation
         IR-IR-visible sum frequency generation
         Periodic poling
         Hologram writing
         Kerr effects
         Kerr constant
         Alternating current mode magneto optical Kerr effect
         Kerr cell
         Giant magneto-optical Kerr effect
         Multiphoton processes
         Multiphoton photochemistry
         Multiphoton excitation
         Optical rectification
         Nonlinear optical effect
         Kerr electro-optical effect
         Gap solitons
         Optical frequency conversion
         Cross phase modulation
         Optical-electric effect
         Second harmonic generation
         Quasi-phase matching
         Fabry-Perot effect
         Electro-optic coefficient
         Nonlinear optical devices
         Transverse effects
         Self phase modulation
         Optomechanical coupling
         Micro-optomechanical devices
         Fiber lightguide
         Nonlinear optical properties
         Femtosecond optical Kerr gating
         X-ray harmonic generation
         Two-photon processes
         Femtosecond Maker fringes technique
         Optical harmonic generation
         Second order polarization propagation approximation
         Parametric processes
         Parametric upconversion
         Holmium upconversion emission
         Parametric down conversion
         Optical nonlinearities
         Electromagnetically induced transparency
         Optical rotation
         Optical rotatory dispersion
         Ultrafast optics
         Chirped pulse amplification
         Ultrafast technology
         Ultrafast devices
         Ultrafast information processing
         Ultrafast measurements
         Femtosecond transient transmission technique
         Ultrafast lasers
         Femtosecond lasers
         Attosecond pulses
         Femtosecond laser direct structuring
         Ultrafast nonlinear optics
         Time-of-flight diffraction
         Ultrafast phenomena
         Femtosecond multiphoton generation
         Femtosecond carrier dynamics
         Attosecond optics
         Supercontinuum generation
         Optical phase matching
         Cherenkov phase matching
         Self focusing
         Kerr self-focusing
         Nonlinear optical materials
         Organic optical materials
         Optical polymers
         Kerr media
         Photorefractive materials
         Nonlinear optical crystals
         Periodically-poled lithium niobate
         Potassium titanyl phosphate crystals
         Cesium lithium borate crystals
         Acousto-optical elements
         Potassium titanyl phosphate
         Thermal nonlinear materials
         Optical solitons
         Temporal solitons
         Spatial solitons
         Dark solitons
         Ultrafast processes
         Femtosecond laser irradiation
         Femtosecond electron pulse
         Physiological optics
         Ophthalmic optics
         Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
         Light detection
         Vision modeling
         Astigmatism measurement
         Visual optics
         Rainbow effect
         Stereo pairs
         Purkinje images
         Projection effect
         Shadow casting
         Stroboscopic effect
         Spectral discrimination
         Peripheral vision
         Tunnel vision
         Spatial discrimination
         Contrast sensitivity
         Motion detection
         Color detection
         Binocular vision
         Visual system
         Temporal discrimination
         Optical phenomena, systems and models
         Binary optics
         Diffraction optics
         Fraunhofer diffraction
         Fresnel diffraction
         Fresnel zone
         Diffraction theory
         Kirchhoff scalar diffraction theory
         Kirchhoff's diffraction formula
         Form birefringence
         Vacuum ultraviolet excitation
         Magnetooptical effects
         Voigt effect
         Voigt lineshape fitting
         Faraday effect
         Faraday rotation in the ionosphere
         Subpicosecond Faraday effect
         Hot-electron Faraday effect
         Time-resolved Faraday rotation
         Femtosecond inverse Faraday effect
         Goos-Hanchen effect
         Optical effects
         Moon illusion
         Optogalvanic effect
         Umov effect
         Optico-acoustic effects
         Keller-Miksis equation
         Crystal sonoluminescence
         X-ray radioluminescence
         Electron traps
         Deep electron traps
         Photoluminescence excitation
         Time-resolved photoluminescence
         Room-temperature photoluminescence
         Photoluminescence efficiency
         Persistent luminescence
         Photoluminescence decay
         Exciton photoluminescence intensity
         Fluorescence Stokes shift function
         Fluorescence anisotropy
         Molecular fluorescence
         Fluorescence quenching
         Dexter electron transfer
         Fluorescence quantum yield
         Photoactivatable fluorophores
         Titania photoluminescence
         Excitation luminescence
         Anti-Stokes luminescence
         Pressure photoluminescence
         Near-band edge luminescence
         Sonoluminescence technique
         Quantum optics
         Atom optics
         Molecule photon interactions
         Photodissociation spectroscopy
         Photofragment ion imaging
         Basis-set expansion reconstruction method
         Velocity map imaging
         Vacuum-ultraviolet laser-velocity-map Imaging
         Quantum electronics
         Brus equation
         Quantum wells
         Intersubband plasmons
         Quantum effects
         Quantum coupling
         Quantum electrodynamic effects
         Negative energy states
         Quantum Hall effect
         Fast particle effects
         Quantum point contact
         Wetting layer
         Spin valves
         Pseudo spin valve
         Graphene spin valves
         Quantized conductance
         Conductance quantum
         Photonic entanglement
         Coherence theory
         Atom photon interactions
         Quantum state engineering
         Optical lattices
         Quantum fluctuations
         Optical properties
         Optical activity
         Optical rotatory power
         Thermo optic effects
         Piezooptical effects
         Photoacoustic effects
         Optical constants
         Electrooptical effects
         Elastooptical effects
         Physical optics
         Propagation matrix
         Crystal optics
         Optical refraction
         Optical dispersion
         Metal optics
         Optical interference
         Optical scattering
         In field scattering
         Umklapp scattering
         Gans theory
         Coherent backscattering
         Forward scattering
         Surface scattering
         Stimulated scattering
         Stimulated Rayleigh scattering
         Polarization scattering
         Hyper-Rayleigh scattering
         Fiber optical scattering
         Light scattering
         Willis-Tyndall scattering
         T matrix method
         Raman scattering
         High frequency approximation
         Out of field scattering
         Raman light scattering
         Single scattering albedo
         Invisibility scattering
         Inverse scattering
         Kirchhoff inversions
         Zakharov inverse scattering
         Diffraction tomography
         Optical absorption
         Transient optical absorption
         Ultraviolet optics
         Optical field
         Optical polarization
         Wave-optics analysis
         Electromagnetic optics
         Singular optics
         Particle physics
         Particle properties
         Supersymmetry breaking
         Particle spin
         Dirac theory
         Dirac particles
         Particle symmetry
         Nuclear symmetry energy
         Experimental particle physics
         Neutrino experiments
         Particle accelerators
         Electrostatic accelerators
         Van de Graaff accelerator
         Van de Graaff generator
         Standing wave accelerators
         International Linear Collider
         Intersecting Storage Rings
         Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
         Large Electron-Positron Collider
         Fermilab Tevatron
         D0 experiments
         Compact Linear Collider
         Linear collider
         Muon collider
         Beijing Electron Positron Collider
         Large Hadron Collider
         Ion accelerator
         Cyclic accelerators
         Fixed field alternating gradient accelerator
         Synchrotron radiation
         Undulator radiation
         Insertion device
         Storage rings
         Cyclotron radiation
         Cyclotron resonance
         Radiofrequency cavities
         Particle acceleration
         Plasma acceleration
         Fermi acceleration
         Linear accelerators
         Universal linear accelerator
         Heavy ion fusion accelerator research
         Dielectric accelerator
         Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System
         Radio-frequency quadrupole
         Accelerated beams
         Particle beams
         Particle beam dynamics
         Envelope hamiltonian
         Particle radiation
         Particle beam optics
         Particle beam shaping
         X-ray beam source magnets
         Particle beam collimators
         Particle beam transport
         Particle beam extraction
         Particle beam analyzers
         Particle beam intensity
         Particle beam injection
         Particle beam profile
         Particle beam focusing
         Particle beam splitting
         Particle beam monitors
         Faraday cup
         Molecular beam
         Particle targets
         Electron beams
         Particle beam sources
         Ion source
         Chemi-ionization reaction
         Penning ionization
         Electron sources
         Tesla-transformer accelerators
         Elementary particle processes
         Concentration gradient
         Elementary particle decay
         Electron-positron annihilation
         Jet quenching
         Particle scattering
         Electron-proton scattering
         Deep-inelastic processes
         Positron molecule scattering
         Neutron scattering
         Elastic neutron scattering
         Neutron spin-echo
         Elastic collisions
         Laser modified scattering
         Ultracold collisions
         Breit frame
         Electron molecule scattering
         Intrabeam scattering
         Electron positron scattering
         Positron atom scattering
         Elementary particle interactions
         Quark models
         Pair production
         Hadron reactions
         Lepton hadron interactions
         Electroweak interactions
         Lepton lepton interactions
         Electron positron interactions
         Lepton production
         Fundamental interactions
         Weak interactions
         Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
         Vector currents
         Neutral currents
         Axial vector currents
         Fifth force
         Strong interactions
         Gravitational interactions
         Electromagnetic interactions
         Photon hadron interactions
         Particle production
         Higgs mechanism
         Particle jets
         Theories and models in particle physics
         Parton model
         S matrix theory
         Beyond the Standard Model
         Technicolor models
         Electroweak gauge bosons
         Electroweak Higgs bosons
         Composite models
         Goldstone theorem
         Grand unified theory
         Georgi-Jarlskog relations
         Georgi-Glashow model
         Quantum chromodynamics
         QCD sum rules
         Standard Model
         Composite Higgs models
         Two-Higgs-doublet model
         Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
         Four-fermion interaction
         Particle data analysis
         Scherk-Schwarz mechanism
         String theory
         Skyrmion dynamics
         Vigier theory
         Particle astrophysics
         High and low-energy neutrino astronomy
         Particle cosmology
         Subatomic and elementary particles
         Supersymmetric particles
         Isospectral supersymmetry
         Higgs bosons
         Kaluza Klein excitations
         Phonon polaritons
         Dirac fermions
         Quark physics
         Quantum flavor dynamics
         Flavour quantum numbers
         Quark-quark interaction
         Chromodielectric model
         Hypothetical particles
         Eightfold way
         Photonics instrumentation
         Plasmonic nanohole arrays
         Photonic crystal devices
         Photonic crystal waveguides
         Photonic crystal fibers
         Photonic bandgap fibers
         Optical profilometer
         Adaptable photonic microscopy
         Photonic techniques and applications
         Computational photonics
         Three dimensional image processing
         Holographic optical elements
         Holographic interferometry
         Holographic interference microscopy
         Laser vibrometry
         Laser Doppler imaging
         Holographic storage
         Digital holography
         Microwave holography
         3D microwave imaging reflectometry
         AFM-Raman bioimaging
         Photonic networks
         Silicon photonics
         Optical levitation
         Optomechanical coupling
         Micro-optomechanical devices
         Fiber lightguide
         Optical computing
         Photonic integrated circuits
         Hybrid-integrated chip interferometer
         Arrayed waveguide grating
         Laser applications
         Laser chemical processing
         Laser weapons
         Military lasers
         Laser-induced plasma
         Laser gun
         Laser microanemometry
         Laser tracker
         Laser applications in science education
         Laser ranging
         Satellite laser ranging
         Light detection and ranging
         Differential absorption LIDAR
         Terrestrial LiDAR
         Rayleigh LIDAR
         Airborne LiDAR
         Streak cameras
         Ultrafast electron diffraction
         Laser pointers
         Laser scanning
         Laser industrial applications
         Laser hardening
         Laser isotope separation
         Laser drill
         Laser materials processing
         Laser beam etching
         Laser beam machining
         Laser cutting
         Femtosecond laser structuring technique
         Laser printers
         Laser beam welding
         Laser interferometry
         X-ray laser interferometry
         Heterodyne laser interferometry
         Doppler interferometry
         Beam scanner
         Spot laser scanning
         Laser cooling
         Laser art
         Laser level
         Laser fabrication
         Laser propulsion
         Photonic laser thruster
         Gas discharge lamps
         Laser lamp
         Laser micromachining
         Laser velocimetry
         Laser scanner
         Laser communication in space
         Laser bonding
         Laser trapping
         Laser imaging
         Femtosecond electron shadow
         Laser peening
         Laser range finders
         Laser fusion
         Photonic systems
         Photonic materials
         Photonic crystals
         Laser optical systems
         Laser instabilities
         Laser systems design
         Laser gyroscopes
         Laser arrays
         Plasmonic lasers
         Undulator radiation
         Amplified spontaneous emission
         Thermal lensing
         Laser frequency stabilization
         Acoustic keyhole
         Laser coupling
         Q switching
         Laser beam effects
         Laser optics
         Solid state lasers
         Dye doped polymers
         Semiconductor lasers
         Laser Megajoule
         Ultrafast lasers
         Femtosecond lasers
         Attosecond pulses
         Terahertz laser
         Strain quantum-well lasers
         Slot waveguide quantum cascade lasers
         Injection seeder
         Ultraviolet lasers
         Coherent radiation
         Atom lasers
         Laser physics
         Laser safety
         Free electron lasers
         Population inversion
         Gaussian beam
         Relaxation oscillations
         Laser resonators
         Fabry-Perot laser cavity
         Laser ring cavities
         Coupled resonators
         Optical masers
         Light amplification
         Optical parametric amplifiers
         Chemical physics
         Chemical kinetics and dynamics
         Chemical potential
         Electrochemical potential
         Volta potentials
         Donnan potential
         General mass action
         Reaction product distribution
         Arrhenius plot
         Complex chemical systems
         Ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate
         B-diketonato ruthenium
         Chemical dynamics
         Quantum chemical dynamics
