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We began analyzing, but it redirected us to The analysis below is for the second page.

Pdd1p, A Novel Chromodomain-Containing Protein, Links Heterochromatin Assembly and DNA Elimination in Tetrahymena: Cell
During Tetrahymena conjugation, programmed DNA degradation occurs in two separate nuclei. Thousands of germline-specific deletion elements are removed from the genome of the developing somatic macronucleus, and the old parental macronucleus is degraded by an apoptotic mechanism. An abundant polypeptide, Pdd1p (formerly p65), localizes to both of these nuclei at the time of DNA degradation. Here we report that, in developing macronuclei, Pdd1p localizes to electron-dense, heterochromatic structures that contain germline-specific deletion elements.

Matching Content Categories {๐Ÿ“š}

  • Science
  • Education
  • Telecommunications

Content Management System {๐Ÿ“}

What CMS is built with? employs HUBSPOT.

Traffic Estimate {๐Ÿ“ˆ}

What is the average monthly size of audience?

๐ŸŒŸ Strong Traffic: 100k - 200k visitors per month

Based on our best estimate, this website will receive around 100,019 visitors per month in the current month.
However, some sources were not loaded, we suggest to reload the page to get complete results.

check SE Ranking
check Ahrefs
check Similarweb
check Ubersuggest
check Semrush

How Does Make Money? {๐Ÿ’ธ}

We're unsure if the website is profiting.

While profit motivates many websites, others exist to inspire, entertain, or provide valuable resources. Websites have a variety of goals. And this might be one of them. could be getting rich in stealth mode, or the way it's monetizing isn't detectable.

Keywords {๐Ÿ”}

dna, pddp, google, scholar, scopus, pubmed, cell, crossref, figure, tetrahymena, heterochromatin, elimination, macronuclei, gene, chromatin, yao, sequences, cells, madireddi, protein, full, deletion, trends, structures, sequence, development, programmed, anlagen, chromodomain, molecular, proteins, macronuclear, show, text, developing, data, pcr, drosophila, biol, partner, pdf, primer, genet, assembly, elements, heterochromatic, sequencing, found, detected, dev,

Topics {โœ’๏ธ}

stem cell reports cell biology trends gibco brl/life technologies columbiaโ€“presbyterian cancer center molecular medicine trends genomics advances programmed cell death mating cell culture biochemical sciences trends pharmacological sciences trends biophysical reports lineage-dependent mating-type transposition cell genomic dna defined sites cell cell sds lysates cancer trends register subscribe claim somatic cell lines trans-acting factors mediating deletion-specific dna-binding factors current models cell samples confirm biology tetrahymena cell figure viewer show press crossref scopus rhodamine-conjugated secondary antibody cell maturation stability cell vitro cell cell reportsapril 25 camp-dependent protein kinase cell res biophysical journal deletion-specific trans factors authors contributed equally cell genet expressed ฮฑ-tubulin gene open access content cell biol dna sequence information electron-dense chromatin bodies medicine c-terminal underlined sequence germ-line soma differentiation mask macronuclear-retained sequences tetrahymena electron-dense bodies dosage-dependent factors involved large-scale dna rearrangements main menu science

Questions {โ“}

  • Waste not, want notdoes DNA elimination fuel gene amplification during development in ciliates?

External Links {๐Ÿ”—}(490)

Analytics and Tracking {๐Ÿ“Š}

  • HubSpot
  • Moat

Libraries {๐Ÿ“š}

  • Backbone.js
  • Dropzone.js
  • jQuery
  • Video.js

Emails and Hosting {โœ‰๏ธ}

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CDN Services {๐Ÿ“ฆ}

