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Four deaths and a funeral: from caspases to alternative mechanisms | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
A single family of proteases, the caspases, has long been considered the pivotal executioner of all programmed cell death. However, recent findings of evolutionarily conserved, caspase-independent controlled death mechanisms have opened new perspectives on the biology of cell demise, with particular implications for neurobiology, cancer research and immunological processes.

Matching Content Categories {📚}

  • Education
  • Telecommunications
  • Science

Content Management System {📝}

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Traffic Estimate {📈}

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🏙️ Massive Traffic: 50M - 100M visitors per month

Based on our best estimate, this website will receive around 76,749,346 visitors per month in the current month.

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How Does Make Money? {💸}

We're unsure if the website is profiting.

Not all websites focus on profit; some are designed to educate, connect people, or share useful tools. People create websites for numerous reasons. And this could be one such example. could have a money-making trick up its sleeve, but it's undetectable for now.

Keywords {🔍}

pubmed, cell, article, google, scholar, cas, death, apoptosis, central, nature, caspaseindependent, cells, biol, caspases, cancer, activation, necrosis, programmed, proteases, pathway, time, neuronal, caspase, sci, protein, pcd, induced, acad, mitochondrial, jäättelä, nuclear, activity, apoptotic, factor, necrotic, leist, morphology, cathepsin, blebbing, proc, natl, usa, neurosci, chromatin, pathways, receptors, access, movie, lapse, recorded,

Topics {✒️}

examples include z-val-ala-asp-fluoromethylkethone nature portfolio author information authors il-1β-converting enzyme/ced-3 proteases bcl-2 homologue bak permissions reprints fadd/caspase-dependent signaling pathway tnf-α-mediated hepatocyte apoptosis ced-3/ice-related proteases german research council tumor necrosis factor-α p53-dependent caspase activation induces p53-independent apoptosis tnf-induced caspase-dependent death orp150 protects age-related macular degeneration hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death catalyses atp-dependent auto-activation nature cell biol cancer research death-receptor-induced necrotic pathway fadd/caspase signaling pten bax-induced cell death nature rev adapter protein daxx fas antigen-mediated pathway daxx-mediated apoptosis retard caspase-dependent processes tnf-α caspase-independent cell killing nature genet chemotherapy-induced cell death salmonella-induced cell death caspase-independent cell death tumor-specific death program nature med caspase-dependent cdk activity nature immunol caspase-independent death pathways rock 'n' bleb cystatin b-deficient mice oligomycin-induced passive formation caspase-independent death process springerlink instant access jnk/p38 map kinases anti-apoptotic function downstream key regulatory step nature 407 nature 401

Questions {❓}

  • Calpain and caspase: can you tell the difference?
  • Neuronal apoptosis in acute necrotic insults: why is this subject such a mess?
  • Salmonella-induced cell death: apoptosis, necrosis or programmed cell death?

Schema {🗺️}

         headline:Four deaths and a funeral: from caspases to alternative mechanisms
         description: A single family of proteases, the caspases, has long been considered the pivotal executioner of all programmed cell death. However, recent findings of evolutionarily conserved, caspase-independent controlled death mechanisms have opened new perspectives on the biology of cell demise, with particular implications for neurobiology, cancer research and immunological processes.
            Life Sciences
            Cell Biology
            Cancer Research
            Developmental Biology
            Stem Cells
            name:Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
            name:Nature Publishing Group UK
               name:Marcel Leist
                     name:H. Lundbeck A/S
                        name:H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark
               name:Marja Jäättelä
                     name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society
                        name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark
      headline:Four deaths and a funeral: from caspases to alternative mechanisms
      description: A single family of proteases, the caspases, has long been considered the pivotal executioner of all programmed cell death. However, recent findings of evolutionarily conserved, caspase-independent controlled death mechanisms have opened new perspectives on the biology of cell demise, with particular implications for neurobiology, cancer research and immunological processes.
         Life Sciences
         Cell Biology
         Cancer Research
         Developmental Biology
         Stem Cells
         name:Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
         name:Nature Publishing Group UK
            name:Marcel Leist
                  name:H. Lundbeck A/S
                     name:H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark
            name:Marja Jäättelä
                  name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society
                     name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark
      name:Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
      name:Nature Publishing Group UK
      name:H. Lundbeck A/S
         name:H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark
      name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society
         name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark
      name:Marcel Leist
            name:H. Lundbeck A/S
               name:H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark
      name:Marja Jäättelä
            name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society
               name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark
      name:H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark
      name:Apoptosis Laboratory, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark

External Links {🔗}(642)

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