         Chemical reaction dynamics
         Adiabatic chemical dynamics
         Kinetic isotope effects
         Reaction-diffusion system
         Activation energies
         Collision theories
         Collision energies
         Reaction probability
         Light transition state wave packet theory
         Threshold energy
         Trajectory models
         Stern-Volmer relation
         Coagulation kinetics
         Smoluchowski coagulation equation
         Transition state theory
         Flexible transition state theory
         Variational transition-state theory
         Monte-Carlo variational transition state theory
         Monte Carlo classical variational transition-state theory
         Standard microcanonical rate constant theory
         Judd-Ofelt theory
         Gas phase
         Quantum transition-state theory
         Path integral quantum transition-state theory
         Feynman path integral quantum transition state theory
         Feynman-path integral quantum activated rate
         Wigner corrected conventional transition state theory
         Arrhenius equation
         Arrhenius parameters
         Chemical reaction cross sections
         Superfast oxygen exchange kinetics
         Reaction rate constants
         Temperature-jump apparatus
         Hammett reaction
         Arrhenius relation
         Solution reaction rate constants
         Steric effect
         Eyring equation
         Energy transfer
         Excitation energy transfer
         Vibrational-to-electronic energy transfer
         Semiclassical decoupling scheme
         Surface energy transfer
         Spray cooling
         Energy flux
         Dufour effect
         Energy flux density
         Catalysts and Catalysis
         Tau-leaping method
         Poisson random correction tau leaping method
         Structural-dynamics studies
         Reaction progress kinetic analysis
         Chemical structural-dynamics
         Pre-exponential factor
         Solid-state reaction route
         Surface area to volume ratio
         Biochemical kinetics
         Protein adsorption
         Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
         Enzyme kinetics
         Michaelis-Menten kinetics
         Michaelis-Menten equation
         Diffusion-controlled reactions
         Hill equation
         Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
         Chorismate mutase
         Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
         Enzyme dynamics
         Enzyme commission number
         Allosteric regulation
         Transition state
         Electronic excitation
         Collision frequency
         Chemical processes
         Chemical oxygen demand
         Mass transfer
         Carbon fixation
         Eddy diffusion
         Diffusive energy transport
         Fokker-Planck diffusion
         Anomalous diffusion
         Hydrogen embrittlement
         Diffusion coefficient
         Grain boundary diffusion
         Diffusive momentum transport
         Diffusion rate
         Chemical interdiffusion
         Diffusion barriers
         Rotational diffusion
         Thermal diffusivity
         Retarded osmosis
         Pressure retarded osmosis
         Free-volume theory
         Interface diffusion
         Hole diffusion profile
         Knudsen diffusion
         Tracer diffusion
         Impurity diffusion
         Defect diffusion
         Mass diffusivity
         Diffusion current
         Proton diffusion
         Lattice diffusion
         Corrosion under insulation
         Crack formation
         Galvanic corrosion
         Chemical equipment
         Membrane reactor
         Fluidized beds
         Vibro-fluidized grains
         Transient states
         Catalytic reforming
         Fermentation process
         Alcohol fermentation monitor
         Chemical synthesis
         Seawater desalination
         Analytical chemistry
         Molecular beam spectroscopy
         Photon-echo spectroscopy
         Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy
         Carbon K edge spectroscopy
         Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Double resonance spectroscopy
         Infrared-ultraviolet double resonance spectroscopy
         Nuclear Overhauser effect
         Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy
         Broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Solid state NMR spectroscopy
         Covariance nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Ultrafast two dimensional NMR spectroscopy
         Electron spin resonance-electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy
         Spin-echo spectroscopy
         Frequency swept magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy
         Applied spectroscopy
         Action spectroscopy
         Depolarized Rayleigh spectroscopy
         Near field spectroscopy
         Femtosecond near-field optical spectroscopy
         Thermal infrared near-field spectroscopy
         Broadband photodielectric spectroscopy
         Correlation spectroscopy
         Laser correlation spectroscopy
         Photon correlation spectroscopy
         Homodyne photon correlation spectroscopy
         Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
         X ray photon correlation spectroscopy
         Inter-intramode correlation spectroscopy
         Ferromagnetic resonance
         Thermal desorption spectroscopy
         Spin noise spectroscopy
         Reflectance-difference spectroscopy
         ZnSe/GaAs interface reflectance difference spectroscopy
         In situ reflectance difference spectroscopy
         Surface charge spectroscopy
         Beta-ray spectroscopy
         Electron spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
         Photoelectron spectroscopy
         Scanning photoemission microscopy
         Picosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Laser photoelectron spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         UV photoemission spectroscopy
         High-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet-soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         High-resolution threshold photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Femtosecond time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
         Femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photo-ion spectroscopy
         Photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
         Electrospray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Photoelectron emission spectroscopy
         Core level photoemission spectroscopy
         Core level shifts
         In situ synchrotron based photoemission spectroscopy
         Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
         In situ synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
         Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
         Electron energy loss spectroscopy
         High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy
         Electron magnetic circular dichroism
         Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger-electron appearance potential spectroscopy
         X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger analysis
         Auger effect
         Auger electron depth-profile spectroscopy
         Micro Auger electron spectroscopy
         Auger depth profiling
         Electron-impact spectroscopy
         Electron coincidence spectroscopy
         Electron beam spectra
         Self-excited electron resonance spectroscopy
         Surface electron spectroscopy
         Energy electron spectroscopy
         Hot electron spectroscopy
         Electron momentum spectroscopy
         Meson spectroscopy
         Dicke effect
         Absorption spectroscopy
         Surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy
         Mossbauer absorption spectroscopy
         Optical absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband optical absorbance spectroscopy
         Flash absorption spectroscopy
         Absorption line
         Saturated spectroscopy
         Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
         Diode laser absorption spectroscopy
         Electronic absorption spectroscopy
         Differential optical absorption spectroscopy
         Laser absorption spectroscopy
         Saturated absorption spectroscopy
         Doppler free high resolution laser spectroscopy
         Sub Doppler laser spectroscopy
         VUV laser absorption spectrometer system
         Sub Doppler direct infrared laser absorption spectroscopy
         Two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy
         Stark absorption spectroscopy
         FT absorption spectroscopy
         Wavelength modulation absorption spectroscopy
         Atomic absorption spectroscopy
         Innershell absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared absorption spectroscopy
         UV-visible spectroscopy
         UV-visible absorption
         Picosecond absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transition state absorption spectroscopy
         Modulation spectroscopy
         Frequency modulation spectroscopy
         Wavelength modulation spectroscopy
         Electric field modulation spectroscopy
         Femtosecond intraband modulation spectroscopy
         Modulation excitation spectroscopy
         Laser modulation spectroscopy
         Transmission spectroscopy
         Spectral imaging
         Hyperspectral imaging
         Phase lag spectroscopy
         Scattering spectroscopy
         OH stretch inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectroscopy
         Inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy
         Femtosecond light scattering spectroscopy
         Helium backscattering spectroscopy
         Hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy
         Lifetime spectroscopy
         Bichromatic crossover spectroscopy
         Mechanical spectroscopy
         In situ mechanical spectroscopy
         Real frequency mechanical spectroscopy
         Electric modulus spectroscopy
         Single molecule spectroscopy
         Sum frequency generation spectroscopy
         Broadband vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy
         SFG probe spectroscopy
         Vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
         Sum vibrational frequency spectroscopy
         Electronic sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
         Picosecond sum frequency generation spectroscopy
         Picosecond electrical spectroscopy
         Polarization spectroscopy
         Doppler free polarization spectroscopy
         Infrared polarization spectroscopy
         Femtosecond Raman induced polarization spectroscopy
         Doppler free laser polarization spectroscopy
         Stark polarization spectroscopy
         Vibrational spectroscopy
         Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy
         Overtone vibrational spectroscopy
         Electron vibrational spectroscopy
         Time-resolved surface vibrational spectroscopy
         In situ surface vibrational spectroscopy
         Local vibrational mode spectroscopy
         Microwave spectroscopy
         Luminescence spectroscopy
         Optical luminescence spectroscopy
         Photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
         Laser photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet photoluminescence imaging spectroscopy
         Picosecond time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
         Resonance spectroscopy
         Trapped ion spectroscopy
         Photon dissociation spectroscopy
         Proton energy loss spectroscopy
         Muon spin spectroscopy
         Diode laser spectroscopy
         Capacitance spectroscopy
         Optical-isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy
         Electrochemical isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy
         Schottky capacitance spectroscopy
         Photodissociation spectroscopy
         Reststrahlen effect
         Reststrahlen frequency
         Condensed matter spectroscopy
         Piezoelectric spectroscopy
         Crystal field spectroscopy
         Ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy
         Ultrafast differential transmission spectroscopy
         Matrix isolation spectroscopy
         Inner-shell spectroscopy
         Boron K-shell spectroscopy
         Zero-field spin splitting
         Photoelectron yield spectroscopy
         Mossbauer spectroscopy
         Backscatter Mossbauer spectroscopy
         Acoustic attenuation spectroscopy
         Spectro-chemical analysis
         X-ray spectrochemical analysis
         Admittance spectroscopy
         Optical admittance spectroscopy
         Laser photoionization spectroscopy
         Ultrafast laser spectroscopy
         Ultrafast pump probe spectroscopy
         Transient optical absorption
         Transient grating spectroscopy
         Transient reflecting grating spectroscopy
         Laser transient grating spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy
         Ultrafast core-loss spectroscopy
         Spectral line shape
         Lorentzian broadening
         Rydberg equation
         Rydberg transitions
         Forbidden transition
         Optogalvanic spectroscopy
         Temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy
         Temperature programmed desorption
         Raman spectroscopy
         Raman ξ function dispersion method
         Raman scattering spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet micro-Raman spectroscopy
         Nano-Raman spectroscopy
         Ultra-low frequency Raman spectroscopy
         Stokes shift
         Anti-Stokes fluorescence
         Laser Raman spectroscopy
         Matrix isolation laser Raman spectroscopy
         Raman optical activity
         Resonance Raman optical activity spectroscopy
         Surface enhanced Raman optical activity spectroscopy
         Raman spectral imaging
         Attenuated-total-reflection Raman spectroscopy
         Resonance Raman spectroscopy
         Resonance Raman excitation
         Rotational-Raman spectroscopy
         Raman microprobe spectroscopy
         Reflectance anisotropy
         Triplet state spectroscopy
         Steady state spectroscopy
         Selection rule
         Electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy
         Photothermal deflection spectroscopy
         Transverse photothermal beam deflection technique
         Piezoresponse force spectroscopy
         Piezoresponse force microscopy-switching spectroscopy
         Hypernuclear spectroscopy
         Surface electromagnetic wave spectroscopy
         Reflectance spectroscopy
         Infrared reflectance spectroscopy
         Photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy
         Fourier transform infrared reflectance spectroscopy
         Near-infrared spectroscopy
         Bragg spectroscopy
         Bragg crystal spectrometer
         Ion dip spectroscopy
         UV ion dip spectroscopy
         IR plus vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Laser optogalvanic photodetachment spectroscopy
         Emission spectroscopy
         Gaussian broadening
         Beam emission polarimetry
         Band emission
         Optical emission spectroscopy
         Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
         Laser excited emission spectroscopy
         Collisional broadening
         Weisskopf-pressure broadening
         Terahertz emission spectroscopy
         Emission coefficient
         Ion cyclotron emission spectroscopy
         Electron impact emission spectroscopy
         Analytical emission spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling microscope light emission spectroscopy
         X-ray emission spectroscopy
         Atomic emission spectroscopy
         Inverse photoemission spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet inverse photoemission spectroscopy
         Hook spectroscopy
         In beam spectroscopy
         Fourier transform spectroscopy
         VUV Fourier-transform spectrometer
         Michelson spectrograph
         Molecular beam Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy
         High resolution nonlinear optical spectroscopy
         Hole burning spectroscopy
         Four wave mixing spectroscopy
         Two-color resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy
         Perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy
         Perturbed angular distribution spectroscopy
         Kelvin photovoltage spectroscopy
         Ion scattering spectroscopy
         Direct recoil spectroscopy
         Ion impact spectroscopy
         Coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy
         Electric field modulation nanospectroscopy
         Far infrared spectroscopy
         Synchrotron far infrared spectroscopy
         Soret band
         Landau level spectroscopy
         Industrial spectroscopy
         Autodetachment spectroscopy
         Diode laser autodetachment spectroscopy
         Terahertz spectroscopy
         Wideband photomixing spectroscopy
         Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
         Waveguide terahertz time domain spectroscopy
         Terahertz reflection spectroscopy
         Broadband terahertz spectroscopy
         Terahertz transmission spectroscopy
         Terahertz absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared spectroscopy
         Infrared photodissociation spectroscopy
         IR-laser induced vibrational dissociation spectroscopy
         Attenuated total reflection
         Hagen-Rubens relationship
         Tunable diode laser-infrared spectroscopy
         High resolution spectroscopy
         High-resolution coherent three-dimensional spectroscopy
         Sub Doppler high resolution spectroscopy
         High resolution photoassociation spectroscopy
         Rayleigh's criterion
         Organic spectroscopy
         Spectral hole burning
         Mechanical spectral hole burning
         VUV action spectroscopy
         Phonon spectroscopy
         Phonon sideband spectroscopy
         Resonance acoustic-phonon spectroscopy
         Acoustic resonance spectroscopy
         Nonlinear impact resonance acoustic spectroscopy
         In situ conductance spectroscopy
         Oscillator strengths
         Nonlinear spectroscopy
         Picosecond nonlinear spectroscopy
         Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy
         Fourth-order nonlinear spectroscopy
         Electron ion coincidence spectroscopy
         Frequency swept spectroscopy
         Appearance potential spectroscopy
         Raman microspectroscopy
         Laser micro Raman spectroscopy
         Vibronic spectroscopy
         Vibronic transitions
         Supersonic jet spectroscopy
         Photocurrent spectroscopy
         In situ photocurrent spectroscopy
         Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Visible spectroscopy
         Collision spectroscopy
         Rotational-vibrational spectroscopy
         Josephson broadband spectroscopy
         Nernst glower
         High-magnetic field spectroscopy
         Photoionization spectroscopy
         Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
         Scintillation spectroscopy
         Multiple quantum spectroscopy
         Isomeric shift
         Infrared transmission spectroscopy
         Rotational spectroscopy
         N2 rotational spectroscopy
         Centrifugal distortion
         Centrifugal distortion constant
         Thermally stimulated current spectroscopy
         Multiphoton spectroscopy
         Brillouin spectroscopy
         Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
         Laser spectroscopy
         Kerr lens spectroscopy
         Collinear laser spectroscopy
         Laser analytical spectrochemistry
         Superheterodyne light beating spectroscopy
         Carbon dioxide laser spectroscopy
         Laser predissociation spectroscopy
         Far-infrared laser sideband spectroscopy
         Near-infrared laser spectroscopy
         Gas phase laser spectroscopy
         Laser excitation spectroscopy
         Excimer laser spectroscopy
         Color center laser spectroscopy
         Chemical reaction jet spectroscopy
         Anderson original line broadening
         X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray Raman spectroscopy
         X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
         Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
         Electron energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy
         Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
         Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy
         Synchrotron X ray spectroscopy
         Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray powder spectroscopy
         X-ray absorption spectroscopy
         Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
         Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
         X-ray absorption fine structure
         Surface extended X-ray absorption fine structure
         X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Ultrafast X ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Multiple photoelectron scattering
         Energy X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
         Angular resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         In situ angular resolved X ray photoelectron spectroscopy
         Charge compensation
         Soft X ray photoemission spectroscopy
         Picosecond X ray spectroscopy
         X-ray continuum emission spectroscopy
         X-ray scattering spectroscopy
         In situ small angle X-ray scattering spectroscopy
         X-ray fluorescence
         X-ray diffraction spectroscopy
         High resolution X ray spectroscopy
         Time resolved X-ray spectroscopy
         X-ray excited optical luminescence spectroscopy
         Dark-field spectroscopy
         Doppler shift spectroscopy
         Stark spectroscopy
         Infrared laser Stark spectroscopy
         Laser Stark spectroscopy
         Stark effect spectroscopy
         Emission Stark spectroscopy
         Optical Stark spectroscopy
         Force spectroscopy
         Dynamic force spectroscopy
         Force-clamp spectroscopy
         Crystal spectroscopy
         Imaging spectroscopy
         Force curve imaging spectroscopy
         RCF imaging spectroscopy
         Photoelectron imaging spectroscopy
         Magnetic particle imaging spectroscopy
         Video spectroscopy
         Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
         Electrochemical strain microscopy time spectroscopy
         Dielectric spectroscopy
         Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy
         Broadband dielectric spectroscopy
         Broadband time domain reflectometry dielectric spectroscopy
         Time domain dielectric spectroscopy
         Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars polarization
         Broadband multi-interferometer spectroscopy
         Photothermal microspectroscopy
         Reflection spectroscopy
         Andreev reflection spectroscopy
         Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy
         In situ reflection spectroscopy
         Hadron spectroscopy
         B-hadrons spectroscopy
         Baryon spectroscopy
         Operando spectroscopy
         Alpha-particle spectroscopy
         Gamma ray spectroscopy
         High precision gamma ray spectroscopy
         Gamma spectra
         Far-infrared photoconductive magnetospectroscopy
         Terahertz magnetospectroscopy
         Hyperfine spectroscopy
         Brewster angle spectroscopy
         Electron tunneling force spectroscopy
         Pyrolysis jet spectroscopy
         Integrated magnetic spectroscopy
         Beam foil spectroscopy
         Fast-beam spectroscopy
         Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy
         Charge coupled device spectroscopy
         Point-contact spectroscopy
         In situ tunneling spectroscopy
         Laser desorption jet cooling spectroscopy
         Specific heat spectroscopy
         Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
         Guided ion beam mass spectrometry
         Surface spectroscopy
         Semiconductor surface spectroscopy
         Rydberg spectroscopy
         Zero electron kinetic energy spectroscopy
         Multichannel quantum-defect theory assisted Rydberg spectroscopy
         Photoinduced Rydberg ionization spectroscopy
         Thermal admittance spectroscopy
         Schottky-junction thermal admittance spectroscopy
         Positron annihilation spectroscopy
         Radiofrequency spectroscopy
         Electron transmission spectroscopy
         Absorption band
         Werner and Lyman bands
         Hartley band
         Pump probe spectroscopy
         Raman pump probe spectroscopy
         Kelvin probe spectroscopy
         Infrared pump probe spectroscopy
         Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
         Ultra-high spin spectroscopy
         Charged particle spectroscopy
         Thomson parabola particle spectroscopy
         Deep level transient spectroscopy
         Inductance deep level transient spectroscopy
         Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy
         Optical deep level transient spectroscopy
         Nanoscale band gap spectroscopy
         Jet spectroscopy
         Neutron spectroscopy
         Time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy
         Neutron capture spectroscopy
         Fast neutron spectroscopy
         Lineshape spectroscopy
         Homodyne spectroscopy
         Time resolved spectroscopy
         Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
         Transient-absorption spectroscopy
         Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
         XUV transient absorption spectroscopy
         Broadband ultraviolet visible transient absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
         Femtosecond extreme ultraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy
         Picosecond-to-nanosecond spectroscopy
         Time-correlated single photon counting
         Diode laser transient absorption/gain spectroscopy
         Optical-fiber based single-shot picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
         Time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy
         Two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy
         Asynchronous optical sampling
         Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy
         Edge spectroscopy
         Core level spectroscopy
         Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Time resolved electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Orotron EPR spectroscopy
         Transient electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Fourier transform-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy
         Pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Microwave EPR spectroscopy
         Gas phase electron resonance spectroscopy
         X-band electron spin resonance spectroscopy
         Electric resonance spectroscopy
         Plasma spectroscopy
         Magnetohydrodynamics spectroscopy
         Alfven spectroscopy
         Laser induced plasma spectroscopy
         Quantum-optical spectroscopy
         Quantum dot spectroscopy
         Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
         Coherent spectroscopy
         Femtosecond nonlinear coherence spectroscopy
         Femtosecond rotational Raman coherence spectroscopy
         Coherent anti Stokes Raman scattering
         Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
         Coherent Stokes-Raman spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling spectroscopy
         Electron tunneling scanning probe spectroscopy
         Scanning tunneling spectroscopy spectra
         Laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy
         Laser magnetic resonance rotational spectroscopy
         Fluorescence spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet fluorescent spectroscopy
         Frequency domain fluorometry
         Laser fluorescence spectroscopy
         Laser induced fluorescence
         Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy
         Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
         Picosecond fluorescence depletion spectroscopy
         Ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy
         Total internal reflection fluorescence spectroscopy
         Femtosecond fluorescence depletion spectroscopy
         Upconversion fluorescence spectroscopy
         Single vibronic level fluorescence spectroscopy
         Laser ablation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
         Zeeman anisotropy fluorescence spectroscopy
         Dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy
         Island divertor spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet spectroscopy
         UV photofragment spectroscopy
         UV-VUV synchrotron radiation spectroscopy
         Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy
         VUV spectroscopy
         ITER-prototype VUV spectroscopy
         Extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy
         Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy
         Speckle spectroscopy
         Electroabsorption spectroscopy
         Near-infrared electroabsorption spectroscopy
         Ion spectroscopy
         Ion-mobility spectrometry
         Ar predissociation spectroscopy
         Ion neutralization spectroscopy
         Ion momentum spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet-visible-Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy
         Ionization spectroscopy
         Laser ionization spectroscopy
         Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy
         Mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy
         Resonance ionization spectroscopy
         Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy
         Cavity ring-down spectroscopy
         Cavity ring-down laser absorption spectroscopy
         Infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy
         Ultraviolet cavity ringdown spectroscopy
         Laser diode cavity ring down spectroscopy
         Millimeter wave spectrum
         Spin wave spectroscopy
         Optical spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy
         Optical transmission spectroscopy
         Faraday rotation spectroscopy
         Light beating spectroscopy
         Optical extinction spectroscopy
         Broadband frequency comb spectroscopy
         Total internal reflection-thermal lens spectroscopy
         Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy
         Diffusing wave spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic generation spectroscopy
         Optical second harmonic spectroscopy
         SHG spectroscopy
         Light scattering spectroscopy
         Optical deep-level spectroscopy
         Circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
         Millimeter-wave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         High-resolution optical spectroscopy
         Optical-optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Microwave optical double resonance spectroscopy
         Two-dimensional electronic photon-echo spectroscopy
         Optical wave light spectroscopy
         Ultrafast nonlinear subwavelength solid immersion spectroscopy
         Dynamic spectroscopy
         Glow discharge optical spectroscopy
         Diffuse optical spectroscopy
         Coherent multidimensional optical spectroscopy
         Photofragment spectroscopy
         Photofragment translational spectroscopy
         Ultrafast time resolved ion photofragmentation spectroscopy
         Photofragment emission yield spectroscopy
         Laser photofragment spectroscopy
         Kerr effect spectroscopy
         Heterodyne spectroscopy
         Electrical impedance spectroscopy
         Photothermal spectroscopy
         Photothermal detection
         Deep level photothermal spectroscopy
         Isochromat spectroscopy
         Wet chemistry
         Microscale chemistry
         X-ray crystallography
         Density difference maps
         X-ray diffraction
         X-ray scattering
         Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
         Thomson scattering
         Compton scattering
         High resolution X-ray diffraction
         Bragg vector
         Surface X-ray diffraction
         X-ray crystal truncation rod scattering
         Laue crystal analyzer
         Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction
         Weissenberg method
         Ultrafast X-ray diffraction
         Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
         Bragg reflection
         Debye-Scherrer equation
         Crystal orientation
         Crystal structure
         Crystal lattices
         Crystal twinnings
         Crystallographic defects
         Optical crystallography
         Mathematical crystallography
         Powder diffraction
         Sphere packings
         Lattice dynamics
         Lattice vibrations
         Crystalline properties
         Electron backscatter diffraction
         Protein crystallography
         Protein crystals
         Ultrafast time-resolved crystallography
         Thin-film crystallography
         Debye-Huckel equation
         Particle size analysis
         Laser diffraction
         Laser diffraction pattern
         Dynamic light scattering
         Evanescent wave dynamic light scattering
         Gravimetric analysis
         Electroanalytical chemistry
         Electroanalytical methods and devices
         Anodic stripping voltammetry
         Linear sweep voltammetry
         Cyclic voltammetry
         Ultra-micro electrode
         Chemical speciation
         Analytical laboratory techniques
         Neutron activation analysis
         X-ray reflectivity
         Fourier transformation cyclotron resonance spectrometry
         Time delay spectrometry
         Neutral mass spectrometry
         Beta spectrometry
         Scattering and recoiling imaging spectrometry
         Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
         Mass spectrometry
         Laser ionization mass spectrometry
         Collision-induced dissociation
         Fragmentation technique
         Quadrupole mass spectrometry
         Gas phase neutral mass spectrometry
         Time-of-flight method
         Picosecond mass spectrometry
         Daughter ion mass spectrometry
         Taylor cone
         Time resolved mass spectrometry
         Electron impact ionization
         Molecular beam mass spectrometry
         Beam modulation mass spectrometry
         Tandem mass spectrometry
         Electron transfer dissociation
         Infrared multiple photon dissociation
         IR multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy
         Isotope mass spectrometry
         Thermal ionization mass spectrometry
         Marcus unimolecular fragmentation
         Laser mass spectrometry
         Fourier transform mass spectrometry
         Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
         Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
         Surface ionization detector
         Ion mass spectrometry
         Helium ion mass spectrometry
         Aerosol matrix assisted laser desorption/Ionization time of flight mass spectrometry
         Flowing-afterglow mass spectrometry
         IR laser desorption/tunable synchrotron VUV photoionization mass spectrometry
         Electron impact mass spectrometry
         Photoionization mass spectrometry
         Residual gas analysis
         Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
         Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
         Excimer laser ablation mass spectrometry
         Mass-analyzed ion kinetic-energy spectrometry
         Reflectron mass spectrometry
         Plasma desorption mass spectrometry
         Secondary neutral mass spectrometry
         Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry
         Knudsen cell mass spectrometry
         Threshold ionization mass spectrometry
         Ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
         Electrospray droplet impact
         Neutral density attachment mass spectrometry
         Time of flight mass spectrometry
         Photon time of flight spectroscopy
         H-atom Rydberg time-of-flight spectroscopy
         Molecular-beam time-of-flight spectroscopy
         Tandem time of flight mass spectrometry
         Positronium time of flight spectroscopy
         Mass spectrography
         Spark source mass spectrography
         Quadrupole ion traps
         Surface ionization mass spectrometry
         Collisional excitation
         Electron attachment mass spectrometry
         Wien filter
         Resonance ionization
         Isotope ratio mass spectrometry
         Isotopic fractionation
         Isotopic ratio
         Laser vaporization mass spectrometry
         Integrated desorption mass spectrometry
         Electrospray ionization
         Temperature mass spectrometry
         Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
         Ion attachment mass spectrometry
         Lithium ion attachment mass spectrometry
         Glow-discharge mass spectrometry
         Faraday cup
         Secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Ion beam mass spectrometer
         Dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Surface chemical analysis
         Disjoining pressure
         High performance molecular secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Instrumental mass fractionation
         Ultralow energy secondary ion mass spectrometry
         Ion mobility spectrometry-MS
         Accelerator mass spectrometry
         Chalk River accelerator mass spectrometry
         Precision proportional counter spectrometry
         Thermal lens spectrometry
         Wideband photothermal spectrometry
         Amplitude and phase modulation wide band photothermal spectrometry
         Electron spin echo envelope spectrometry
         Audio spectrometry
         Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
         Charge exchange atom spectrometry
         Wavelength dispersive spectrometry
         Time-of-flight scattering and recoiling spectrometry
         Resonance ionization mass spectrometry
         Elemental analysis
         Trace element analysis
         Depth profiling techniques
         Differential scanning calorimetry
         Endergonic process
         Chemical compounds
         Organic compounds
         Covalent organic framework
         Heterocyclic compounds
         Chemical elements
         Hydrogen atom
         Alkaline earth metals
         Alkali metals
         Noble gas
         Synthetic elements
         Cl2 gas
         Coordination compounds
         Chemical bonding
         Intermolecular forces
         Van der Waals forces
         Hydrophobic effect
         Free radicals
         Transition metals
         Mercury (element)
         Ions and properties
         Transition metal carbides
         Reichardt's dye
         Fluorescent dye
         Black dye
         Nile blue
         Rhodamine B dye
         Triphenylmethane dyes
         Blue dye
         Rose bengal
         Indanthrone dyes
         Bromocresol green
         Near infrared fluorescent dye
         Orange G
         Hemicyanine dyes
         Methylene blue
         Organic dyes
         Congo red
         Voltage-sensitive dye
         Leuco dye
         Metal oxides
         Sulfur compounds
         Organosulfur compounds
         Intercalation compounds
         Bone cement
         Boron compounds
         Silicon compounds
         Inorganic compounds
         Transition metal chalcogenides
         Layered double hydroxides
         Polytetramethylene oxide
         Nitrous oxide
         Carbon monoxide
         Zinc-nickel oxide
         Coordination complex
         Transition metal oxides
         Acid base chemistry
         Piranha solution
         Heteropoly acids
         Keggin structure
         Bases (chemistry)
         pH indicator
         pH value
         Isoelectric point
         Grotthuss mechanism
         Chemical reactions
         Ligand exchange
         Elementary reaction
         Oxyhydrogen flame
         Radiative association
         Molecule molecule reactions
         Partially premixed charge compression ignition
         Oxygen analyzer
         Laminar flamelet model
         Flamelet model
         Gas jet
         Laminar flame speed
         Deflagration-to-detonation transition
         Flamelet-generated manifold
         Minimum ignition energy
         First-order reactions
         Bimolecular reactions
         Exchange reactions
         Substitution reactions
         Walden inversion
         Ion exchange reactions
         Anion exchange process
         Disproportionation reactions
         Atom transfer reactions
         Decomposition reactions
         Spin-on pyrolysis technique
         Vacuum flash pyrolysis
         Dissociation reaction
         Integral encounter theory
         Dissociative attachment
         Dissociation energy
         Chemical fragmentation
         Cluster fragmentation
         Photoinduced reactions
         Oxidation processes
         Chemical oxide removal
         Oxygen evolution reaction
         Insertion reactions
         Lithium intercalation method
         Two body reaction
         Non adiabatic reactions
         Elimination reaction
         β-hydride elimination
         Solvent effect
         Coupling reaction
         Interlayer exchange coupling
         Cluster reactivity
         Single molecule reactions
         Single molecule kinetics
         Autocatalytic reaction
         Cluster formation reactions
         TiCl4 assisted hydrogen reduction
         Selective catalytic reduction
         Carbothermal process
         Associative ionization
         Redox reactions
         Reducing agent
         Half reaction
         Mercury beating heart
         Ion molecule reactions
         Crossed beam scattering
         Transition metal ion-chelating
         Nucleophilic substitution
         Edwards equation
         Condensation reactions
         Chemical reaction theory
         Reaction kinetics modeling
         Chemical stoichiometry
         Residence time distributions
         Classical chemical theories
         Equilibrium chemistry
         Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus theory
         Facile chemical synthesis
         Charge exchange reactions
         Charge-dependent exchange and dispersion model
         Reaction mechanisms
         Electrophilic fluorination
         Classical trajectory method
         Gaussian weighted trajectory method
         Iron isotope effect
         Oligodynamic effect
         Pulse radiolysis
         Empirical valence bond
         Acid dissociation constant
         Olefin metathesis
         Hammond-Leffler postulate
         Free radical reactions
         Chlorination mechanisms
         Radical-radical reactions
         Organic reactions
         Electrophilic aromatic substitution
         Electrocyclic reactions
         Microwave assisted organic synthesis reactions
         Cope reaction
         Diels-Alder reaction
         Cycloisomerization reactions
         Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement
         SN2 reaction
         Woodward-Hoffmann rules
         Hydrogenation process
         Dehydration reaction
         Cope rearrangement
         Ozonolysis of alkenes
         Associative substitution
         Friedel-Crafts alkylation
         Surface silylating process
         Electrochemical reactions
         Faradaic efficiency
         Levich equation
         Electrochemical oxidation
         Ion concentration polarization
         Electrolytic polishing
         Concentration polarization
         Geminate recombination
         Chemical complexation
         Wet oxidation
         Atom reactions
         Chain reactions
         Ion ion reactions
         Ion-ion correlation effects
         Staggered conformation
         Conformational isomerism
         Trans-cis isomerizations
         Chirality control
         Keto-enol tautomerism
         Fischer-Tropsch process
         Recombination reactions
         Charge recombination
         Addition reactions
         Olefin hydrogenation
         Simmons-Smith reaction
         Chemical oscillation
         Inorganic reactions
         Charge transfer
         Charge dynamics
         Charged impurities
         Charge fluctuations
         Charge transport
         Intragrain charge transport
         Acoustic charge transport
         Electron transfer
         Zusman equation
         Self-exchange reactions
         Photoinduced electron transfer
         Electron transfer theory
         Marcus nonadiabatic electron transfer equation
         Light-driven electron transport
         Marcus equation
         Biological electron transfer
         Detonation velocity
         Pentolite sphere
         Von Neumann spike
         Shock sensitivity
         Chapman-Jouguet condition
         Polymer reactions
         Positronium chemistry
         Chemical models and systems
         Disperse systems
         Mineral dust aerosol
         Organic aerosols
         Water partition coefficients
         Kaye effect
         Complex fluids
         Chemical solutions
         Buffer solutions
         Solution processes
         Aggregation kinetics
         Hume-Rothery rules
         Dipolar solute
         Ionic liquids
         Switchable ionic liquid
         Micellar solutions
         High-density liquid
         Partition coefficient
         Paraffinic solvents
         Perfluoro paraffins
         Deep eutectic solvents
         Refractive-index matching
         Fibrous gels
         Silica gel
         Low molecular weight gelling agents
         Gel point
         Polyacrylamide hydrogel
         Alginate hydrogels
         Nickel foam-graphene
         Hydrogel capsule
         Collagen gels
         Amphiphilic systems
         Hydrophobic interactions
         Cassie-Baxter state
         Hydrophilic interactions
         Surface hydrophilicity
         Fiber suspension
         Dumbbell suspensions
         Asakura-Oosawa model
         Supramolecular chemistry
         Supramolecular assembly
         Reverse micelles
         Multiphoton processes
         Multiphoton photochemistry
         Multiphoton excitation
         Vacuum ultraviolet excitation
         Solar cells
         Perovskite solar cell
         Thin film solar cells
         Dye sensitized solar cell
         Silicon solar cells
         Multijunction solar cells
         Photoelectrochemical cells
         Solar cell efficiency
         Organic solar cells
         Photovoltaic effects
         High concentration photovoltaics
         Concentrator photovoltaics
         Photochemical reactions
         Photosynthetic reaction center
         Photosynthetic pigments
         Beta carotene
         Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
         Light harvesting complexes
         Photosynthetic light-harvesting
         Chemical analysis
         Potentiodynamic polarization
         Beckman spectrophotometers
         Absorption spectrophotometer
         Chemical composition
         Detection limit
         Osmotic coefficient
         Binary liquid
         Gas phase titration
         Boehm method
         Activation analysis
         Chemical hardness
         Chemically amplified molecular resist
         Isotopic abundances
         Separation processes
         Laser assisted retarded condensation
         Pressure swing adsorption
         Precipitation method
         Liesegang rings
         Membrane technology
         Ion-exchange membrane
         Membrane processes
         Reverse osmosis
         Flocculation mechanism
         Sedimentation equilibrium
         Distillation system
         Fractional distillation
         Two-phase systems
         Column chromatography
         Gas chromatography
         Flame ionization detector
         Size-exclusion chromatography
         Gel permeation chromatography
         Thin-layer chromatography
         Buffer exchange
         Liquid chromatography
         Solid phase extraction
         Filtration membrane
         Retentate channel
         Permeate channel
         Froth flotation
         Filtration process
         Vacuum filtration
         Cross-flow filters
         Polymer chemistry
         Conducting polymers
         Conductive polymer composites
         Dye doped polymers
         Polymer pyrolysis
         Schulz-Flory model
         Cathode glow polymerization
         Solution polymerization
         UV-curing resins
         Thermal depolymerization
         Radical addition-fragmentation chain transfer
         Ziegler-Natta catalyst
         Dispersion polymerization
         Polymer dispersion
         Degree of polymerization
         In situ polymerization
         Activator regenerated electron transfer
         Graft copolymerization
         Femtosecond laser polymerization technique
         In-situ photopolymerization
         Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer
         Atom transfer radical polymerization
         Emulsion polymerization
         Finitely extensible nonlinear elastic
         Surface science
         Surface and interface chemistry
         Surface tension studies
         Electron stimulated desorption
         Field emission energy distributions
         Surface analysis techniques
         Surface energy model
         Photon stimulated desorption
         Surface energy
         Field desorption
         Surface dynamics
         Lotus effect
         Liquid solid interfaces
         Gas liquid interfaces
         Solid gas interfaces
         Interface properties
         Air-water interface
         Solid solid interfaces
         Interface vibrations
         Stoneley waves
         Aqueous interfaces
         Gas-solid interface
         Glassy-rubbery interface
         Dendrite interfaces
         Liquid-vapor interface
         Interfacial properties
         Kelvin equation
         Interfacial instability
         Liquid liquid interfaces
         Interface dynamics
         Interfacial tension
         Laplace pressure
         Solid vacuum interfaces
         Surface reactions
         Corrosion prevention
         Surface physics
         Ideal surface
         Adsorption isotherm
         Langmuir isotherm
         Chemical properties
         Ionic potential
         Chemical engineering
         Fiber spinning
         Centrifugal sedimentation
         Chemical vapor infiltration
         Semibatch reactor
         Continuous stirred-tank reactor
         Chemical plants
         Ionic conductivity
         Electrochemical analysis
         Photo-Dember effect
         Butler-Volmer equations
         Reference electrodes
         Saturated calomel electrode
         Interdigitated electrode
         Organic electrodes
         Wehnelt electrode
         Cathode theory
         Transient hollow cathode discharge
         Cold cathodes
         Graphite electrode
         Applied electrochemistry
         Fuel cells
         Proton exchange membrane fuel cells
         Polymer electrolyte fuel cells
         Phosphoric acid fuel cells
         Microbial fuel cell
         Solid oxide fuel cells
         Electrochemical sensors
         Electrochemical engineering
         Battery materials
         Rechargeable batteries
         Lithium-ion batteries
         Solid-state batteries
         Sodium-ion batteries
         Flow batteries
         Lead acid batteries
         Metal-air batteries
         Atomic batteries
         Betavoltaic device
         Polymer electrolyte
         Organic electrolytes
         Solid electrolyte interphase
         Electrokinetic phenomena
         Electrical double layers
         Streaming potential
         Bilingual education
         Computers in education
         Philosophy of education
         Educational stages
         Vocational education
         Professional development
         Educational architecture
         Adult education
         Education policy
         Education economics
         History of education
         Ancient education
         Special education
         Learning disability
         Educational psychology
         Mental health in education
         Learning psychology
         Educational research
         Discipline-based education research
         Engineering education research
         Physics education research
         Academic culture
         Lesson plans
         Teaching methods and strategies
         Teaching strategy
         Learning and learning models
         Learning models
         Levels of inquiry
         Alternative conceptions
         Learning theories
         Learning skills
         Blended learning
         Teaching philosophy
         Teacher training
         Educational aids
         Educational facilities
         Educational technology
         Bloom's taxonomy
         Education portal
         Education reform
         Right to education
         Educational program
         Academic support
         Academic degree
         Education theories
         Sociology of education
         Education activism
         Education in acoustics
         Evidence-based education
         Curriculum theories
         Curriculum development
         Curriculum studies
         Alternative education
         Gifted education
         Online education
         Distance education
         Environmental education
         Education awards
         Educational administration
         Science education
         Educational institutions
         Educational organizations
         Educational assessment
         Standards-based assessment
         Educational practices
         Diversity in education
         Plasma physics
         Plasma systems and processes
         Plasma gasifier
         Magnetoacoustic wave
         Plasma containment
         Solar corona
         Quantum plasma
         Solid state plasma
         Runaway electrons
         Plasma production
         Electric discharges
         Inductively coupled plasma
         Induction plasma technology
         Corona effect
         Flowing afterglow
         Streamer discharge
         Exploding wire method
         Vacuum arc discharge
         Vacuum arcs
         Cathodic vacuum arcs
         Anodic vacuum arc
         Direct current vacuum arc
         Direct current vacuum arc discharge
         Titanium vacuum arc
         Radiofrequency discharges
         Low field discharges
         Gas discharges
         Magnetoactive discharges
         Penning discharges
         Vacuum spark discharge
         Multipactor discharges
         Coaxial multipactor experiment
         Corona discharge ionization source
         Plasma applications
         Plasma switches
         Plasma sources
         Plasma afterglow
         Plasma displays
         Plasma medicine
         Plasma kite
         Plasma waveguide
         Sputter deposition
         Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition
         Plasma diodes
         Plasma acceleration
         Plasma lighting
         Etching simulator
         Plasma processing
         Plasma welding
         Arc plasma
         Plasma spraying
         Intense particle beams
         Heavy ion beams
         Plasma weapons
         High voltage diodes
         Intense charged particle beams
         Space charge dominated beams
         Coherent radiation sources
         Accelerated plasmas
         Plasma properties and parameters
         Plasma transport properties
         Neutrals in plasma
         Debye shielding
         Plasma ionization
         Plasma dielectric properties
         Plasma temperature
         Electron-ion collision rate
         Plasma fluctuations
         Plasma lifetime
         High energy density physics
         Plasma instrumentation
         Plasma diagnostics
         Faraday cup
         Electron beam fluorescence technique
         Plasma devices
         Plasma interactions
         Laser plasma interactions
         Laser filamentation
         Self focusing
         Kerr self-focusing
         Laser ablation
         Plasma collisions
         Radiation plasma interactions
         Plasma material interactions
         Plasma chemical reactions
         Plasma impurities
         Ionization processes
         Chemi-ionization reaction
         Penning ionization
         Partially ionized plasma
         Collisional processes
         Theoretical plasma physics
         Plasma kinetic theory
         Plasma simulation
         Plasma gyrokinetics
         Plasma codes
         Particle-in-cell method
         Vlasov theory
         Plasma dynamics
         Plasmon polaritons
         Plasmon oscillations
         Surface plasmon polaritons
         Kretschmann geometry
         Gap surface plasmon polaritons
         Surface plasmon resonance
         Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
         Plasma flows
         Tonks-Dattner resonances
         Plasma confinement
         Magnetic confinement fusion
         Magnetic confinement device
         Bumpy torus
         Magnetic mirrors
         Plasma heating
         Magnetic reconnection
         Plasma instabilities
         Trivelpiece-Gould modes
         Vlasov equation
         Plasma propulsion
         Plasma discharges
         Plasma waves
         Plasma turbulence
         Quasilinear theory
         Dupree-Weinstock resonance broadening theory
         Plasma blobs
         Plasma expansion
         Space plasma physics
         Space plasma experiments
         Stochastic phenomena
         Spacecraft atmosphere interactions
         Ionospheric plasmas
         Plasma sheaths
         Dust plasma interactions
         Solar plasma
         Solar wind
         Poynting-Robertson effect
         Spacecraft charging
         Kinetic waves
         Spacecraft sheaths
         Shock waves
         Chester-Chisnell-Whitham method
         Mach reflection
         Shock dynamics
         Electrostatic structures
         Space plasma radiation processes
         Spacecraft wakes
         Radiation belts
         Van Allen belt
         Magnetospheric plasmas
         Space weather
         Ionospheric storms
         Magnetic storms
         Magnetic substorms
         Plasma sheet
         Quantum mechanics
         Field theory
         Axiomatic approach
         Regularity axiom
         Levi-Civita field
         Splitting field-theory
         Gauge field theory
         Lattice gauge theory
         Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
         Gauge symmetry
         Light-cone gauge
         Gauge anomalies
         Gauge group
         Yang-Mills-Higgs theory
         Gauge coupling
         Lanczos potential
         Lanczos tensor wave equation
         Strong coupling expansions
         Surface charge algebra
         Non-Abelian strongly-coupled gauge theory
         Topologically massive gauge theories
         Wess-Zumino gauge
         Topological excitations
         Supersymmetric gauge theory
         Witten theory
         Gauge fixing
         Gribov ambiguity
         Gauge freedom
         Coulomb gauge
         Yang-Mills theory
         Quantum Yang-Mills field
         Yang-Mills-Higgs equations
         Zumino model
         Lagrange resolvents
         Quantum electrodynamics
         Cavity quantum electrodynamics
         Purcell factor
         Purcell effect
         Purcell enhancement
         Schwinger model
         Klein-Nishina formula
         Quantum beats
         Coleman-Weinberg potential
         Quantum electrodynamic vacuum
         QED calculations
         Vertex function
         Nordsieck model
         Eikonal approximation
         Quantum electrodynamic Lagrangian
         Vacuum electrodynamics
         Electron kinetic energy
         Vacuum polarization
         Classical field theory
         Hamiltonian field theory
         Lagrangian field theories
         Newtonian gravity
         Einstein gravity
         Geometric quantization
         Relativistic fields
         Rarita-Schwinger fields
         Boson mapping
         p-adic number system
         Scalar tensor theory
         Quantum flavor dynamics
         Density dependent hadronic field theory
         Quantum field theory
         Seiberg duality
         Spontaneous symmetry breaking
         CPT theorem
         Poincare covariant quantum field theory
         Scale invariant Euclidean field theory
         Heat kernel approach
         Feynman rules
         Fermionic field
         Dirac fields
         Dirac Lagrangian
         Yukawa 2 quantum field theory
         Quantization formalism
         Wigner and Weyl functions
         BRST quantization
         BRST symmetry
         BRST cohomology
         Einstein-Brillouin-Keller method
         Landau quantization
         Kalb-Ramond fields
         Nonlinear sigma model
         Unruh effect
         Dirac theory
         Dirac particles
         Rayleigh-Schrodinger formula
         Background energy
         Casimir effect
         Casimir-Polder interactions
         Heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory
         Dirac quantization condition
         Turaev Viro topological quantum field
         Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization
         Maurer-Cartan equation
         Conformal field theory
         Conformal algebra
         Schrodinger-Virasoro Lie algebra
         Fusion rules
         Boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations
         Liouville field theory
         Verlinde formula
         Anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence
         Weyl anomalies
         Superconformal algebras
         Wess Zumino Novikov Witten conformal field theory
         Coleman-Mandula theorem
         Yang-Baxter equation
         Double-well potential
         Ultraviolet divergences
         Ultraviolet catastrophe
         Topological quantum field theory
         Chern-Simons theories
         BF model
         Chern-Simons topological quantum field theory
         Fermion bosonization
         Vacuum expectation values
         Gauge theory
         Gauge theory gravity
         Wilson loops
         Wick rotation
         String theory
         Ward-Takahashi identity
         Coupling strength
         Renormalization and regularization
         Infrared divergence
         Cluster decomposition property
         Nielsen-Olesen vortex
         Nielsen-Olesen vortex solution
         Axiomatic quantum field theory
         Local quantum field theory
         Hyperfunction quantum field theory
         Auxiliary field
         Bosonic fields
         Noncommutative quantum field theory
         Groenewold Moyal non-commutative quantum field theory
         Casimir theory
         Vacuum energy
         Spin angular momentum
         Fock representations
         Charge conjugation parity symmetry violation obey standard particle theory
         Quantized fields
         Background gauge field quantization
         Quantized radiation fields
         Twistor theory
         Bethe-Salpeter equation
         Wick-Cutkosky model
         Spinless Salpeter equation
         Bethe-Salpeter amplitude
         Bethe-Salpeter approach
         Zero point energy
         Zero-point vibrational energy
         Reeh-Schlieder theorem
         Thirring model
         Sigma model
         Doplicher-Roberts superselection theory
         Dirac spinor
         Dyson-Schwinger equation
         Bispinor geometry
         Feynman diagrams
         Feynman parameter
         Feynman expansion formula
         Bogoliubov transformation
         Semiempirical second order perturbation theory
         Galilean-invariant quantum field theory
         Fano resonances
         Fano resonance modeling
         Quantum gravity
         Twistor functions
         Covariant quantization
         Canonical quantization
         Boson formalism
         Dirac bracket
         Canonical quantum gravity
         Euclidean quantum gravity
         Shape dynamics
         Quantum geometry
         Causal dynamical triangulations
         Loop quantum gravity
         Spin network
         Ashtekar formalism
         Loop quantum cosmology
         Spin foam
         Quantum gravity effects
         Liouville quantum gravity
         Topologically massive gravity
         Quantum gravity theory
         Mermin-Wagner theorem
         Mermin-Wagner instability
         Yukawa interaction
         Coupling constants
         Quantum foam
         ADHM construction
         Dirac hole theory
         Abelian CS topological quantum field
         Standard-Model Extension
         Thermal quantum field theories
         CPT symmetry
         CPT invariance
         Reversal symmetry
         CPT violation
         Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation
         Feynman path integral
         Neutrino emission
         Finite temperature field theory
         Extended classical solutions
         Unified field theory
         Gravitation-electromagnetism unification theory
         C parity violation
         Nonlinear field theories
         Scalar field theory
         Scalar field measurements
         Quartic interactions
         Quantum scalar field theory
         Scalar O(N)-symmetric field theory
         Complex scalar field theories
         Noncommutative field theory
         Quantum mechanical systems and processes
         MIC-Kepler system
         Quantum mechanical effects
         Tunneling electroresistance
         Photoelectric effect
         Photovoltaic effects
         Photoelectron emission
         Wannier equation
         De Haas-van Alphen effect
         Quantum decoherence
         Wave wave interactions
         Quantum energy teleportation
         Local operations and classical communication
         Quantum chaos
         Gutzwiller formula
         Kicked rotator
         Quantum ergodicity
         Loschmidt echo
         Quantum billiards
         Angular distribution function
         Quantum tomography
         Quantum process tomography
         Homodyne tomography
         Correlated electrons
         Maxwell-Bloch equations
         Aharonov-Bohm effect
         Hilbert space
         Quantum tunneling
         Quantum Zeno effect
         Particle tunneling
         Electron tunneling
         Fowler-Nordheim tunneling
         Gate-lag effect
         Superconductive tunneling
         Resonant tunneling
         Resonant tunneling threshold
         Macroscopic quantum phenomena
         Quantum coherence
         Quantum thermodynamics
         Quantum mechanical state
         Bloch-Siegert shift
         Universal conductance fluctuation
         Many body problems
         Green-functions technique
         Classical-map hypernetted-chain method
         Calogero-Moser system
         Bethe ansatz method
         Many body perturbation calculations
         Mean field theory
         Bragg-Williams approximation
         Single-chain-in-mean-field simulations
         Phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire-theory
         Mean field potentials
         Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation
         Dynamical mean-field theory
         Quantum many-body systems
         Angular momentum coupling
         Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
         Spin coupling formalism
         Dynamic phases
         Position-dependent mass
         London moment
         Photon polarization
         Spin operator
         Bose gas
         Quantum dynamical map
         Aharonov-Casher effect
         Quantum magnetism
         Kondo model
         Magnetic flux quantum
         Einstein-de Haas effect
         Quantum biology
         Biological quantum heat engine
         Coherent control
         Quantum optimal control theory
         Open quantum systems
         Belavkin equation
         Quantum dynamical semigroup
         Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion
         Degenerate energy levels
         Hydrogen atom problem
         Wigner quantum systems
         Coherent destruction of tunneling
         Quantum control theory
         Quantum dissipation
         Quantum mechanical formalism
         Fermi degeneracy
         Expectation value formalism
         Variational methods
         Interaction picture
         Fermi's golden rule
         Matrix mechanics
         Heisenberg picture
         Heisenberg equations of motion
         Schrodinger picture
         Gupta-Bleuler formalism
         Phase-space formulation
         P-adic quantum mechanics
         Quantum mechanical models
         Quantum pendulum
         Gross-Neveu model
         Biot model
         Caldeira-Leggett model
         Partom model
         Richardson-Gaudin Models
         Quantum chromodynamics
         QCD sum rules
         Quantum optics
         Atom optics
         Molecule photon interactions
         Photodissociation spectroscopy
         Photofragment ion imaging
         Basis-set expansion reconstruction method
         Velocity map imaging
         Vacuum-ultraviolet laser-velocity-map Imaging
         Quantum electronics
         Brus equation
         Quantum wells
         Intersubband plasmons
         Quantum effects
         Quantum coupling
         Quantum electrodynamic effects
         Negative energy states
         Quantum Hall effect
         Fast particle effects
         Quantum point contact
         Wetting layer
         Spin valves
         Pseudo spin valve
         Graphene spin valves
         Quantized conductance
         Conductance quantum
         Photonic entanglement
         Coherence theory
         Atom photon interactions
         Quantum state engineering
         Optical lattices
         Quantum fluctuations
         Quantum information
         Quantum Merlin-Arthur
         Quantum simulators
         Quantum random number generators
         Quantum discord
         Josephson qubit measurement system
         Quantum computing
         Quantum algorithms
         Quantum mechanical entropy
         Quantum entanglement
         Superconducting quantum computing
         Quantum mechanical properties
         Geometric phases
         Berry connection
         Quantum state
         Triplet state
         Bound states
         Quantum feedback
         Dark states
         Occupation number
         Quantum vacuum states
         Werner states
         Matrix product state
         Tensor network theory
         Coherent states
         Vector coherent state
         Uncertainty states
         Atom lasers
         Excited states
         Excited state energies
         Rydberg states
         Rydberg series
         Multichannel quantum defect
         Excited state reaction dynamics
         Excitation energies
         Stern-Gerlach forces
         Stern-Gerlach experiment
         Gluon condensates
         Theories in quantum mechanics
         Scattering theory
         Bethe-Goldstone equation
         Jost functions
         Modern multiple scattering theory
         Moller scattering
         Relativistic scattering theory
         Partial-wave series expansion method
         Invariant amplitudes
         Partial wave analysis
         Partial wave expansion
         Helicity amplitudes
         Faddeev equation
         Multiple scattering theory
         Epstein-Carhart-Allegra-Hawley theory
         Kinematic singularities
         Multichannel scattering
         Many body scattering
         Quasiparticle scattering
         Molecule scattering
         Optical scattering
         In field scattering
         Umklapp scattering
         Gans theory
         Coherent backscattering
         Forward scattering
         Surface scattering
         Stimulated scattering
         Stimulated Rayleigh scattering
         Polarization scattering
         Hyper-Rayleigh scattering
         Fiber optical scattering
         Light scattering
         Willis-Tyndall scattering
         T matrix method
         Raman scattering
         High frequency approximation
         Out of field scattering
         Raman light scattering
         Single scattering albedo
         Invisibility scattering
         Inverse scattering
         Kirchhoff inversions
         Zakharov inverse scattering
         Diffraction tomography
         Ion scattering
         Quantum reactive scattering
         Infrared radiation scattering
         Lippmann-Schwinger equation
         Two-particle Lippmann-Schwinger equation
         Grazing-incidence scattering
         Linear scattering
         Visible radiation scattering
         Electromagnetic scattering
         Elastic scattering
         Surface roughness scattering
         Lifshitz elastic scattering
         Coulomb scattering
         Rutherford scattering
         Poroelastic wave scattering
         Particle surface scattering
         Inelastic scattering
         Mott scattering
         Electron inelastic scattering
         Hadron scattering
         Drell-Yan process
         Mixed quantum/classical theory
         Discrete dipole approximation
         Ultraviolet radiation scattering
         X-ray scattering
         Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
         Thomson scattering
         Compton scattering
         Nonlinear scattering
         Electron scattering
         Phonon scattering
         Lattice scattering
         Multichannel algebraic scattering
         Ramsauer-Townsend effect
         Rutherford scattering experiment
         Scattering problem
         Momentum transfer cross-section theorem
         Scattering matrix
         Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann reduction formula
         Dyson operators
         Marchenko equations
         Electron-atom scattering theory
         Schwinger multichannel variational method
         Born approximation
         Bethe-Heitler approximation
         Plane wave Born approximation
         Jost solutions
         Quantum noise theory
         Redfield theory
         Non equilibrium modified Redfield theory
         Generalized Redfield theory
         Haag theorem
         Quantum measurement theory
         Interaction-free measurement
         Hidden variable theories
         Quantum non-demolition measurements
         Quantum correlations
         Wheeler-DeWitt equation
         Von Neumann measurements
         Bohm potential
         Quantum measurement probability
         Mott problem
         Quantum nonlocality
         Local realism
         Born's rule
         Wigner-Eckart theorem
         Wick's theorem
         Quantum theory
         Path integral formulation
         Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization
         Quantum probability
         Non-relativistic quantum theory
         Wigner's theorem
         Hellmann Feynman theorem
         Kramers theorem
         Perturbation theory
         Levinson's theorem
         Operator theory
         Hermitian operator
         Self-adjoint operators
         Kato's cusp condition
         Bell's theorem
         Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality
         Quantum Darwinism
         Ehrenfest dynamics
         Bisognano-Wichmann theorem
         Adiabatic theorem
         Semiclassical theories
         Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation
         Ray method
         Periodic-orbit theory
         Semiclassical gravity
         Quantum mechanical perturbation theory
         Pilot wave theory
         Ehrenfest theorem
         Ehrenfest equations of motion
         Ehrenfest relation
         Kochen-Specker theorem
         Kochen-Specker sets
         Relativistic quantum theory
         Quantum dissipation approaches
         Spin-boson model
         Quantum mechanical principles
         de Broglie wavelength
         Planck constant
         Quantization condition
         Berezin-Toeplitz quantization
         Quantum interference
         Relativistic wave equations
         Bargmann-Wigner equations
         Bargmann approach
         Rarita-Schwinger equation
         Breit equation
         Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian
         Dirac-Coulomb-Breit Hamiltonian
         Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian
         Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation
         Dirac equation
         Dirac relativistic electron equation
         Two-body Dirac equation
         General relativistic Dirac equation
         Probability wave theory
         Zeroth-order regular approximation
         Relativistic electron theory
         Chronon corrections
         Yang-Mills equation
         Majorana equation
         Proca equation
         Joos-Weinberg equation
         Weyl equation
         Weyl metric
         Klein-Gordon equation
         Klein-Gordon operator
         Screened Poisson equation
         Matter waves
         De Broglie's hypothesis
         Electron holography
         Dark field electron holography
         Potential energy barrier
         Transmission probability
         Quantum limit
         Standard quantum limit
         Uncertainty principle
         Uncertainty inequalities
         Quantum mechanical operators
         Weyl operator
         Kraus operators
         Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector
         Hamilton operator
         Coulomb operator
         Wigner operators
         Orbital angular momentum
         Quantum commutation relations
         Operator product expansion
         Annihilation operator
         Birman-Schwinger principle
         Spin-exchange operator
         Quantum molecular calculations
         Wave particle interactions
         Electron-wave interaction phenomena
         Wave-particle dualism
         Wave particle duality
         Schrodinger equations
         Nonlinear Schrodinger equation
         Soliton solutions
         Time fractional Schrodinger equation
         Schrodinger single particle wave
         Coulomb wave equation
         Coulomb wave function
         One dimensional Schrodinger equation
         Time independent constant
         SU(2) nonlinear vector Schrodinger equation
         Time-independent Schrodinger equation
         Quantum transmitting boundary method
         Teller potential
         Generalized fractional Schrodinger equation
         Pauli equations
         Schrodinger wave function
         Time-dependent Schrodinger equation
         Multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree
         Schrodinger energy eigenvalue
         Correspondence principle
         Fock states
         Copenhagen interpretation
         Quantum statistical mechanics
         Spin-statistics theorem
         Fermion systems
         Causal fermion system
         Boson systems
         Quantum Bayesianism
         Electron gas
         Electron gas system
         Two-dimensional electron gas
         Two-dimensional gas
         Quasi-two-dimensional systems
         High mobility electron gas
         Density matrix method
         Bures metric
         Liouville-von Neumann equation
         Reduced-density-matrix calculation
         Von Neumann equation
         Quantum Liouville equation
         Wave functions
         Heitler-London-Slater-Pauling function
         Bethe wave functions
         Geminal wavefunction
         Antisymmetrized geminal power
         Quantum revival
         Wave function collapse
         Center-of-mass wavefunction
         Laughlin wave function
         Stochastic mechanics
         Quantum stochastic calculus
         Quantum stochastic differential equation
         Quantum Stratonovich integral
         Fractional statistics systems
         Bures distance
         Quantum ensemble theory
         Matsubara dynamics
         Kubo linear response theory
         Rheology and fluid dynamics
         Flow simulations
         Constitutive relations
         Turbulence simulations
         Flow visualization
         Electron beam fluorescence technique
         Lattice gas methods
         Flow rate measurement
         Rheology techniques and theories
         Rheological instrumentation
         Pitot tubes
         Oscillatory shear measurements
         Extensional flow measurement
         Convective constraint release
         Lodge-Meissner rule
         Normal stress difference measurements
         Tube theories
         Molecular stress function theory
         Molecular stress function
         Computational rheology
         Rheo optics
         Krieger-Dougherty equations
         Statistical associating fluid theory
         Reference interaction site model
         Gleissle mirror relations
         Fourier transform rheology
         Cell theory of liquids
         Palierne theory
         Twin gap magnetorheometer
         Bagnold rheology
         Polymer rheology
         Cox-Merz rule
         Fluid flows
         Transonic flows
         Nanoscale flows
         Polymer flows
         Non-isothermal flow
         Microscale flows
         Chemically reactive flows
         Thermosetting polymer flows
         Flame dynamics
         Combustion dynamics
         Turbulent flows
         Langmuir turbulence
         Turbulence theory and modelling
         Subgrid-scale models
         Subgrid-scale closure method
         Germano subgrid-scale closure method
         Newtonian flow
         Compressible flows
         Viscoelastic flows
         Laminar flows
         Sediment transport
         Oscillating flow
         Interfacial flows
         Boundary layer flow
         Multiphase flows
         Fluid bubbles
         Bubble dynamics
         Bubble model
         Bubble breakup
         Bubble coalescence
         Fluid drops
         Janus droplets
         Drop formation
         Satellite drop formation
         Drop coalescence
         Drop breakup
         Cavitation technique
         Cavitation bubbles
         Desinent cavitation
         Lubrication flows
         Granular flow
         Polymer solution flows
         Radiative gas dynamics
         Hypersonic flows
         Incompressible flow
         Rarefied gas dynamics
         Subsonic flows
         Quasi one dimensional flows
         Capillary flows
         Nonequilibrium gas dynamics
         Supersonic flows
         Rheological properties
         Biological fluid dynamics
         Fluid mechanics
         Fluid dynamics
         Geophysical fluid dynamics
         Aero-hydrodynamic analysis
         Hydrodynamic waves
         Shock waves
         Chester-Chisnell-Whitham method
         Mach reflection
         Shock dynamics
         Capillary waves
         Capillary-gravity waves
         Thermal capillary waves
         Gravity-capillary waves
         Hydrodynamics experiments
         Plume dynamics
         Gas plume
         Fluid coupling
         Hydrodynamic dispersion
         Hydrodynamic theory
         Newman's approximation
         Hydrodynamics simulations
         Hydrodynamic codes
         Flow boundary effects
         Hydrodynamic excitations
         Flow instabilities
         Stokes Einstein hydrodynamics
         Hydrodynamical interactions
         Boundary layer processes
         Quantum hydrodynamics
         High-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena
         Plume flow
         Hugoniot curve
         Lanchester-Prandtl wing theory
         Prandtl lifting-line theory
         Transonic swept wings
         Buffet phenomenon
         Shock buffet phenomenon
         Tangent fluid model
         Newtonian fluids
         Surface waves
         Stoneley waves
         Speed of sound
         Gravity wave
         Internal waves
         Gravity currents
         Vortex dynamics
         Non Newtonian fluids
         Shear thinning
         Complex fluids
         Shear thickening
         White-Metzner fluids
         Equations of fluid dynamics
         Rubin equation
         Convective heat transfer
         Forced convection
         Natural convection
         Applied fluid dynamics
         Torricelli's theorem
         Flow control
         Computational fluid dynamics
         Lattice Boltzmann methods
         Fluid dynamics simulation
         Navier Stokes equations
         Korteweg-de Vries equation
         Relativistic fluid dynamics
         Flow velocity
         Hot wire anemometry
         Ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry
         Janus particles
         Microfluidic devices
         Microfluidic flow-focusing device
         Cell microarray
         Antibody microarrays
         Micropillar array
         Antibody arrays
         DNA microarrays
         Cellular microarray
         Fluidic force microscopy
         Bernoulli's principle
         Volumetric flow rates
         Material processing flows
         Boussinesq approximation
         Vortex methods
         Flow dynamics
         Fluid systems
         Lennard-Jones fluid
         Magnetic fluids
         Barotropic fluid
         Bernstein-Kearsley-Zapas fluid
         Fracturing fluids
         Fluid jets
         Viscous liquid
         Viscous fingering
         Fluid flow processes
         Fluid wakes
         Fluid instabilities
         Eckhaus instability
         Fluid mixing
         Fluid flow properties
         Fluid force
         Fluid drag
         Flow characteristics
         Weissenberg effect
         Viscosity measurements
         Trouton ratio
         Nonlinear viscoelasticity
         Linear viscoelasticity
         Generalized Maxwell model
         Maxwell model
         Maxwell fluids
         Kelvin model
         Viscoelastic fluid
         Surface viscoelasticity
         Dynamic moduli
         Viscoelastic properties
         Palierne model
         Nonlinear-linear viscoelastic ratio
         Maxwell viscoelastic model
         Viscoelastic effect
         Zener model
         White-Metzner equation
         Biological physics
         Biophysical techniques
         Genomic techniques
         DNA profiling
         Cyclic-array sequencing
         DNA sequencing
         Biological macromolecule characterization
         Protein crystallization
         Fluorescence in situ hybridization
         Single molecule techniques
         Single molecule spectroscopy
         Flow cytometry
         Cell sorting
         Magnetic-activated cell sorting
         Pulse cytophotometry
         Physiological measurements
         Patch clamping
         Cell assays
         Systems biology and computational biology
         Computational biology
         Systems biology
         Self assembly
         Molecular self assembly
         Electrostatic self-assembly
         Biological processes and phenomena
         Cell processes and subcellular processes
         Erythrocyte aggregation
         Biological aging
         Aging theory
         Breathing processes
         Photobiological mechanisms
         Phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle
         Photosynthetic reaction center
         Photosynthetic pigments
         Beta carotene
         Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
         Light harvesting complexes
         Photosynthetic light-harvesting
         Physiologic process
         Blood pressure
         Migrating myoelectric complex
         Biological information transfer
         Cell signaling and communication
         MEK inhibitor
         GABA receptor ligands
         Receptor heteromer ligands
         Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
         Growth factors
         Vessel endothelial growth factor
         GHB receptor ligands
         Purinergic signalling
         Sigma receptor ligands
         Paracrine signaling
         Biased ligands
         Calcium signaling
         Membrane potential
         Action potential
         Hedgehog signaling pathway
         Tyrosine kinases
         Excitatory amino acid receptor ligands
         G proteins
         Programmed cell death
         Transcription factors
         Calcium encoding
         Monodentate ligands
         Biological signal processing
         Tripodal ligands
         Protein aggregation
         Metabolism process
         Enzymatic hydrolysis
         Iron metabolism
         Human memory
         Interference theory
         Computational neuroscience
         Neural encoding
         Nerve cells
         Cable theory
         Central pattern generator
         Neurological voice disorders
         Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials
         Neural synapses
         End plate potential
         Biological neural networks
         Frame theory
         Imprinting processes
         Rasch model
         Weber's law
         Group analysis approach
         Neuron model
         Rulkov map
         Morris-Lecar model
         Grey neural network forecasting method
         Applied neuroscience
         Brain machine interfaces
         Evolutionary biology
         Evolutionary dynamics
         Darwinian Demon
         Cardiovascular physiology
         Fick equations
         Cardiorespiratory fitness
         Cochlear mechanics
         Blood elements
         Blood plasma
         Therapeutic plasma exchange
         Experimental serum
         Menstrual cycle
         Physiologic conditions
         Dead space
         Relative refractory period
         Comparative animal models
         Muscle contraction
         Contractile activation
         Bidomain model
         Voltage clamp
         FitzHugh-Nagumo model
         Nagumo equation
         Spreading depression
         Bioelectrical impedance analysis
         Patch-clamp technique
         Bursting dynamics
         Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model
         Cochlear electrophysiology
         Nerve conduction
         Antitachycardia pacing
         Microelectrode arrays
         Refractory period (Physiology)
         Disability glare equation
         Persistence of vision
         Sense of touch
         Sensory systems
         Visual system
         Olfactory system
         Gustatory system
         Auditory system
         Sense of smell
         Sense of taste
         Saccular acoustic sensitivity
         Monaural detection
         Sound localization
         Medical physics
         Medical signs
         Medical diagnosis
         Medical tests
         Diseases and conditions
         Speech disorder
         Medical fields
         Haldane effect
         Biliary tract
         Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
         Intraocular pressure
         Tooth enamel
         Tooth decay
         Smear layer
         Dental materials
         Luting agents
         Cariogenic agents
         Cardiac rhythmicity
         Cancer biomarkers
         Gynecology and obstetrics
         Epidemic threshold
         Causal inference
         Immunologic tests
         Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
         Immune response
         Inoculation size
         Non-surgical procedure
         Radiation biology
         Electronic Medical Physics World
         Clinical pathology
         Blood compatibility
         Plant pathology
         Boron neutron capture therapy
         Mechanical ventilation
         Precision medicine
         Hormone therapy
         Peritoneal dialysis
         Electromagnetic therapy
         Theocentric interactive magnetic energy
         Zone therapy
         Tissue ablation
         Artificial lung
         Sonodynamic therapy
         Androgen suppression therapy
         Phage therapy
         Cancer treatment
         Percutaneous coronary intervention
         Drug delivery
         Cell encapsulation
         Metered dose inhalers
         Medical treatment optimization
         Paradoxical effect
         Drug optimization
         Light therapy
         Sapareto-Dewey thermal dose
         Surgical procedure
         Orthopaedic methods
         Portal vein embolization
         Hip replacement
         Brain stimulation
         Hip arthroplasty
         Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
         Cardiac ablation
         Endometrial ablation
         Catheter ablation
         Occlusion effect
         Cochlear amplifier
         Medical imaging
         Visual medical imaging
         Biomedical optical imaging
         Contrast agents
         Shear strain elastography imaging
         Nuclear magnetic resonance
         Magnetic resonance imaging
         Nuclear medicine imaging
         Gastrointestinal imaging
         Brain imaging
         Functional magnetic resonance imaging
         Laser Doppler imaging
         Molecular imaging
         Photoacoustic tomography
         Cryo-electron tomography
         UV X-ray imaging diagnostics
         Neuronal imaging
         Bone densitometry
         Medical image processing
         Magneto-optical imaging
         Functional monitoring and imaging
         Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
         Optical imaging
         Super resolution microscopy
         Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
         Photoacoustic imaging
         Photoacoustic contrast agents
         Speckle imaging
         Coherence imaging
         Speckle tracking
         Gamma rhythms
         Auditory evoked potentials
         Neural oscillations
         Tactile Imaging
         Medical X-ray imaging
         Computed tomography
         Residual stenosis
         Digital subtraction angiography
         Medical image quality
         Medical image spatial resolution
         Medical image noise
         Medical image distortion
         Medical image contrast
         Medical image artifacts
         Medical magnetic resonance imaging
         Diffusion tensor imaging
         Ultrasound scanner
         Medical ultrasonography
         High intensity focused ultrasound
         Intravascular ultrasonography
         Laser biomedical applications
         Laser phototherapy
         Laser surgery
         Cosmetic surgery
         Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis
         Laser scalpel
         Photorefractive keratectomy
         Laser epithelial keratomileusis
         Tissue welding
         Laser therapy
         Laser treatment
         Laser photoablation
         Laser medical sensors
         Laser bioeffects
         Direct-coupling analysis
         Biodiversity informatics
         Niche modelling
         DNA barcoding
         Microbiome data
         Taxonomic databases
         Biodiversity data
         Structural bioinformatics
         Coarse-grain model
         Multiscale coarse-graining method
         Coarse-grained bead-spring chain model
         Sequence analysis
         Pan genomics
         Sequence assembly
         Comparative genomics
         Computational evolutionary biology
         Computational phylogenetics
         Genome annotation
         Biostatistical modeling
         Translational bioinformatics
         Homology modeling
         Molecular biophysics
         Amino acid
         Amino acid derivatives
         Globular protein
         Protein structure
         Binding protein
         Protein crystals
         Fibrous proteins
         Membrane proteins
         DNA-binding proteins
         Protein complexes
         Chemical messengers
         Neurotrophic factor
         Heme group
         Fatty acids
         Chaotropic ion
         Biological macromolecules
         Steroid hormone
         Free radicals
         Chaotropic agent
         Nucleic acids
         Ribonucleic acid
         Deoxyribonucleic acid
         DNA aptamers
         Adenine deoxyribonucleoside
         Adenosine triphosphate
         Aminolevulinic acid
         Biodegradable substrates
         Biomolecular structure
         Biomolecular conformation
         Bioactive compounds
         Biomolecular aggregates
         Reduced dimensions forms
         Difference Fourier method
         Biomolecular interactions
         Protein ligand interactions
         Scatchard equation
         Protein solvent interactions
         Protein membrane interactions
         Protein-polynucleotide interactions
         Protein protein interactions
         Bimolecular fluorescence complementation
         Protein interaction kinetics
         Protein-protein interaction networks
         Biomolecular dynamics
         Ultrafast biomolecular dynamics
         RNA folding
         rRNA folding
         Protein folding
         Coarse-grained simulations
         Protein folding pathways
         Protein dynamics
         Energy landscape theory
         DNA folding
         Biomolecular transport
         Molecular biology
         Molecule transportation
         DNA condensation
         Molecular biology techniques
         STR analysis
         DNA studies
         Combined bisulfite restriction analysis
         Cell cultures
         Cell lines
         Cell culture media
         DNA isolation
         Masson's trichrome
         DNA extraction
         DNA hybridization
         Gene transfection
         Chromatin immunoprecipitation
         Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
         Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer
         Photobleaching FRET
         Structure activity relationship
         Biological systems and models
         Quantum biology
         Biological quantum heat engine
         Living systems
         Living organism
         Algae culture
         Single-celled organism
         Plant anatomy
         Plant morphology
         Plant nutrition
         Animal model
         Land vertebrates
         Aquatic animals
         Animal locomotion
         Zebra finch
         Sea gulls
         Domestic canaries
         Sloppy models
         Quantitative structure-activity relationship
         Swarming motility
         Biofilm formation
         Phytophthora sojae
         Bacterial adhesion
         Multispecies biofilms
         Quorum sensing
         Acyl homoserine lactone
         Bacterial growth
         Host-pathogen interactions
         Microbiology techniques
         Cell electroporation
         Lysogeny broth
         Eutectic colonies
         Microbiological culture
         Agar plates
         Electroluminescence microscopy
         Scanning spreading resistance microscopy
         Centrifuge force microscopy
         Thermal expansion-recovery microscopy
         Expansion recovery microscopy
         Field emission microscopy
         Video microscopy
         Video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy
         Scanning confocal electron microscopy
         Scanning helium ion microscopy
         Quantum microscopy
         Scanning Auger microscopy
         Two photon fluorescence light microscopy
         Two-photon excitation microscopy
         Scanning tunneling microscopy
         Photon scanning tunneling microscopy
         Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian method
         Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
         Scanning transmission ion microscopy
         Scanning probe microscopy
         Magnetic resonance force microscopy
         Speed scanning probe microscopy
         Resonance force microscopy
         Atomic force microscopy
         Scanning Hall probe microscopy
         Scanning thermal microscopy
         Ballistic electron emission microscopy
         Optical beam deflection
         Fluidic force microscopy
         Hole emission microscopy
         Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy
         Scanning SQUID microscopy
         Microwave impedance microscopy
         Strain microscopy
         Magneto-optical microscopy
         Kerr microscopy
         Fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy
         Brewster angle microscopy
         Reflection interference contrast microscopy
         Wavelengths reflectance microscopy
         Dark field microscopy
         Dark-field electron microscopy
         Raman spectroscopy microscopy
         X-ray microscopy
         Intermediate voltage electron microscopy
         Multiphoton microscopy
         Two-photon fluorescence microscopy
         Photocurrent microscopy
         Surface plasmon microscopy
         Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy
         Lateral force microscopy
         Digital holographic microscopy
         Differential interference contrast microscopy
         Optical microscopy
         Laser beam scanning microscopy
         Subwavelength imaging
         Confocal microscopy
         Three dimensional microscopy
         Scanning microscopy
         Photothermal microscopy
         Interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
         Solid immersion lens
         Phase contrast microscopy
         Fluorescence microscopy
         Raman microscopy
         Electron microscopy
         Lorentz transmission electron microscopy
         Reflection electron microscopy
         High-resolution electron microscopy
         Cryogenic electron microscopy
         Transmission electron microscopy
         Photoemission electron microscopy
         Analytical electron microscopy
         Voltage transmission electron microscopy
         Scanning electron microscopy
         Emission microscopy
         Acoustic microscopy
         Field ion microscopy
         Atom-probe field ion microscopy
         Kelvin probe force microscopy
         Laser microscopy
         Bright field microscopy
         Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
         Scanning ion conductance microscopy
         Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy
         Interference microscopy
         Surface plasmon resonance microscopy
         X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy
         Lorentz microscopy
         Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
         Pump-probe microscopy
         Magnetic force microscopy
         Microbial population
         Microorganism cultivation
         Colony counter
         Monod equation
         Dual-Monod kinetic equation
         Aspergillus niger
         Phase variation
         Anaerobic organism
         Antimicrobial agents
         Cell biology
         Gene regulation
         Eukaryotic cells
         Goodwin oscillator
         Cell damage
         Cell anatomy
         Ion channels
         Potassium channel block
         Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Fermi equation
         Intermediate filaments
         Cell membranes
         Purinergic receptor
         Interfacial instability
         Lipid bilayer
         Cell filaments
         Cell filament networks
         Protein unfolding
         Cytoplasmic chemicals
         Cell projections
         Cell nucleus
         Cell movement
         Cellular noise
         Extrinsic noise
         Helfrich membrane elasticity
         Biophysical properties
         Cell cortex
         Cell mechanism
         Cell viability
         Stress fibers
         Blood cells
         Cell polarity
         Cell morphology
         Cell membrane permeability
         Cell envelope
         Cell fate
         Cell elongation
         DNA amplification
         Oxidative stress
         Turgor pressure
         Cell counting
         Protein synthesis
         Cell processes
         DNA replication
         Long interspersed nuclear elements
         DNA fragments
         Cell migration
         Cell cycle
         Cell adhesion
         Cell differentiation
         Cell metabolism
         Cell mechanics
         Cellular internalization
         Cellular uptake
         Cell division
         Cell growth
         Fibroblast growth factor
         DNA supercoiling
         Cell biophysics
         Cell structure
         Spindle apparatus
         Proliferating cell nuclear antigen
         Polar filaments
         Subcellular processes
         Cell assembly
         Regulatory chemical networks
         Intracellular signaling
         Signal transduction
         Signal transduction networks
         Cell membrane transport
         Intracellular transport
         Intracellular trafficking
         Regulatory genetic networks
         Gene network
         Evolutionary genetics
         Genetic engineering
         Genetic modification
         Recombinant DNA
         Plant and animal genetics
         Membrane electroporation
         Gene knockouts
         Fragmentation approximation method
         DNA nanotechnology
         DNA origami
         Gene therapy
         Gene delivery
         Simulated body fluid
         Recombinant DNA technology
         Zygotic genes
         Polyphyletic groups
         DNA strand
         Thrombin binding aptamers
         Population genetics
         Genetic diversity analysis
         Genetic bottleneck
         Human genome
         Molecular genetics
         Genetic switches
         Genetic programming
         Gene transcription
         Genetic control
         Genome mapping
         Community ecology
         Life cycle analysis
         Population ecology
         Aquatic ecology
         Chemical oxygen demand
         Brackish water
         Biological oceanography
         Radiation biophysics
         Radiation therapy
         Video microdensitometer
         Morphology studies
         Morphological transformations
         Bijel morphology
         Ventricular folds
         Nervous system
         Peripheral nervous system
         Somatic nervous system
         Sensory nervous system
         Autonomic nervous system
         Central nervous system
         Spinal cord
         Blood brain barrier
         Oculomotor system
         Astrocyte signaling
         Organ system
         Endocrine system
         Respiratory system
         Digestive system
         Abdominal wall
         Gastrointestinal tract
         Immune system
         Drug resistance
         Antigen presenting cells
         Antigen recognition
         Musculoskeletal system
         Bone tissue
         Trabecular bone
         Osteoblast differentiation
         Bone marrow
         Tissue analysis
         Tissue diagnostics
         Tissue growth
         Tissue characterization
         Epithelial cells
         Ovarian surface epithelial
         Airway epithelium
         Tissue cells
         Tissue structure
         Vestibular fold
         Laryngeal vestibule
         Dermis layer
         Tumor tissues
         Skeletal system
         Bone lamellae
         Femoral head
         Bone matrix
         Incudostapedial joint
         Cardiovascular system
         Heart rate
         Cardiac cycle
         Cardiac anatomy
         Biomedical engineering
         Pressure bomb
         Biomedical microscopy
         Biomedical spectroscopy
         Biomedical NMR
         Biomedical EPR
         Blood glucose monitoring system
         Nanofluidic circuitry
         Nanoscale flows
         Biomedical equipment
         Neural engineering
         Biomedical modeling
         Plasma medicine
         Microporous membrane
         Pyrolytic carbon
         Metal foams
         Biomedical optics
         Photodynamic therapy
         Ophthalmic devices
         Refractive surgery
         Cardiac dynamics
         Biological movement
         Biomarker discovery
         Biological filter media
         Murray's law
         Biomimetic mechanisms
         Heart valve prosthesis
         Limb prostheses
         Human-factors engineering
         Cognitive ergonomics
         Healthcare ergonomics
         Biological systems engineering
         Synthetic biology
         Gene circuits
         Cellular and tissue engineering
         Tissue engineering
         Macromolecular crowding
         In vivo bioreactor
         3D bioprinting
         Cell engineering
         Protein engineering
         Biomaterials and scaffolds
         Environmental health engineering
         Climate change and health
         Urban heat island
         Biochemical engineering
         Biological complexity
         Circadian rhythms
         Cell collective behavior
         Cell aggregation
         Denaturation (biochemistry)
         Drug discovery
         Methylene blue
         Antiviral drugs
         Psychoactive drugs
         Cytotoxicity analysis
         Chemiosmotic theory
         Proton motive force
         Biophysical chemistry
         Fermentation process
         Alcohol fermentation monitor
         Biochemical reactions
         Cooperative effect
         Polymerase chain reactions
         Biological electron transfer
         Membrane biochemistry
         Biological membranes
         Tympanic membrane
         Serous membrane
         Tissue membrane
         Lamellar structure
         Fluid membranes
         Implicit membrane model
         Mucous membranes
         Lamina propria
         Lamellar phase
         Biochemical kinetics
         Protein adsorption
         Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
         Enzyme kinetics
         Michaelis-Menten kinetics
         Michaelis-Menten equation
         Diffusion-controlled reactions
         Hill equation
         Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
         Chorismate mutase
         Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
         Enzyme dynamics
         Enzyme commission number
         Allosteric regulation
         Society and organization
         Careers and professions
         Computational scientist
         Physical chemists
         Civil engineers
         Mechanical engineers
         Electrical engineers
         Nuclear engineers
         Chemical engineers
         Electronics engineers
         Biomedical engineers
         Radiation therapist
         Research fellow
         Government scientist
         Experimental physicists
         Optical physicists
         Biological physicists
         Atomic and molecular physicists
         Chemical physicists
         Accelerator physicists
         Mathematical physicists
         Atmospheric physicists
         Acoustic physicists
         Quantum physicists
         Relativity theorists
         Materials physicists
         Materials scientists and engineers
         Condensed matter physicists
         Solid state physicists
         Solar energy physicist
         Fluid dynamicists
         Semiconductor physicists
         Particle physicists
         Theoretical particle physicists
         Nuclear physicists
         Theoretical physicists
         Medical physicists
         Plasma physicists
         Physical therapist
         Philosophy of science
         Inverse-square law
         Scientific inquiry
         Scientific process
         Scientific literacy
         History of science
         History of experiments
         History of chemistry
         History of science and technology
         History of energy
         History of physics
         History of knowledge
         Scholarly publishing
         Science and Society
         Editorial note
         Corrected article
         Publisher's note
         Science Citation Index
         Conference proceedings
         Academic writing
         Open-access publishing
         Literature search
         Physics journal
         Laboratory manuals
         Pharmaceutical industry
         Semiconductor analysis
         Surface photovoltage measurements
         Semiconductor materials
         Semiconductor structures
         Schottky barriers
         Quantum dots
         Depletion approximation
         Organic semiconductors
         Semiconductor heterostructures
         Substitutional doping
         Solid-solubility limit
         Health care
         High performance computing
         Parallel computing
         Hyper-threading technology
         Cellular neural network
         Optimized invocation layer
         Connection machine
         Petascale computing
         Analog computers
         Electronic numerical integrator and computer
         Optical computers
         Digital computers
         Computer applications
         Centralized computing
         Cloud computing
         Computer systems
         Computer utilities
         Hot spare
         Computer security
         Secure attention sequence
         Computer threats
         Trojan horses
         Computer code sammy
         Computer architecture
         Computer hardware
         Nipkow disk
         Computer monitors
         Memory device
         Computer speakers
         Central processing unit
         Perpendicular magnetic recording
         Graphics processing units
         Computer memory operation
         Multi-core processor
         Data storage device
         Disk array
         Memory chips
         Data recording
         Call detail record
         Hard disk drive
         Inductive heads
         Magnetoresistive heads
         Digital versatile disks
         DVD copy protection
         Analog protection system
         Image scanners
         Optical scanning system
         Graphics processors
         Computer memory
         Metallization memory cells
         Semiconductor memories
         Charge trapping flash
         Memory bound function
         Nonvolatile memory
         Magnetic bubble memories
         Bubble domains
         Read-only memory
         Phase change memories
         Racetrack memory
         Phase change memory devices
         Silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon memory cell
         Conductive bridge random access memory
         Volatile memory
         Random access memory
         Magnetic-core memory
         Ferrite core memory
         Static random access memory
         Nonvolatile random-access memory
         Resistive random-access memory
         Dynamic random-access-memory
         Digital integrating computer
         Asymmetric multiprocessing
         Symmetric multiprocessing
         SIMD multiprocessing
         MIMD multiprocessing
         MISD multiprocessing
         SISD multiprocessing
         Flash memory
         Computer interfaces
         User interfaces
         Graphical user interface
         User interface management systems
         Software interfaces
         Geometer's sketchpad
         Application programming interface
         Message passing interface
         Hardware interfaces
         Microcomputer simulation
         Grid computing
         Biotechnology industry
         Government organization
         National Science Foundation
         National Institute of Standards and Technology
         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
         United States Department of Energy
         National Aeronautics and Space Administration
         National Institutes of Health
         United States Department of Defense
         Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
         Scientific society and organization
         Science museums
         Science outreach
         Research institutions
         Physics and society
         Public policy and governance
         Public and occupational health and safety
         Legislation and regulations
         Public administration
         Energy policy
         Energy economics
         Energy crisis
         Peak oil
         Electric power blackouts
         Net energy gain
         Energy return on investment
         Energy market
         Energy consumption
         Worldwide energy supply
         Electric energy consumption
         World energy consumption
         Domestic energy consumption
         Energy forecasting
         Annual energy production
         Public awareness
         International relations
         Cost-benefit analysis
         Regional planning
         Society governance
         Technical committees
         Governing committees
         Fellowships and Internships
         Constitutions and bylaws
         International governance
         Ethics in science
         News and events
         Scientific meetings
         Awards and Prizes
         Diversity in science
         Statistical physics
         Statistical mechanics theories and methods
         Particle distribution functions
         Electron energy distribution functions
         Percus-Yevick approximation
         Fluctuation phenomena
         Modern statistical mechanics
         Stochastic processes
         Bernoulli process
         Markov processes
         Hidden Markov models
         Brownian motion
         Prediction theory
         Random walks
         Continuous time random walk
         Voter model
         Geometric Brownian motion
         Ergodic process
         Stochastic calculus
         Quantum stochastic calculus
         Quantum stochastic differential equation
         Quantum Stratonovich integral
         Nonstationary processes
         Gaussian processes
         Gaussian random field
         Ergodic theory
         Gambling theory
         Lévy processes
         Time series analysis
         Statistical mechanics models
         Statistical field theory
         Field theory models
         Reduced dimensions forms
         Statistical mechanics equation
         Statistical mechanics theorems
         Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
         Boltzmann transport equations
         Statistical thermodynamics
         Gibbs entropy
         Thermodynamic limit
         Statistical randomness
         Statistical fluctuations
         Pseudo-random binary sequence
         Monte Carlo methods
         Lattice theory
         Heyting algebra
         Tsallis statistics
         Analysis of variance